Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2105 Flower Controversy (13)

The Chinese know very little about the outside world. Even in Guangzhou, where foreigners are more common, they still cannot distinguish the race of foreigners, and regard all foreigners as "red-haired people".

This title may have originated from the Portuguese and the Dutch who were the first to contact the southern Fujian region. They once fought against the Ming Dynasty. These European merchant ships were equipped with cannons, and they were both merchants and soldiers. The "red-haired man" is using trade as an excuse, but is actually preparing to invade China. If it is a merchant ship, how can it be equipped with cannons?

But they hide this kind of thinking deeply, and only show contempt for foreigners, even children. They imitate adults more, and they stubbornly believe that foreigners cannot receive a good education overseas and are "foreigners".

Nick found that most Chinese people are more diligent than each other. Even if they live on four or five shillings a day, they still live happily with a meager income. I hope that I can wear silk clothes on festivals, save the balance carefully, exchange the saved copper coins into silver taels, or change the wandering, irregular, and luck-based work into a fixed career, so that not only life is guaranteed, but also Income will also be better.

A poor sailor like Captain Yao probably got into some bad habits, otherwise he would have already saved enough money to go ashore at this age, to be the owner of the ship, or let his son inherit his position, and he would not dress so well. shabby.

After being attacked, Nick did not go back to the hospital immediately, but searched for people in the casino where the sailors gathered, and soon found Captain Yao who was playing Pai Gow. He could speak English mixed with Hindi. It is said that he was in Singapore. I learned, and the first thing I learned was swearing.

He must have lost a lot of money, cursed himself for being unlucky, and then left the poker table and played cockfighting instead.

Two roosters will be placed in a fence. When they see each other, they will have a strong fighting spirit. As soon as the master lets go, he will flap his wings, grab each other with his claws, and peck each other with his sharp beak. Finally, jump up or die, and the gladiatorial fight is over.

Captain Yao kept cheering for the chicken he bet on, even though he knew it couldn't understand, this chicken brought him good luck, he won a lot of money, or he didn't lose so badly.

The difference between him and other gamblers who lost their fortunes was that they would accept as soon as they were good. After winning, he didn't continue to gamble and left the casino.

Nick followed him and left. Captain Yao lived on the ship. First, he could look at the cargo, and second, he saved travel expenses. When he came to a place with dark lights and no one around, Nick took out his Spanish jackknife and walked away quickly. past. About three or four steps away from Captain Yao, he became alert and subconsciously looked back. As soon as he showed a surprised expression, Nick rushed over and cornered him.

"Forgive me!" Captain Yao said hastily.

"Why did you go back on your word?" Nick said in English.

"I was warned not to bring foreigners on board." Captain Yao replied immediately.

"Who told you to do this?"

"You don't know." Captain Yao said slyly, this is another characteristic of Chinese people, just like a store calling out a high price for a worthless gong.

"Tell me his name."

"His surname is Qian, we all call him Boss Qian." Captain Yao said quickly, "He is a money exchange businessman."

Nick thought he was joking, and the money exchange business was called "Boss Money"?

In the eastern provinces, there are 100 copper coins per tiao, and 10 tiao is equivalent to one Mexican eagle. However, there were 18 provinces in China at that time, and the number of tiao varied from place to place. For example, there were 83 coins in Taiyuan and 33 coins in Zhili.

This sounds like a fantasy, but it is completely related to the quality of the coins. The imperial court monopolizes the casting rights of copper coins, and the law protects the circulation of copper coins minted by the imperial court. Even if the copper coins have quality problems such as trachoma and wind skin, some are thin and small. Mixed with soil, sand and copper, you have to accept the different copper coins cast by the imperial court, and you must accept them equally.

Such a chaotic currency value is a paradise for changers. Not only is the Chinese money industry promising, but foreigners are also involved. As a result, not only silver taels, silver dollars, copper coins, and foreign coins were also popular, but compared to the European gold and silver standard, the Manchu Qing Dynasty should be regarded as non-standard.

Under this currency system, it is difficult to find an equal and mutually beneficial trade with China. Guangzhou Shisanhang itself is also a foreign trade monopoly organization. He Zhongtang also knows that doing business with foreigners can make money, but he does not allow it. It is operated by people outside the thirteenth line.

The thirteen banks are not only thirteen commercial banks, but there is no definite number, because Heshen dealt with the big corruption case, created the crime bank system to solve financial problems, quelled the peasant uprising, and solved the financial crisis. Emperor Qianlong let Heshen manages Guangzhou Thirteen Banks and foreign trade. Heshen made huge profits through the Thirteen Banks, and at the same time, in order to win the quota to become the "Thirteen Banks", not only businessmen, but also officials are also courting Heshen. After all, compared with foreign trade, the salaries of officials are pitifully small.

Nick finally took out a knife and threatened Captain Yao. Captain Yao, like the suspects in the ghost case, overturned his previous confession, saying that the smuggler threatened him.

Anti-smuggling is the main business of the Guangzhou Navy...

"What is a crime silver?" Leon asked suddenly.

"You'd better not ask." Georgiana said indifferently, "If it was a good idea, He Shen would not have been killed."

He thought for a moment, and pretended to be listening, and Georgiana went on reading.

The closed country has isolated 300 million wise people from the outside world for a long time. Should this be taken for granted?

Today, insurance companies have been established in almost all of Europe, and this form can be promoted on a wider scale. Trade and industrial product circulation should not be stopped because of pirate harassment.

Obedience to this ridiculous edict will not benefit anyone, it has long since become a dead letter, but the emperor is holding on to it...

"Read it," said Bonaparte.

Georgiana skipped over Nick expressing his political views and moved on to the story.

"He let Captain Yao go, and then returned to the hospital. The servant told him that the officers and soldiers had been here before, and hoped that he would go to the Admiral's Mansion tomorrow." She said dryly, "While lying on the bed, he remembered that in that room In the store, he really wanted to buy a cup made of agate, with flowers and fruits carved on it. The whole work was perfect and gave people a sense of novelty. If he hadn't repeatedly suppressed his desire to buy, he would really have spent three hundred Silver Dollar bought the work, but he wouldn't have bought it if he could only buy the cheap ones, because there's nothing attractive about a bad thing compared to a good one. If there were no shipping difficulties, he might Buy a big porcelain vase with a picture of either the pain of life or the torments of hell, or a bronze elephant with platinum decorations."

"In fact, he wanted a lot of things, but he didn't buy them because he had no money," said Bonaparte. "So when the British asked him to draw a coastal map, he hesitated."

Georgiana looked at the pattern depicted on the engraving, a bird stood on a branch and spread its wings. The bird was inlaid with multicolored gems, as if it was imitating a phoenix.

She compares Albus's pet phoenix, Fawkes, to it, and thinks the living Phoenix is ​​prettier.

"One can be happy no matter what the situation is, but it takes more courage to suffer than to die."

"You think it's painful to suppress your desires?" Georgiana asked.

He turned his head to the side, staring at her intently.

"I don't know which is more painful, the trouble you caused me, or losing you." He said softly, "That day by the canal, I tried to restrain myself with reason, but I am still a human being. restraint, and are more easily manipulated by evil."

She looked down at the book, but couldn't read a word.

"Would you like to hear the violin?" asked Bonaparte. "I would."

"I'll call someone." She put down the book and left the bedroom.

He didn't stop her and let her go. She looked back at him at the door, and he was also staring at her back.

After hesitating for a while, she returned to the bed and picked up "Nick Polo's Travels".

"Why didn't you close the door?" he asked with a smile.

"Study seriously!" She said sternly, and then continued to read seriously.

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