Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2104 Flower Controversy (12)

According to Article 152 of the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty", those who oppose etiquette, such as wizards, cult leaders, advocates of heresy, etc., are all guilty. Anyone who privately prints, distributes, or preaches insurgent texts in public places is guilty.

Nick opened the note again, and just about to burn it, he hesitated and took his hand back.

This is evidence that if someone really intends to cause chaos, then at least the defenders should be prepared.

Cao Xi is the captain of the admiral. According to Juren, he is equivalent to a military division. He is in charge of military registration, litigation, etc., and does not command the army. The main navy is stationed in Huizhou. It has been abolished, and in recent years it has been re-stationed in Humen because of pirates.

The power of the navy has never been valued by the Qing Dynasty, and the weapons on board are mainly spears and sabers. According to the description of a British "meat ticket" who was once kidnapped by Zheng Yi and later redeemed with 7654 Spanish silver dollars, the pirate's equipment Its excellence is not the same as that of the Daqingshui Division, so not only did it repeatedly defeat the army, but it even severely damaged the Portuguese fleet, besieging Macau to the point where it was almost out of food.

They have camps and shipyards in Hong Kong, and they borrowed advanced science and technology. Once they exchanged fire with British warships, they found that the British fired 24-pound shells. A few months later, these pirate fleets were also equipped with the same guns. New cannons, and the source of these cannons is said to be from the same place as the British Navy.

After much consideration, Nick still decided to go to the admiral. When he got it, it was like a glass of poisoned wine given to him by the emperor. He was even more frightened than poisoned wine. His face was pale, and his first reaction was to destroy it.

Nick stopped him. Although his face was pale with fright, the most important thing at this time was not to bury his head in the sand.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Nick left the Admiral's Mansion, but just as he went out, he ran into a person. This person was Harlock, an employee of the East India Company who gave his business card to him last time. The proposal of the map, and this time he brought gold bars.

No doubt someone had followed him, thinking he had no money for expensive presents.

Even if Nick said no, they'd find someone else to do the drawing.

Nick has never thought deeply about theological issues. His tutor told him that Taoism pursues the process of purifying the mind. Only when the mind is purified can one drink the elixir of youth and live in a heaven where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

This is like a person who goes to heaven after accepting the last judgment. No one would want to go to heaven, right?

Nick hoped to consider it, Harrock said he was free, and then he went to the pier and found Captain Yao. What Nick didn't expect was that he suddenly changed his attitude and didn't want to take Nick to Xiamen again.

They didn't pay a deposit in advance, and there was no contract, it was just a verbal agreement, but Captain Yao's attitude was very strange, and there seemed to be other secrets in his eyes.

Nick looked at the other captains, and their eyes were full of hostility, as if suddenly he had lost their friendship.

Having said that, I have to go back and talk about the story the priest told me...

"How could anyone not notice!" She put down the book and yelled.

Bonaparte paid no attention to her.

She muttered a few times and started reading again.

In the evening, Nick was walking alone on the streets of Guangzhou. In the past, he often walked alone with a paintbrush on the streets. Now he is alert and always feels that someone is following him. At this time, a person walked towards him quickly and punched him in the face suddenly.

This man looked like a low-class person, at least from his clothes, he looked like a low-level craftsman. He ran away immediately after hitting Nick, and hid in a narrow alley.

Nick ran after him, annoyed at the inexplicable suddenness, and by the light of dusk he kept running after his beating man.

They ran one after another into the alleys that criss-crossed alleys, and then the man who hit Nick stopped suddenly, turned towards Nick, and shouted. Nick heard him yelling "Brother!", and then Nick felt someone rushing at him with a short sword in his hand.

Nick picked up the bamboo pole and prepared to defend immediately, but it was just a feint, another person was holding a big sack and tried to put it on Nick's head, Nick fell to his knees and avoided the sack, but the surrounding ambushes At this moment, people ran out and beat him fiercely with bamboo poles.

Nick blocked the blow with the bamboo pole, and drew the Spanish jackknife, which he had forged in Birmingham and which he had carried around for many years.

"Who are you?" Nick asked in Mandarin.

"Damn yellow-haired spy, don't even think about revealing our secrets!" The people besieging Nick also replied in official language.

Nick couldn't answer.

"Let me see whether your sword is stronger or my sword is stronger."

Seeing that Nick was silent, those people said that the person who attacked Nick with a sword first said, and then rushed towards Nick with a strange posture.

If he hesitated at this critical moment, he would lose his life. Nick held the knife tightly and rushed towards the guard he thought was the best to deal with. The guy was defenseless and fell to the ground.

Leon suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Georgiana asked puzzled.

"Did you think he would fight?" he asked back.

Georgiana read the book, expecting to see a wonderful duel scene.

"Damn it," Georgiana cursed.

"Read it quickly." He urged, as if trying to snatch the book from her hand.

Georgiana then read on.

The man uttered a scream because of the sneak attack, and Nick staggered and almost fell on top of him.

The others were obviously stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, shouting as if they were irritated, and chased after Nick.

Nick didn't know where to run, these alleys were like a maze, and these people were familiar with this place, and even split up to plan to surround him.

These people only wanted to run faster than Nick. While running around, Nick found a chicken coop, and he got into it without hesitation, waiting for those who were chasing him to run over.

When these people were far away, Nick immediately took off his clothes and changed into clothes that were drying on the bamboo poles, and then wrapped his head with a cloth, so that he looked no different from the locals in the low light .

On the way, Nick met two or three people who were running out of breath and regarded Nick as "one of their own".

He had heard that weapons were forbidden in the East, and that only one man had a sword, and the others held bamboo poles, which were no match for Nick's jackknife.

However, Nick did not take the risk of catching any of them and finding out who these people were. After all, we are outnumbered and can't act rashly.

He followed a flustered woman, who obviously didn't want to get involved in this gossip. Under her guidance, Nick left the labyrinth of alleys and came to the busy street.

In this way, he escaped the ambush, but he must be in trouble.

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