Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2116 Flower Controversy (24)

The sacrifice to Mazu lasts for a whole day, with the official sacrifice in the morning and folk and family sacrifices in the afternoon and evening.

The official sacrifice is in Nansha Tianhou Palace, which is said to be the largest Tianhou Palace in Southeast Asia. The southernmost tip of Qianlong's southern tour was only Zhejiang, and he had never been to Guangdong, but he changed the name of Tianhou Temple to Yuanjun Ancient Temple. Yuanjun can be a virtuous monarch, or it can be a good name for female immortals in Taoism. When the admiral took his wife and daughter to participate in the sacrificial ceremony, Nick did not accompany him. He depicted the grand sacrificial scene like a court painter.

At this time, Juren found Nick. Mr. Liao Zhai, who was good at writing ghosts and ghosts, was actually the same as Juren. He took part in the imperial examinations but failed repeatedly. In order to make a living, he also worked as a private school teacher and started writing his fox ghost novels during that time .

Juren may also want to go the same way. Publishing books is the long-cherished wish of many literati in addition to the imperial examination. Even script writers in opera troupes hope that their stories will one day be included in story collections.

As we all know, China's rural population is scattered in countless villages, and most of the villages are too small for the government to hire an important person to manage them. However, as a small community, each village should have a steward, and if necessary, let a yamen servant manage it, so everyone voluntarily elects a squire to manage the village, and they are willing to pool money to pay the squire's salary. He could remain in office, but if the squire was dissatisfied with the majority of the villagers or the most influential clan leader, he would be deposed and replaced by a new one.

Although the squire has no official rank and is not appointed by the imperial court, the local folk customs and respect for traditions endow the squire with certain authority. With this title, he is responsible for his villagers when facing representatives of imperial power. Similarly, the representative of the imperial power also recognizes his power. He can represent the villagers to express their wishes, put forward their appeals, and submit their remonstrance letters. They can even have a small-scale armed force to make the final judgment on civil disputes, Certain minor penalties may be imposed, such as caning, fines, etc.

Abuse of lynching is hard to put an end to. In Jurenshuo's "Soul Calling" case, Zhang Si's Zhuangshou Zhao should be a squire. He has certain personal weapons and can capture Zhang Si and other beggars. Forcing him to admit that he is a member of the demon party is almost the same as witch hunting in the Middle Ages. Isn't the so-called divine judgment another form of torture?

The squires assembled in the courts set up for them to settle the villagers' doubts and decide on trifles. If the case exceeds their judicial power, all the gentry will jointly sign a petition, demanding official punishment. Since the meeting is held in secret, their joint petition will not arouse the resentment of the parties involved, and for such a solemn prosecution, The magistrate will not be perfunctory and neglectful.

However, the result of the verdict is not always fair. The magistrate sometimes colludes with the gentry and tampers with the verdict for his own benefit, resulting in an unjust case similar to Dou E's injustice. As an excerpt, it does have loopholes. Officials can be sentenced, and the list of prisoners who are executed every year needs to be drawn by the emperor himself with Zhu Zhu. On the contrary, in a patriarchal society, the squire is often the patriarch, and he does not use the law when dealing with family affairs, but family law and human relations. He can sentence Shen Tang.

In some places in Guangdong, there is still the custom of soaking pig cages. Nick only heard about it during his travels in the countryside, but he never saw it with his own eyes. Such punishments are controllable, such as putting the head above water for misdemeanors, and drowning to death for felonies. The admiral wanted to rectify this situation and reverse this abuse of power. He asked the squires in some villages to elect a chief, who would hold regular meetings and review and inspect past judgments. There were 24 of them in total today. They all participated in the sacrificial ceremony, and they stood behind the admiral.

This is a great honor for them, because they are surrounded by court officials wearing feathers. In order not to appear obtrusive, they wore silk clothes, the kind they would wear when Lin Gua was in the portrait. These people also had to undertake the work of cultural education, and gathered together every month to check the study of the candidates who were preparing for the provincial examination. Condition.

"Bao Daizhi Wisdom Survey of Chalk Circles" was collected by Li Xingdao in a collection of miscellaneous dramas. This storybook contains mostly judgments, unlike the literati in the Qing Dynasty, which collected stories about gods and ghosts.

The rulers of the Yuan Dynasty were also nomads, but there was basically no record of literary inquisition, so stories like Dou E's injustice were spread.

The guillotine is also a production tool of the nomads. Theoretically, it is impossible for Bao Zheng to use this tool to kill Chen Shimei in the court of Kaifeng Mansion. Arranged to "Bao Longtu".

This is not in line with procedural justice, but it is in line with natural justice. Nick thinks that what the villagers need more is these, rather than those fairy tales. However, if Nick was also a literati in the Qing Dynasty, he would also write ghost stories. Even so, he would have to worry about writing and writing.

