Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2119 Flower Controversy (27)

In Chinese historical classics, the period under the rule of Yao, Shun and Yu is regarded as an era that benefited the people, but their deeds were not compiled into dramas and performed on the stage.

The stories of tyrants are rarely made into dramas. Yu established the first hereditary dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, because Yu's territory was called Xia. Although the empire was established at that time, the overall shape was still very simple. Although experienced many crises and changes during the period, crises and changes are always accompanied by authoritarian systems.

It is difficult for us to use one or two sentences to describe the social turmoil at that time. Although each turmoil is somewhat different, it basically shows the same scene: a sluggish monarch who does not want to make progress and is greedy for pleasure. Overthrown by a bold vassal who rose up in rebellion. Under the leadership of a handful of disaffected people, the bold princes set themselves up as kings. The powerful man quickly put aside the lessons of his predecessor's overthrow and indulged in a life of luxury and lust. Under the attack of politically ambitious opponents, his dynasty collapsed in an instant. What we see is not an image of Shaokang, but a portrait of Lu Gui. They are China's Titus and Caligula. In the eyes of the Chinese, Lu Gui is a typical tyrant. He married a woman who was as evil as himself. Luxurious palaces are walled with ivory and decorated with various precious stones. In this official palace, they ordered people to dig a wine pool, and piled up rows of delicious barbecue around the wine pool. In order to taste these delicious grilled meats, you have to drink a lot of soju, and drinking a lot of alcohol can make people lose their minds. The emperor and the empress often hold all kinds of unbelievable carnival activities in the magnificent royal palace, blood and wine flow on the marble floor, bursts of dying screams and wanton laughter come from the jasper gates of the palace When it came out, the people were all shocked when they heard this weird sound. If any honest man dared to express his indignation, any wise minister dared to speak out, the emperor would order him to be tied to a bronze pillar, and the outside of the pillar would be coated with resin, and the inside of the pillar would be filled with red charcoal. Anyone on the bronze pillar will be roasted to death.

Listening to their miserable screams and seeing them struggling and plucking wildly, this devil couple never tires of it. The whole of China is deeply disturbed by this situation, yet it is they who rule the country, such as Lu Gui and Meixi, Zhou Xin and the favorite concubine Daji. China's second dynasty, the Shang, ended at the hands of King Zhou, who was overthrown by a new dynasty in 112 BC. After the demise of the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty was established and ruled China for 873 years. However, several powerful princes continued to put forward various demands, and even refused to recognize the absolute authority of King Wu of Zhou, forcing King Wu of Zhou to accept some kind of feudal authority.

This is nothing more than an innocuous expression of subordinates, without any actual benefits, and only pays a pitiful tribute to the court. King Wu, who founded the Zhou Dynasty, had to approve their demands. This is also the cause of the separatist regime of the princes. For hundreds of years, China has been full of disputes and wars. The wars began in 750 BC and lasted for nearly 500 years. During that period of time, China was divided into 21 vassal states, and wars were raging everywhere. However, there was a rather peculiar phenomenon at that time. The ideological movement in China did not seem to be affected by the war, but began to manifest itself strongly. All great theories and classic books came out in that turbulent era. In this chaotic situation, the vassal states seem to be more focused on mobilizing all their talents for their own use. Laozi, Confucius, and Mencius were all famous thinkers during the Zhou Dynasty.

On the contrary, in the following dynasties, the two established emperors restored the centralization of power, and science and literature suffered unprecedented persecution.

In addition to the dramas about Dou E’s Injustice, Chalk Circle, Xing Le Tu that Nick had seen before, Pu Songling’s "Liao Zhai Opera" was the most popular. It became a drama, and Juren also went to see it when he was young, and Liao Zhai Opera soon became one of the important themes of drama.

But today's performance is Tang Xianzu's Peony Pavilion, the full name of which is "The Resurrection of the Peony Pavilion". Although it is also a ghost theme, it cannot be regarded as a Liaozhai opera because it was not written by Pu Songling.

Nick had a weird feeling about the love scenes ever since he knew all the female characters were played by men.

At this time, the lady's personal maid found Nick and handed him a fan. Nick opened the fan and found two lines written in golden ink:

Transporting the needle is like transporting a catty, and removing shade is like demolishing a house.

"This was written by Su Dongpo." Juren said after seeing the fan in his hand, "He wrote this poem to praise an ophthalmologist who performed the technique of pulling out obstacles for him."

As a European who is used to showing affection to women, Nick received a gift from a woman for the first time.

Su Dongpo is a very romantic poet, and he is also an official. He used to be an official in Hangzhou and built a levee by the West Lake. When Marco Polo came to Hangzhou, he saw such a beautiful and prosperous city. He has a lot of credit:

The water is shimmering and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

If Nick could translate the beauty of this poem perfectly, he would let readers appreciate it, unfortunately he doesn't know how to translate it decently, and not everyone likes this style.

There is a small painting on the back of the fan, with four peonies of different colors painted on it. Nick was surprised at first, because Miss Wanning had just recovered her eyesight, so how could she know how to paint? Later, he found the signature on the side of the painting. :

Cao Xi would like to paint four-color peonies as a token of respect.

Then it's the admiral's turn to step forward: May the cool wind blown by the fan drive away the heat.

In other words, this is a "letter of thanks" from a family, and it does not convey any personal feelings between men and women like on the stage.

He was at a loss when he accepted the gift, and the maid left, and then Shuangguan came over, complimenting him: In Guangzhou, no, every time the admiral arrives in a new city, he will search for famous doctors to treat the lady, But none of them was optimistic about them, and those famous doctors only wanted high remuneration, and Nick and the priest didn't get a penny. These two foreign doctors traveled far and wide, and devoted themselves to treating patients without fame and fortune. Such a model is hard to find in the world.

Then there were so many compliments and fist-pumps, as if Nick had healed their family, so they thanked them, that no one watched the show.

However, the matter did not end there. The door of the Admiral's Mansion was open, and four or five neatly dressed servants wearing official caps suddenly ran in, heading towards the lobby where the Admiral was.

All the guests looked at them, but no one discussed it, but from their expressions, it could be seen that they already knew something inside.

"Have you ever heard of Miluotuo?" Shuangguan asked in a low voice.

Miluotuo is the Pangu of the Yao nationality. This goddess created the world like Pangu and created human beings like Nuwa.

At the same time, the goddess will also send the flower god to scatter the seeds of hundreds of flowers on the ground, so there is a saying that "all the flowers will bloom in the coming year, but red flowers are the most colorful". In the customs of the Yao people, "safflower" is a good name for young Yao women. .

Yao people's women are not from Jiangnan, even if they don't know how to play Gu, they can't be provoked, and the "sister gang" formed by them is also known as the "Safflower Club".

In Shuowen Jiezi, Gu means worms in the abdomen, but in the preface to the "Book of Changes", the explanation: Gu people are things.

The translation means that there are many "things", and everything is urgent. Want to live a peaceful life?

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