Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2108 Flower Controversy (16)

The whole month of March seems to be used for sacrifices. This month is not only Mazu's birthday, but also a solar term called "Qingming". During this time, Chinese people will use it to sacrifice ancestors, and some people will go out for fun.

When Nick met a funeral procession in Macau, they would use a kind of umbrella called "soul-covering umbrella". The purpose seemed to be to protect the soul of the deceased from being harmed by the sun. The crying "filial son".

After arriving at the cemetery, there are also many people offering sacrifices, but these offerings to their relatives will not be eaten like the offerings to Mazu, they will stay there after sweeping, and will be eaten by hungry homeless people in a short time up.

Children will play with a toy called a kite, and they will not cry like the people who went to the grave like in the story of "Meng Mu Sanqian".

Mencius is not as famous as Confucius. He appeared on the stage of history more than 70 years after the death of Confucius, and he has always respected Confucius as his teacher. .

His works "Shangmeng" and "Xiameng" are a collection of dialogues between him and the monarchs of various vassal states, which outline his moral concepts and political views. He spoke sharply and dared to speak out. He did not deliberately launch a program for governing the country, but the origin of the popular opinion regime.

"The Doctrine of the Mean" is a set of moral system, and morality is based on this, maintaining an impartial state between the two extremes. According to Confucius, "zhong" and "harmony" are the source of all order and moral concepts. Some of the passages in "The Doctrine of the Mean" are very convincing, and one of them describes what a gentleman should do, which is also understood by the sage Confucius, but "The Doctrine of the Mean" still makes people feel extremely tedious to read.

The priest decided to treat the admiral with a homeopathic remedy, belladonna, to relieve the admiral's throbbing headache and high fever. It was used in Spain as a mydriatic, and women believed that it would give them beautiful, deep eyes.

The admiral's doctor disagreed. They believed that the admiral's illness was caused by "rushing to the heart" and should be treated with acupuncture.

We cannot therefore ignore the role of Chinese doctors and their valuable medical experience. The method of vaccination was introduced to Europe from China. The method is very simple, that is, to prick the patient's nostril with a cotton swab dipped in the virus. Acupuncture is also used to vaccinate against vaccinia. After the skin of the arm is pierced with a needle, the vaccinia herpes fluid is dripped on it.

The priest insisted, however, that the admiral should be given some tranquilizers.

The admiral's illness came out of a hurry, as long as Guangzhou was safe and sound before he left office, he would not be so worried.

The admiral finally received the treatment of the priest, and he also received the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. He fell asleep after being pierced into a hedgehog by a silver needle. Nick and the priest left the admiral's mansion at this time. Come again tomorrow.

Immediately after, Nick went to find Cao Xi, and the priest went back to the hospital.

China's current gunpowder is almost the same as it was when it came out in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the gunpowder contains a lot of sulfur, as evidenced by the bad smell. In order to ensure that the front-mounted smoothbore fire door can be ignited smoothly, they need to use a finer gunpowder as the ignition powder, and then use paper twist to ignite, but this kind of gunpowder still accounts for a large proportion of saltpeter. After the paper twist ignites the gunpowder, the gunpowder It began to crackle and crackle, and the gun continued to move back and forth for nearly a minute. If the artillery shells were fired at this time, the round shells or pebbles used by the artillery were often incompatible with the smooth bore of the artillery. The shells can only be fired. A few meters away.

They don't know about bombs, they don't know about grenades, and sometimes they just fire up the sails of sailboats with old-fashioned rockets. Their muskets are actually heavy iron blunderbusses, 7-8 cm long, fixed on a wooden bar, that is, there is no cleaning bar for cleaning the guns, and there is no trigger plate. Due to poor maintenance, the appearance looks dark.

The paper twist ignites the gunpowder in the medicine pool, and the gunpowder in the medicine pool is open, so it is not difficult to imagine why soldiers would rather use bows and arrows than machetes or sharp halberds rather than so-called firearms.

The British smuggler could provide the flintlock if Cao Xi was willing to pay, but Cao Xi rejected Nick's offer.

The reason Cao Xi gave was that the soldiers were already used to the existing fighting methods, and it took time to adapt to the new weapons, otherwise they would accidentally injure their comrades.

"Do you believe what he said?" Georgiana asked Bonaparte. "I heard that French recruits can go to war after three days of training."

Bonaparte seemed to be listening carefully, but she interrupted his train of thought by this sudden question, so that he looked at her with terrible eyes.

So she stuck out her tongue and continued to read the content on the page.

The governor has always been dissatisfied with the supervisory censor, and the pronunciation of the supervisory censor's name is very similar to a toy that Chinese children like to play - Zhiyuan. After hearing the argument between Nick and Cao Xi, he also thinks that the new one should be used now. The firearm was wrong, which left Nick dumbfounded.

"Why?" Georgiana asked incomprehension.

"The admiral is leaving, do you know how greedy the British are?"

She looked at him angrily.

He snatched the book out of her hand and read on.

Mencius believed that human nature is good, even if there is a tendency to evil, it is caused by external influences.

But in Nick's view, these people are not lack of insight, but fear of being played by their political opponents.