Although the admiral fully implemented the Taoist "governance by doing nothing", his management style won him a good official reputation. The work of the admiral includes suppressing rebellions and stabilizing the place. Guangxi, which is adjacent to Guangdong, is far less stable than Guangdong. One is because of the immigration problem, the surplus population of Guangdong and Hunan migrated to Guangxi. The Han nationality is a farming nation, and they will open up wasteland wherever they go. However, the land in Guangxi is barren and not suitable for farming. Corn, a high-yielding crop, has been widely introduced into mountainous areas. .

The population of the mountainous area increased sharply, and the local Miao people lived on hunting. Wild boars were their main prey. The wild boars ran into the cornfields and wreaked havoc. Get intense.

On the other hand, because of religious issues, immigrants left their hometowns and longed for mutual assistance among groups. This lack of material and spirit provided suitable conditions for the spread of White Lotus. "It doesn't matter who you are when you join the gang, dress and eat, and help each other if you are in trouble." It is very attractive to impoverished and helpless immigrants. In addition, successive wars and mountainous areas that cannot be ruled by officials have also made some people who have left the patriarchal system. People chose to attach themselves to the White Lotus Sect.

Guangxi is a multi-ethnic gathering place, including Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Dong, etc. These ethnic groups still retain the structure of matriarchal society. Not only do they not understand the language, but also their customs are very different. Up to now, they still retain the torch festival and walk-married families. Way.

When you see the torches all over the mountains, can you tell whether they are celebrating a festival or planning to attack the village?

The White Lotus Sect advocates "eating big households", and many of these "big households" are still indigenous people, and the wealth they have accumulated for generations is much greater than that brought by immigrants. However, the ruffians among the aborigines often colluded with the servants to "make waves without wind". In addition, the Qianlong court ruled the White Lotus Sect, and believers from all over the country were hunted down and slaughtered. .

This has led to two choices for the local people. Either choose to join the religion, which will save you from all disasters of fire, fire, swords and soldiers, or not to join the religion. The embarrassment caused by the shortage was always hanging over the head. More people died of starvation than those who died in battle in the Chuanchu White Lotus Sect uprising.

They should not appear in the Guangdong area in theory, but there are exceptions to everything. The admiral's "cultural rule" method cannot prevent all believers from listening to the preaching of monks and Taoists with ulterior motives. Fortunately, the squires discovered the anomaly in time, and it was precisely because of their notification that Cao Xi discovered the secret altar of the White Lotus Sect built in a remote area.

Wizards, sorcerers, and fortune-tellers are rampant in the countryside, trampling on the court's laws, and causing panic among the people.

Fishing also depends on the sky for food. Mazu can keep fishermen safe at sea, but cannot help them get rich. A contented person does not burden himself with profit, but allows others to benefit as well.

In order to earn more money, the boatman has been busy day and night. In the past, he had a good harvest. Later, the fish in the river became less and less, and the amount of fish caught in a day was less than an hour.

Just because of the saying "A contented person does not burden himself with profit", Juren felt that the admiral could be followed, although the admiral's family was not as populous as the Xilinjueluo family where he had served as a private school teacher.

This Manchu Qing official is very interesting. When he wrote letters to Heshen and refused to give gifts, he was also "standing in line". The Supreme Emperor abdicated, but he did not completely abdicate.

Zheng Banqiao has a saying, "It's rare to be confused." Many prophecies must be comprehended by oneself, although many people think that the prophecies circulated among the people are either compiled or coincidental.

For example, after King Li Zicheng attacked BJ, he asked his fortune-teller's army to make up a prophecy "Eighteen sons master the magic weapon" to create an atmosphere where his destiny belongs. The man who ended the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Xianzhong was also fighting, and he named the country "Shun".

If you can know the result in advance, you will not go wrong when betting, which is why people are so fascinated by fortune-telling and prophecy.

The point is that the prophecy is vague, and the final result may be completely different from what the guesser thought.

While many prophets, like Sybill Clawney, are harmless in the eyes of many people, at most she can say "you are dying", but the harm caused by a lying prophet like Grindelwald is incalculable.

Children often have no intentions, they don't understand the sinister nature of the human heart, and they make up nursery rhymes and sing whatever the adults teach them.

Napoleon also dealt with it. Someone told the children the deeds of the noble girl who saved her father with blood wine.

In the story Nick wrote, the children also sang the ballad, and Juren heard it and told Nick.

This song is sung like this: If you want red flowers to bloom, you must wait for severe frost to come.

Many operas are sung in the form of poetry, but the lyrics are prophecy.

Zhu Quanzhong was the founding emperor of the Later Liang Dynasty. He participated in the Huangchao Uprising in his early years and returned to the Tang Dynasty after leaving Huangchao. He was named Zhu Quanzhong.

Huang Chao wrote a poem after losing the competition:

When autumn comes and September 8th, when my flowers bloom, a hundred flowers will kill,

The fragrance of soaring sky passes through Chang'an, and the whole city is full of golden armour.

This poem is about chrysanthemums, and after the severe frost, only chrysanthemums will bloom.

But now it's spring, where does the frost come from?

Georgiana turned to the next page. The illustration on this page was a soldier with a big sword in his hand. He didn't have Guan Gong's beautiful beard and phoenix eyes, but the big sword reminded her of Qinglong Yanyue Dao.

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