Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2117 Flower Controversy (25)

Georgiana remembered that she had seen the scene in Nick Flamel's crystal ball and knew that the whole of Europe would be in turmoil in the near future, so she had this "travel".

Now she looks at the book in her hand, "Nick" is also facing the coming chaos...

"Don't want to see it?" asked Bonaparte.

She didn't answer.

"Is that a difficult question to answer?"

"Are you not busy this afternoon?"

He fell silent.

Georgiana poured out two glasses of wine, handed one of them to Bonaparte, and sat down at the table to take a sip.

"I have something to tell you." She hesitated for a while and said.

"About what?" he asked stiffly.

When the words came to her lips, she didn't know whether she should tell him the prophecy Cassandra said.

About 14 years from now, a catastrophe could befall.

"I told you once that when I wish to hear advice from others, I will listen." Bonaparte took out his snuffbox. "Now, read on."

"Don't you find it annoying?" she asked.

"Compared to what I saw in the shipyard just now?" He smiled teasingly, "I'm just watching a play."

"It's not at all pleasant to watch."

"Tragedy is the classroom of great men."

So she put down the wine glass in her hand, treated it as an intermission, and continued to read aloud.

Soldiers in the Qing Dynasty have a character on the chest of their uniforms, which are divided into Bing, Yong, Ding, and Zu.

"Soldiers" are the standing army. They are divided into the Eight Banners Army and the Green Battalion Army. The Eight Banners Army is further divided into the Han Eight Banners and the Manchu Eight Banners.

"Yong" is the army recruited in the local villages when the Eight Banners Army is not enough. They gather during the war, and when the war is over, they reunite with their families and do their own work.

"Ding" is a logistics officer, this unit is generally considered to be a fat job, because they are mainly in charge of logistics supply.

Most of the "pawns" are guarding the prisoners. This occupation does not have any skills, but it is also a fat job, because the family members of the prisoners often "manage" in order to make the prisoner's life easier, so that they have a salary. extra income.

In remote areas like Guangzhou, it is impossible to have guards of honor like in BJ City, but those soldiers with the word "兵" on their chests still try to arrange the guards of honor as grandly and neatly as possible, while some officers without the words on their chests lead the guards of "courage". Maintain order around the crowd of onlookers. These onlookers also came to offer incense. Just from their appearance, you can't tell whether they are ordinary residents or rebels.

The supervisory censor "Zhiyuan" also did not participate in the sacrificial activities, he was also watching the spectators.

In the thirty-third year of Qianlong's reign, there was a case of rebellion in Hubei. At that time, there was a monk named Sun Dayou who became a monk because of his poor family since he was a child. The situation was similar to that of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Not long after the soul-calling case happened, or because he had a sudden inspiration, he thought it was a good time to start a riot. When he was wandering around for alms, he claimed to be a descendant of the Son of Heaven. His real name was Zhu Tongshao. The Qing soldiers fought.

The governor of Hubei at that time was Xilinjueluo Ebao. If it is said that E Ning Shangzuo asked Qianlong to withdraw his troops and not continue to attack Burma because of the tragic war situation, so as to prevent the Manchu Qing from investing too much and hurting the country, then Ebao’s suppression of the rebellion was complete. Insufficient in ability, Qianlong successively sent two censors to replace him to suppress the rebellion and arrest the chief culprit, Sun Dayou.

No one would want to be an "incompetent waste", but Asha's face was thick enough, Qianlong called him a "stupid" idiot, and he could admit that he was an idiot in the memorial.

This is also the "way to be an official". Asha did not lose his official position after responding in this way, and he can continue to arrest Monk Haiyin. At the time of the township examination, Asha, a Manchu official who had passed the imperial examination in Manchu, was serving as an examiner for Han students, so he was not paying attention, holding a pen and ink in his arms, ready to report the case at any time.

E Bao and the supervisory censor who took over his command were not as lucky as him, and could sit in the examination shed to escape the scorching summer.

They also want to arrest the accomplices of "Zhu Tongshao" and the demon party involved in the Soul Calling case, and they are very busy. At that time, almost the whole province was under martial law, and it was said that even the flies could not escape.

However, on August 24, when officials in Fuyang County, Zhejiang Province were checking a restaurant, they found a suspicious person. This guest had a fan with the inscription "There are priceless treasures, and those who have great blessings and great karma cannot bear them".

This is a common trick used by fortune tellers. No matter how much ability he has, he must first put on the airs of an "outsider expert". On weekdays, there might be one or two people who want to try their luck to see if they have that "blessing". And searched his luggage.

Charlatan, who would use his real name? The fortune teller claimed to be surnamed Yu, but the "Sun Ke" written on his ticket made the pawn suddenly suspicious. Could it be such good luck that he bumped into the "son of the great tomorrow" Sun Dayou?

Then the pawns found another book, and one of the poems reads "Break the rein and let go of the lock and enter the boat, and the guest will be released as a crime", which seems to be a lyrical sentence for a fugitive. The clerk asked where the "Sun guest" was from, and replied Jingmen, and then "Liu Bowen alive" was invited to the prison of the magistrate.

Before the trial, the "high man" confessed, neither his surname was Yu nor Sun, and did he have anything to do with Sun Da? His surname was Wang, and he was a scholar. People who are not tortured can't be tortured!

Under the intimidation of the pawns, Wang Xiucai wrote a confession himself.

