Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2118 Flower Controversy (26)

Compared with Juren, Pu Songling, a native of Shandong, recognized his "jinliang" after failing many times, decided not to take the imperial examination, but became "Mr. Liaozhai", writing some weird stories, not just to pass the time, but to The female ghosts described in the works are graceful, tender, and both virtuous and artistic, and any one of them is the object of man's remembrance.

Specifically, the readers he faces are those scholars who are preparing for the imperial examinations but have no hope of becoming an official. If you can't get a young girl, then it's okay to get a few female ghosts and fox fairies, right?

Men have fantasies about these "fairies" because they are not living "women" who will worry about rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Jacob also had a fiancée, but that woman left him as soon as he heard that he didn't apply for a loan to open a bakery. Jacob didn't feel sad, but heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he met Queenie and fell in love quickly, even though he knew Queenie was a witch.

Taking a quick look at the female ghosts written by Pu Songling, they are very kind to the male protagonist. Even Nie Xiaoqian, a female ghost who specializes in seducing passers-by for the tree demon to absorb his energy, let Ning Caichen go.

Wang Yangming had a disciple named Lu Cheng. One day Lu Cheng asked Wang Yangming, "Why are some people afraid of ghosts at night?"

Wang Yangming replied, "It's because this person can't accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and he is afraid of ghosts because he feels guilty in his heart. If he can do things in accordance with the will of the gods on weekdays, what is there to be afraid of?"

Lu Cheng asked again, "You don't need to be afraid of upright ghosts. What you fear are evil ghosts. Both good and bad people will harm them. That's why we are afraid."

Wang Yangming replied, "How can evil spirits confuse honest people? Just because of this feeling of fear, the heart will not be righteous. Therefore, people who are deceived by ghosts are not really deceived by ghosts, but are deceived by their own hearts. For example, those who love beauty will be deceived by perverted ghosts, greedy ghosts will be deceived by money-grubbing ghosts, irritable people will be deceived by angry ghosts, and cowardly people will be deceived by cowards.”

In Wang Yangming's era, ghost stories were not as popular as in the Qing Dynasty, especially beautiful female ghosts, so he said that beautiful people will be fascinated by perverts.

Zhu Quanzhong's concubine in Yu Sheng's and Shen's family is good at singing and dancing, and she is extremely elegant. No matter how you look at her, she doesn't look like a monster with a green face and fangs.

The young monk went down the mountain to Huazhai, but the old monk explained that the woman at the foot of the mountain is a tiger, and she must avoid it when she meets her.

Walking through village after village, the little monk thought to himself why tigers don't eat people, they look cute.

The old monk told his disciples that such tigers are the most powerful and fierce.

Ming ware is an artifact used in ancient funerals. Meng Yunqing of the Tang Dynasty once wrote an elegy "Hell and what is needed? Do what I want to make a living." It means "In fact, why do the underworld need these things? It's just that we do our best for the dead. It's just my mind."

However, are the artifacts used by the living to relieve their sorrow, or can they really be used by the dead? Ji Yun and Ji Xiaolan think there is no conclusion.

There were two stories in his "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes":

When Ji Yun's eldest son, Ru Xin, was dying, his daughter burned a red horse for him. After dying, Ru Xin regained consciousness and said, "Just now my soul has left home, and my eyes are so blind Where are we going? At this time, I met the servant Wang Liansheng who was leading a horse and took me home. The only thing I can say is that the horse is lame, and the road is bumpy and uncomfortable.” The servant in charge of burning the paper horse had tears in his eyes. Said: "It's all because the slave is careless in his work. When I burned the paper horse, I accidentally broke a horse's foot, which made the young master suffer."

Another thing, when Ji Yun's Liutang aunt, Chang Shi, was dying of serious illness, she murmured to herself: "I just went to see my new house, the house is good, but the east wall is damaged, but what should I do?"

Hearing what she said suddenly, the family members were a little confused. After thinking about it carefully, maybe the house she mentioned was her own coffin, so they immediately went to check the birthday coffin prepared for her, and it was indeed on the left side of the coffin. It was rotten, and a small hole was broken. Neither the craftsman nor the overseer noticed it, but was discovered by her wandering spirit.

These artifacts are still within the normal range. In theory, mirrors are used to dispel evil spirits. When a woman looks in the mirror, what she sees in the mirror is her own appearance. She has a body, but Zhu Quanzhong’s concubine has no body. He was hacked to death by the rebels. The form mentioned in Buddhism has nothing to do with whether there is a substance or not. It mainly affects your heart and makes your heart unable to maintain stability and peace.

Zhu Quanzhong also has a name named Zhu Wen, who is a famous tomb robber in history. Since he got the mirror, Yu Sheng has been guarding in front of it all day long. It seems that he loves looking in the mirror more than women. Getting thinner and thinner, like a serious illness.

As for whether the mirror was stolen by Zhu Wen from the tomb, or whether it was cast by the immortal master with her blood as the concubine said, it is no longer important. In Lanruo Temple, Ning Caichen not only met Nie Xiaoqian, but also Yan Chixia, a scholar who loves to slay demons.

To put it another way, Hogwarts also has the Mirror of Erised. That thing is indestructible. The Shen family needs to find a real celestial master to "suppress demons" for their family, or else they will be like Erised. Find a place to hide it like a mirror. The mirror was also locked in the big iron cabinet by the father-in-law in the end, but after the father-in-law passed away, no one knew the whereabouts of the mirror.

