Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2110 Flower Controversy (18)

Hokkien is said to have originated in the Luoshui area of ​​the Yellow River. During the Western Jin Dynasty, it spread to Zhejiang, Guangdong and other regions with the "clothes and hats crossing the south". Poems by Li Bai et al.

Lang rode a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed.

Living together in Changganli, the two little ones have no suspicions,

The kind of love story that grows up together is called "childhood sweetheart". Children also played a role in the ceremony. From time to time, you will see a "little general", only six or seven years old, no more than three feet tall, riding a bamboo pole, with a model of a horse's head in one section, pretending that it is a A horse, holding a bow and arrow, ran past Nick and Lin Gua.

Their costumes are somewhat similar to Halloween children, but they are dressed as characters from Chinese mythology.

Lin Gua plans to customize a lacquerware box. Although Yangzhou lacquerware is traditionally considered to be the best, Guangzhou lacquerware is also very distinctive. He might be a regular customer of that store, and the boss put down his work and came to receive him as soon as he showed up. Lin Gua didn't come here empty-handed this time, he even brought a sketch.

The Chinese perfect the craft of lacquerware. Each lacquerware factory will be divided into several workshops. In one workshop, woodworkers prepare materials and make utensils. The stone removes the clay, so that the clay is embedded in the gaps in the wood, and then a layer of paint is applied to the surface of the wood with a brush. After drying, the layer of paint is scraped off, and a second layer of paint is applied, and then the previous process is repeated. .

The process of scraping the paint should be repeated all the time. Depending on the transparency and firmness of the lacquerware, the number of times to apply the paint is determined. It is possible to brush three times or even more than ten times in a row. An awl is used to pierce the lines into small holes, and then the paper strips are pasted on the lacquerware and sprayed with talcum powder. Fine talcum powder falls through the small holes on the surface of the lacquerware, thus replicating the pattern onto the lacquerware.

Lacquers have superb craftsmanship, but they lack a sense of design in patterns. They are no longer satisfied with simple glossy or matte gold plating, but also apply silver plating and painting techniques to lacquerware, and make patterns with green leaves, red flowers and Baihua's lacquerware, and the sketch brought by Lin Gua came in handy.

Some people like Japanese lacquerware very much. Although Japanese lacquerware has a simple appearance, it is still very thick compared with Chinese lacquerware. The lacquer layer is very bright, but the colors are not so rich.

These wonderful decorations are so expensive that even the most critical eye and careful observation can find no flaws, and it is impossible to bring them back to poor Europe.

But Nick still took a fancy to a fan bone, firstly because it is easy to carry, and secondly because it has a very beautiful pattern, the black primer is painted with bronze-colored bamboo, and the slender lines make it look extra light.

"It was customized by another customer." After learning about Nick's idea, the boss told him through Lin Gua, "How about choosing this tea pot?"

Nick felt that it might be difficult for this little thing to stand out among the many gifts given to the admiral.

"How much is this?" Nick asked again. He hoped to pay more to persuade the designer of the fan bone to sell it to him.

"Three hundred silver dollars." Lin Gua gestured with his hands.

Nick figured he'd be better off looking elsewhere to see if there was anything else he could gift.

There are more than a dozen antique shops in this area. Compared with the shop where Nick bought the clock last time, all they sell here are lacquerware, and there are also root carvings. The shopkeepers showed them the masterpieces of nature. The whimsy of the craftsman is turned into works of art, some of which look like monsters, which look ferocious and terrifying, and some of which look like landscape paintings, only need to carve two houses to look like a fairyland shrouded in clouds and mist.

Nick still didn't buy the gift he wanted in the end. Just when they decided to leave, there was a sudden commotion. A man held a sword in his hand and was chasing several children. They threw away the horse they were riding on. The bamboo horse ran towards the crowded place in a panic, but the people around them all avoided, not only allowing the children to run faster, but also allowing the man who was chasing them to kill them to catch them faster.

Nick decided to step forward to stop him. Lin Gua tried to stop him, but failed. When the man with the weapon came to Nick, Nick easily subdued him. The man was pushed to the ground, confused Said something he didn't understand.

"This man is a lunatic." Lin Gua ran over and said.

Nick still didn't understand, he looked at the onlookers, they watched the scene indifferently, even the children who were chased by the lunatic were scared and howled.

"The official is here!"

Someone yelled, and then a few yamen servants came over from the periphery of the crowd. The junior officer clasped his fists, thanked Nick, and then asked someone to take the lunatic away.

