Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2109 Flower Controversy (17)

After learning the "Four Books", students will immediately learn the "Five Classics". The first of the "Five Classics" is the "Book of Changes". Understanding the writings, Nick was surprised that the gossip images were found on the back of the turtle.

The wisdom of "gua images" has always been something that ancient Chinese thinkers longed for. Confucius was particularly surprised by the mystery of hexagram images, and the special influence on hexagram images was praised by the fund. Most of the energy is used to interpret the hexagrams, but it cannot ensure a complete understanding of the meaning of various hexagrams.

China's theory of the origin of the universe is intricate, and Nick is more willing to turn to Taoism than the myths told by the old Juren. A traditional view is that there are two things when a person is alive, one is the soul representing the spirit of the spirit, and the other is the soul representing the spirit of the body. Yin and Yang depend on each other to create everything in the world. When a person is alive, the two coexist harmoniously in the body, and when a person dies, the two will be separated. The soul corresponds to yang, and the soul corresponds to yin.

The Egyptians believe that the soul will leave the body to play around, and the Chinese also believe that the soul leaves the body when a person sleeps. Of course, it usually returns, but if the soul leaves the body for a long time, various abnormalities will occur, and there will be more will get sick. Drowsiness, madness, and even death.

A Dutch sinologist discovered in Xiamen, the southeast community where he lived, that people’s panic, anxiety and insomnia are caused by the long-term separation of the soul from the body. It is believed that the child's soul was scared away. In this case, as long as the child's soul is called back, his illness will be cured.

The very old idea of ​​"calling back" a spirit that has been separated from the body is associated with ritual activities after death and with recovery from illness.

Strictly speaking, Guangdong did not belong to the Chu State during the Warring States Period. The people living here were the "Baiyue Clan". It is also the earliest name of Guangzhou.

During the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, a stone archway was built at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain. The archway faces the east, with "Yuexiu Qifeng" written on the front and "Ancient Chu Court" written on the back. The southeast region is deeply influenced by Chu culture. In the local funeral customs, there is a process of "recalling the soul", so that the deceased who is sacrificed will go to the place where his body is buried to enjoy offerings.

Sometimes they will also invite a band to play that kind of noisy music, and future generations will report the achievements and mistakes of the year at this time.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous poet named Qu Yuan. He wrote a book called "Li Sao", in which the sentence "the soul returns". It is believed that a person separates from the body voluntarily or involuntarily, and when astralias occur, the spirit of the astralian sometimes gets into a lot of trouble during the astral process, or becomes disoriented.

The "Soul Calling" case caused panic, and the first thing to worry about was the parents. In that hot summer, it was easy to get thirsty while driving under the scorching sun. There is a small temple called Yuming in the suburbs of AH Huizhou. A monk named Mingyuan led a donkey and went out for alms with luggage. He walked to a village near Shouzhou, which is more than 160 miles away from the temple where he lived. , he stopped to drink from a well. Since he could not fetch water without a bucket, he went to a village house where three children were playing at the door, and he asked them for a bucket.

No one paid any attention to him, he patted a child on the head casually, and hurried on with thirst, but within three miles, he was caught by several villagers, who accused Mingyuan of stealing the child's braid.

These people couldn't help distinguishing, tied the monk, and searched the luggage, but found no braids. Then they escorted him to the villager's house, hung the monk, and stabbed him with a screwdriver. The parents of the child asked the monk to swear that his child would not die. One day, the monk was beaten and had no choice but to draw a talisman to bless him. These people released the injured monk and let him go back to his temple.

The officer of the county government rushed to investigate after hearing about the incident. The child's father handed over the spell and guarantee written by Mingyuan to the officer. The officer immediately notified the government, and the government sent someone to capture Mingyuan.

In the first trial, the criminal tried to explain the suspicious items found in his luggage. Mingyuan said that his grandfather had served as the chief soldier, so he claimed that he had a hereditary official position. The officials who interrogated such a stubborn criminal decided to give him a heavy sentence, and Mingyuan died a week later.