Wang Yangming believes that "ghosts" are produced by conscience, which is composed of conscience and good energy. Oneness is conscience.

In fact, apart from the fact that people who are more in line with the will of the gods are not afraid of ghosts, people without conscience are also not afraid of ghosts, because they do not believe in ghosts at all.

Some people may ask, conscience is supposed to protect us, why does it create ghosts to frighten us?

Intimidating us is to remind us that there is no other way to correct our behavior, not to do bad things, and to correct them immediately if we do bad things.

On the other hand, a person without a conscience refuses to change after repeated admonitions, and does things his own way. When he does those outrageous things, he doesn't feel restless, nor does he feel guilty. When Ximenqing pursued his desires excessively, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. When he was about to die and his conscience found out, he was afraid that the ghosts of Hua Zixu and Wu Dalang would come to him to collect debts.

The classics of Wang Yangming’s philosophy of mind lies in “inside”—one’s own conscience. Accusing others is “outside”. If you are so angry to blame the other party, the other party will be indifferent, and even make the other party hold grudges. Why bother?

The old Juren believed in "not being tempted", which is what Mencius said, "I am not tempted at forty". Since he was 40 years old, he has not been interested in the female ghost and fox fairy in those novels, which will cause him to have distracting thoughts, and he will not be able to pass the Jinshi examination.

He hoped that Nick, like him, would concentrate on obtaining fame and fame, which is what he called "rebirth". Does the fame of a scholar need not be tortured? And monk Mingyuan claimed to be the son of the chief soldier, he could also write and heal patients, so he tortured him until he died?

The last time he wrote down the words "witch" and "gu" on the table in Nick's residence. At that time, Nick, a foreigner, was involved in Chinese culture for the first time, and he didn't quite understand it. After this period of study, what should he say next? It's "Gu".

Gu is usually considered to come from Yunnan, and most of them are bugs. In fact, Gu is not just bugs. The strange people-biting insects from Shanxi that were rumored in the Zhili area at that time were rumors among the people, and the so-called "poisonous insects" were probably Zhang Tingrui, a "poisonous man".

But Juren stayed in the capital for another year by virtue of his relationship as a tutor, and saw a lot of things. The originally vigorous soul-calling case died down within three months, and it was time to deal with the imperial examinations, the Lianghuai Salt Citation Case, and the Qing-Myanmar War.

There are many people who believe that the war is fought for money, and for military expenses, not only the Lama Temple has stopped repairing, but even the merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang will be forced by the emperor to become beggars.

After that, he will go to the south of the Yangtze River to "sympathize with the people's feelings". In addition to the 6 million taels of silver returned to Lianghuai salt to lead the case, the salt merchants will also "donate money" to build the Yangzhou Palace, not only to build pavilions, but also to buy antiques, treasures, flowers and trees In addition, tens of thousands of plum trees must be purchased for the emperor to watch.

No matter how rich the salt merchants were, they also went into decline because of the huge expenditures. The "donations" they handed over to the emperor were also dumb eating coptis, and they couldn't tell what they were suffering.

Later, there was really no money, and even the general merchant Jiang Chun had to borrow "internal funds" from the emperor, that is, usury loans issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is to say, Qianlong used the silver handed in by the salt merchants as capital to lend to the salt merchants, part of which was used to repay the fines that had to be apportioned every year in the case of salt citations, and part of it was used as the working capital of the salt merchants' business to pay employees' salaries and rents. The interest on this kind of loan is 0.2 taels per charge, and when they pay off the principal and interest, there will be more than 10 million taels of silver together.

The young Juren sympathized with them very much, and he had no debts, so he understood why the members of the White Lotus Sect wanted to eat the big ones. Not only because the rich family had surplus food, but also because the creditor died and the debt was written off. At that time, the interest on private loans had reached 30%, which was legal.

If you can’t pay your debts, you sell your body into slavery. After the baby boy is born, his identity must be recorded. If his father is a slave, he is also a slave.

The eighteenth hexagram of the Zhouyi is the Gu hexagram. This hexagram is about the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty only when the affairs are in trouble and chaos. It seems to talk about Gu, but actually contains the way to cure Gu, which can eliminate ills, set things right, and achieve great order in the world.

Of course, if you can't get rid of the disadvantages, you have to go in another direction. There will always be a few small Gu worms that swallow up the same kind and become big Gu worms, and separate from Jiedushi Zhu Wen.

Whether it is to raise Gu or cure Gu, it is not a matter of one day. The so-called illness comes like a mountain, and the disease goes like a silk thread. Qianlong's "prosperous age" left Jiaqing with a Himalaya mountain.

Conscience told Lao Juren not to take care of himself alone, but Liang Neng told him that you have no ability to help the world, and now he can't take care of himself, and he plans to adopt a child to take care of him when his life is stable.

There is an idiom called "rotten grass is a firefly", which means that fireflies grow out of rotten grass.

Maybe someone will be able to change this corrupt situation in the future, but that is a matter for "later generations". His "predecessors" are already lying in the grave with green will-o'-the-wisps. So he can only follow Du Fu's example. Every family sacrifice reminds future generations not to forget to tell him what happened later.

Maybe he can still find a beautiful female ghost as a neighbor, as for whether they think of him or not? I don't know, it is said that ghosts like to suck the yang energy of living people, even if the other party is a poor scholar, it is still profitable for them.

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