Nick couldn't help but feel worried about the situation in Guangzhou. A lunatic can cause such a big commotion. If a sane person really rebelled and rebelled, what kind of chaos would the city of Guangzhou be?

In fact, many of the White Lotus believers who caused chaos in Sichuan and Chu were hungry people and refugees. The legend of changing the world is very attractive, especially the ideas of "average" and "mutual aid".

"No one will help me." On the contrary, people will persecute the homeless. These people gathered into a force called the "White Turban Army", which later developed into killing the rich and helping the poor. People on the verge of peace and prosperity have become scapegoats, but the scapegoats are unwilling to always take the blame and act as sheep. The place where the White Lotus Sect first revolted was Shandong, where Wang Lun was located. It was also the province where Funihan, the governor who was most active in the Soul Calling case, was located. Qianlong's worries were completely justified. Nihan was a Manchu, and his punishment was nothing more than demotion.

The more people believe in witchcraft, the more people believe in religion. It is like a vaccine against witchcraft.

Those who originally lived a stable and wealthy family life will undergo a round of shock here. There is nothing to stop this madness except military force, unless they choose to escape. Returnees are like people.

There is a story in Buddhism that Kassapa would bring some food to the Buddha every morning. The Buddha would walk alone on the tree-lined path or near the lotus pond. Later, Kassapa would discuss with Buddha under the tree or by the pool.

One night, the torrential rain continued until dawn, and the Niranchan River flooded, and the nearby farmland was flooded, and boats went around to rescue people.

Although these people could reach the high ground, they did not find Gautama. Kasyapa sent several small boats to search for him, and finally found it on a distant mountain.

The flood rose quickly and receded quickly. The next day, the Buddha went down the mountain with his bowl and went to the village to inspect the disaster situation of the villagers. Fortunately, no one drowned. The villagers told the Buddha that because they did not have much property, the loss was naturally minor .

Kassapa's disciples began to rebuild the house that had been washed away in the flood. One afternoon, when the Buddha and Kassapa were standing by the Niranajana River, Kassapa asked, "Gautama, you told me the other day that a person Afterwards, I practiced this kind of meditation and meditation, and I began to understand that a person's feelings and thoughts are not permanent. At the same time, I also understand that the so-called independent individual is illusory False, the only thing I don't understand is, if we have no self-nature, why should we practice to be born? Who is liberated?"

The Buddha asked, "Kasyapa, do you admit that suffering is the truth?"

"Gautama, I certainly admit that suffering is a fact of life."

"Do you agree that pain happens for a reason?"

"I agree that where there is pain there must be a reason."

"Kashyapa, when the cause of suffering exists, suffering exists, and when the cause of suffering is eliminated, suffering should also disappear."


"The main cause of suffering is ignorance, that is, a wrong understanding of the reality of the world. Greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy and countless sufferings all arise from ignorance. The way to liberation is to see the truth of things deeply and experience all dharmas. Impermanence, selflessness and interdependence, this is the way to eliminate ignorance, get rid of ignorance, and suffering will be surpassed."

Kasyapa sat silently for a while and said, "Gautama, I know that you have witnessed it yourself. Your words are not just expressing concepts. You said that liberation is obtained from diligent meditation and insight into the truth of things. Do you think that all Rituals, worship and chanting are all useless?"

The Buddha pointed to the other side of the river and said, "Kasyapa, if a person wanted to cross the river, what would he do?"

"If the water is shallow, he can wade, if it is deep, he can take a boat."

"And I agree, if he can't wade or take a boat, then what is he going to do? Stand on one bank looking at the other, praying that the other bank comes to him, and what do you think?"

"I'd say he's downright stupid."

"That's right, Kasyapa, if a person cannot eliminate the obstacles of ignorance and knowledge, he will not be able to cross the river and reach the other side of liberation. Even if he prays all his life, it will be in vain. All worldly dharmas are burning, and every feeling , whether it is sweet or bitter, are burning, don’t let the flames of greed, anger, and ignorance consume you, be aware of the impermanence and interdependence of dharma, so as not to become slaves in the great wheel of life and death influenced by the senses.”

If you look carefully, ordinary Buddhas are half-opened and half-closed. Although Maitreya Buddha smiled and narrowed his eyes, those eyes are also closed. When do Bodhisattvas close their eyes?

There is a folk saying that if a Bodhisattva closes his eyes, he will not save the world, but Guan Gong will kill someone if he opens his eyes.

Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, and those who can win because of the enemy's changes are called gods.

The Buddha holds the flower, and Kasyapa smiles.

So what is Kasyapa laughing at?

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