At the highest level of the bureaucracy - the Military Aircraft Department, even though the ministers generally have doubts about the case, they still carry out the tasks assigned by the emperor like tools. They have no other ideas except to go all out to eliminate them. The emperor had invested so much personal prestige and moral authority in the case that stopping the purge was not as simple as withdrawing his order.

The role of the devil in witchcraft developed in continental Europe was not brought up in the ghost calling cases. Judges relied more on the confessions of the suspects than on the advice of "experts". In many cases, children in European witchcraft trials were Standing in court as a witness.

At the beginning of his accession to the throne, Hongli vowed to find a "middle way" between his grandfather who was too kind and his father who was too strict. He did find such a way, but in a very strange way. On the one hand, officials are not allowed to abuse prisoners, and the last thing he wants to see is a mob surge. It is this factor that restricts him from acting cautiously. He always believed that the ineffective suppression was caused by the "official habit" that he hated the most. He cautiously concealed information and carefully protected himself, which prompted him to communicate through secret channels.

The bureaucrats are in this pinch, and although they are individually singled out for punishment, their position as a whole is secure. It is the nature of bureaucracy to block any form of fanaticism, for good or ill. This also means that people like Mencius who have the courage to express their opinions become more scarce. The final overturn of the Soul Calling case does not depend on the general quality of ordinary bureaucrats, but on the actions of a few high-ranking ministers. They had the audacity to tell Hongli that this was a wrong case based on false confessions and that if they didn't stop it would only cause more trouble.

The appearance of the Haiyin monk is proof that Tiandi will deal with people who cause public outrage. Qianlong can carry out an ambush on the way back to the Forbidden City from Rehe, similar to the assassination of Qin Shihuang in Bolangsha, which once brought Qin Shihuang infinitely close to death.

In the words of Mencius: if the Son of Heaven is not benevolent, he will not protect the world; if the princes are not benevolent, they will not protect the community; if the officials are not benevolent, they will not protect the ancestral temple; Today's aversion to death and joy without benevolence is like an aversion to drunkenness and strong wine.

The meaning of the last sentence is to drink too much even if you are afraid of getting drunk. "Benevolence" is an important ethic of Confucianism. No one will mourn a few helpless homeless people and monks. Several homeless categories.

Both wizards and "actors" are divided into lower class, upper class and middle class. Juren belongs to middle class, and Nick's painter profession "Danqing" is also in this class.

The profession of actor prohibits young women from performing on stage. The last time Nick saw the "actress" on the stage in the town, it was actually a man playing him. He wore heavy makeup and was far away. Difficult to tell.

This time the admiral invited the theater troupe to his home, and he had close contact with them. The musicians were all literati, usually scholars. Like Italian playwrights, they would tour with the artists. It may be because they think Nick is very strange, and Nick doesn't feel that it is degrading his dignity to make friends with them, and help them do some small favors within his ability. So in their spare time, they also taught Nick how to perform.

There is a story called "The Story of the West Chamber", which tells the love story between a scholar named Zhang and Xiangguo's daughter. At that time, the world was in chaos, and Zhang Sheng knew the generals of the defenders. He asked the defenders to protect the temple where the Cui family was hiding, and the Cui family was able to escape a disaster safely. born.

Otherwise, according to normal etiquette, women and men cannot live together in the same room, and the same room must be separated by a curtain, even if they grew up together.

"The soul is back~" Lin Gua waved his hand in front of Nick, and they were in Lin Gua's studio at this time.

This time Nick came to him for a gift, and he now knew that it was impolite to "give a clock" on his birthday, even if the day of Mazu's sacrifice was not the admiral's birthday.

It happened that Lin Gua's portrait for the young lady had already been drawn, and he needed to buy an exquisite box to hold it, so they left the studio together.

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