Nick stopped trying to persuade them, lest it sound like he was making a sales pitch.

There is a Chinese proverb called "a tree falls and a bird flies", the admiral is a big tree with deep roots and lush leaves, so Juren dared to leave everything behind and leave Guangzhou with Nick.

He wanted to hold a feast in the admiral's mansion, so he built a simple stage in the open space of the mansion, 6-8 feet high, built with bamboo slats, and the three sides of the stage were simply surrounded by red curtains, leaving only the stage near the background. Give the actors a hidden spot, which can be used as a small lounge, and separated by a large curtain.

There are also two doors on the stage, one door is on the right side, which is used as the entrance to the stage, and the other door is on the left side, which is used as the exit to the stage. Some people call this "Gate of Ghosts".

Of course, this simple stage cannot be compared with the theaters in the old streets of Guangzhou. Frankly speaking, it is difficult for Europeans to appreciate Chinese music. They are not good at composing music, and they have no concept of harmony and counterpoint. Even if there are two hundred people Playing at the same time, they will still make drums, suona and various plucked instruments into a deafening ensemble, which is completely different from the profound thoughts in the ordinary words of their sages.

It's hard to understand, just like Europeans can't understand why they pay more money to redeem the bones of the dead than the living.

"Book of Filial Piety" itself is not a book, nor is it an enlightenment reading material, but many writers in later generations have commented on it, even Tang Xuanzong himself commented on this book.

Nick believes that this is a set of moral principles similar to "The Doctrine of the Mean", which means that based on "filial piety", Wanning will marry anyone arranged by the admiral, even if she doesn't like him.

Bonaparte suddenly stopped reading.

"What?" Georgiana asked.

"Do political marriages require love?" he asked.

"Of course." Georgiana replied without hesitation.

"Why?" He looked at her with those blue eyes.

Georgiana did not know how to answer.

Just like Emperor Jiaqing, if Qianlong didn't love his concubine Ling, would he ignore the tradition of orderly seniority and make Jiaqing emperor?

Perhaps it was because Qianlong was still unwilling to delegate power when he was the Supreme Emperor. He needed an obedient and filial son, but love still played a role. After all, Qianlong did not lack obedient and filial sons.

"Do you still want to read?" Georgiana asked "Or do you want to listen to the violin?"

He turned the pages of the book, and the next page was still an illustration, which showed a couple of men and women. This is a very life scene, but it is very formal. The woman holds the food tray and rice bowl to the level of her eyebrows, and the man Then it looks like it's going to take it.

"I tried to translate the opening part of "Primary School" into French, so that everyone can have a general understanding of this book. A girl who does not go out of her boudoir until the age of ten is taught by a nanny. Her speech must be gentle and her appearance must be submissive. You have to listen to and obey. She makes red silk threads, learns to weave and sew clothes, and wears them for people. The sacrificial vessel is to help the elders according to the number of etiquette, and to make sacrifices. At the age of fifteen, you have reached the age of adulthood, and you can participate in it. When you get married at the age of twenty, if you meet your parents' funeral at the time of marriage, you must observe filial piety for three years and remove your clothes. Married at the age of twenty-three, after the man has received the dowry, he just married a man, and is called a wife, and whoever marries a man without a dowry, is called a concubine, what does this have to do with this painting?"

Georgiana watched him bewildered, and gently took the book out of his hands.

"This painting depicts an idiom called 'Joan Qimei', which means that the husband and wife respect each other and love each other."

He looked at her and stopped talking.

"One more thing, have you ever put on makeup for Josephine?" Georgiana asked, putting down her book.

"What do you want to do?"

She smiled at him, pulled him up, walked to the dressing table, handed him the rouge, and then walked to the well-lit window.

"Help me paint." She closed her eyes and said, "My exclusive painter."

"What does it mean?"

"There is another idiom called Thrushcross Zhang Chang. You can help me draw while I tell the story."

After she finished speaking, she waited quietly until she felt a wiping sensation on her face before telling him a story about a man in the Han Dynasty.

There is a Jing Zhaoyin in Chang’an, named Zhang Chang, who dotes on his wife very much and gives her thrush eyebrows every day, which makes her look very charming. This kind of "boudoir privateness" is too much. Emperor Xuan asked Zhang Chang, but Zhang Chang said that there are more things than painting eyebrows. Why only point to the thing about thrushes?

Emperor Xuan laughed after hearing this, and did not punish him, but felt that he lacked prestige, and did not promote him even though he had good political achievements.

Later, drawing eyebrows for his wife became a kind of admirable thing that is in harmony with the harp and the case.

When going down the mountain, the master told the little monk that the woman at the bottom of the mountain is a tiger, and you must avoid it when you encounter it.

The question is, does the little monk listen?

She thought Nick had left long ago, and now she knew why he almost never came back.

That is to say, it is difficult to enter Nirvana after entering reincarnation.

This kind of nirvana is different from the phoenix nirvana, it means detachment. Another way of saying it is that you don't want to run away when you come, and there is still time to turn around before you get stuck in the mud.

After all, there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and it is the shore when you look back.

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