He said that he himself escaped because he was implicated in Sun Dayou's treason case nearby. The county magistrate of Fuyang read Wang Xiucai's confession, and he was sure that this person was the imperial court's criminal Sun Dayou. After he went to court, because the county magistrate threatened to torture him, Wang Xiucai said that his surname was Sun, and that Sun Dayou belonged to his family. Nephew, committed treason, and still used the title of "Da Tianzi" to punish the Jiuzu, and then he ran away.

After reviewing the files, the county magistrate found that the suspects Wang, Sun, and Yu wanted in Hubei were between 16 and 30 years old, and the person in the hall was 60 years old. After a long trial, the county magistrates and pawns did not understand the reason of the matter, and finally they had to send the "half immortal" to the provincial capital for processing.

There is also such a coincidence that Aixinjueluo Yongde, the governor of Zhejiang at that time, had practiced alchemy before, and Taoism, which pursued longevity, was very popular among the nobles of the Eight Banners. "Jing", "Zhuzhenlu" and other Taoist works, as well as some books that count as auspicious days, are not considered banned books. There is only one poem manuscript "Khan Roaming Grass", even if there is no "anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty" text in it, There are also many complaints.

There was no rule in the Literary Prison that "sentences should not be punished for scholar-bureaucrats". They just put a stick on the ankle of the "half immortal" as a show, and he confessed.

"Banxian" whose real name is Wang Daoding, was a scholar in the 16th year of Yongzheng. He was good at observing geography, feng shui, and practicing medical divination. He came from a poor family and wanted to go out to find food. He wanted to visit friends in Henan, but the river in Fancheng was dry. Turned around and went to Anqing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places, and finally arrived in Fuyang. Because of poverty, he finally made a living by selling divination. He was afraid of being ridiculed, so he concealed his real name.

Because I love to read Taoist works and talk about the methods of cultivation, I wanted to cheat some money to live on, so I wrote the words "Pu You Priceless Treasure" on the fan. In fact, he has nothing to do with Sun Dayou.

Aixinjueluo Yongde passed the examination of Wang Xiucai, what if he is an outsider?

However, Wang Xiucai said a lot of useless things, or things that the thieves found useful, making Aixinjueluo Yongde dumbfounded.

In the end, it was found that Wang Daoding had nothing to do with the Sun Dayou case, and had nothing to do with the Soul Calling case, but his poetry collection "Khan Roaming the Grass" was firmly in the literary prison, and he tried to harm others under the guise of alchemy and self-cultivation. After one hundred rods, it will flow three hundred miles.

Huang Gongwang, a famous painter in the Yuan Dynasty, once made a painting called "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", which depicts the scenery of the Fuchun River flowing through Fuyang.

Although it is a governor, it is a bit "overqualified" for Aixinjue Luo to be a governor, but it is a good place.

If other Jinshi are sent abroad, they will basically go to some remote villages, and the good positions are basically not for the Han people.

Everyone knows that the daughters of university scholars are beautiful. There is an unwritten rule in the imperial examination system. The top three in the palace examination are divided into champion, Tanhua, and second place. Okay, but he is the most handsome in Brother Sanli, even if he is "Yizhi", he is very proud.

In the autumn of the fourteenth year of Shunzhi, Shuntian Prefecture held a major imperial examination. The chief examiners were Cao Benrong and Song Zhisheng, the attendants of the Imperial Academy.

There were 206 Jinshi in this subject, and there were 4,000 people from the "Best of the Eight Prefectures" who participated in the imperial examination, and there were more than 1,700 people from Bagong, Suigong, Guansheng, and Minjian. Do everything possible to unblock the "joints".

Li Zhenye, the deputy examiner at the time, was the left judge of Dali Temple. He was young and frivolous, and took other people's money. However, there were too many instructions and the number of places was limited, so he and his accomplices "weighed the choices" in private, but the basis for the choice was not literary talent and talent, but those with high titles must be recorded, and those with low titles must be recorded; "Yi Zhi" with less wealth.

On the day when the list was published, there was a great uproar in favor, and some students who knew the inside story of the fraud or failed to report to the government, the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials came out to accept the case.

Li Zhenye and his accomplices were sentenced to beheaded, their property was confiscated, their wives were exiled, and the examiners Cao Benrong and Song Zhisheng were also implicated.

Cao Benrong is a native of Huanggang, Hubei Province. He was a scholar in Shunzhi six years ago. He was diligent and studious since he was a child. He was proficient in classics and history. .

The imperial examination case did not cause Cao Benrong's official career to suffer too much setbacks. He was demoted by five levels that year, and was reinstated the following year.

But he was weak and sick, and died at the age of forty-four, leaving behind nothing but books.

At that time, some people compared him with Jizi in the Shang and Zhou dynasties and Xu Heng in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and believed that he surpassed Wang Yangming and became Cao Zi, or Mr. Wen Jing. Because he was too poor, he didn't even have money for burial. Of course, he didn't marry and have children, but he adopted a son named Tan Fengzhen from Hanyang. He regarded this child as his own. He gave birth to two sons, one surnamed Tan and the other surnamed Cao, and this baby boy surnamed Cao was Cao Xi's grandfather.

Even if he is not a son who has a real blood relationship with Cao Benrong, he also inherited Cao Benrong's frailty. In Cao Xi's generation, he simply didn't study "Yixue" at all, so he looks handsome, tall and healthy.

The civil servant did not participate in the sacrifice, nor did he scan the crowd like the censor. Nick had no idea where he was.

Fortunately, the sacrificial ceremony ended smoothly, and nothing went wrong in the end.

Maybe it was just a false alarm, because the other party already knew that the government was aware of it, so they didn't dare to sneak attack.

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