Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2103 Flower Controversy (11)

After Nick woke up, he found a piece of paper in the bedroom with a strange mark printed on it. It was a lotus flower with hieroglyphs engraved on it. The following text is written:

The Central Plains has a large population and the Celestial Dynasty is prosperous.

Many places bowed their heads to the Central Plains nation, and thousands of people paid tribute to the Central Plains nation.

The Manchus opportunistically occupied our Central Plains. They did not avenge their revenge, and they were ashamed of their ancestors.

Recruit soldiers and buy horses, and rise up.

Organize an army, take up arms, and drive out the Manchus!

After reading this text, Nick immediately had a premonition in his heart. If such a piece of paper was left in his hand, even if it was only for a few minutes, he might be killed, but he looked around, and the doors and windows were closed. Where did this piece of paper come from?

Nick quickly put away the papers, put on his clothes, and planned to find the priest, but he was not there. He only found out that he had gone to Macau after asking the servant.

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to find the admiral, but when he was about to leave the hospital, he met Juren, so Nick took Juren to his room.

"Do you know this?" Painter Nick dipped his finger in water and drew a lotus flower.

"Of course, the lotus." Juren said with a normal expression, "This is the sacred flower of Buddhism, but now it has become a symbol of rebellion."


"Do you still remember Heshen and Zhongtang?" Juren shouted loudly.

"I remember, you both took the imperial examination in the same year."

Juren explained the whole story with a contemptuous expression.

According to the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty", the practice of families worshiping the gods and the North Star at night without permission is an act of profanity and offends the gods.

As for monks and Taoists, if they follow the royal sacrificial etiquette when burning incense or offering sacrifices, they will be cruelly punished and even expelled from Buddhism and Taoism.

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not prohibit the freedom of belief, it prohibited religious sects from gathering and forming associations, because in the thirty-ninth year of Kangxi, that is, the second year after He Shen began to flourish, the Wang Lun Uprising broke out in Shandong, which was caused by the heretical theology of the Bailian Qingshui Sect.

This heresy is different from the Christian heresy. Due to the many factions, the gods they believe in are extremely complicated. There are the Jade Emperor in heaven, Yama in hell, and sages in the world. The most worshiped is Maitreya Buddha. It was actually a Buddhist at the beginning. branch.

The Soul Calling case made some intellectual elites feel disappointed with the Manchu Qing government, but it was not serious enough to bet on Wang Lun. However, it can be seen from this uprising that the Green Battalion of the Eight Banners failed in at least two battles. To defeat the rebel army, some militias are needed to participate in the defense.

In the process of suppressing Wang Lun's uprising, Asha, who once served as the governor of Henan, led two firearms battalions to go there, and he had hunted down the monk Haiyin in the case of calling the soul.

The various sects of the White Lotus Sect were influenced by anti-Qing and Ming-ming ideology, but they had no actual connection with the Tiandihui. The motto of the Tiandihui was: Heaven is the father and the earth is the mother. They treat each other as brothers, and when they join the club, they must swear to help each other and love each other forever. Their believers are sometimes united for business, and even use the overseas institutions of Timbers, such as Batavia, Singapore, Malacca and other branches to do business. The most common way is to establish a complete system To fight against the law, to exact vengeance on those who arouse public outrage.

The Qing government would not allow these mysterious alliances to develop freely, so this kind of superficially strict law allows everyone to believe freely.

"You should read less of these books," said Bonaparte listlessly.

"I know, it's an abridged version, written by someone with a ulterior motive," Georgiana said. "Can you find the person who wrote it?"

He looked at her with weird eyes.

"I just want to know what story the priest told Nick!" she said anxiously.

He shook his head, rolled over, and lay sideways on her lap.

Georgiana held the book and continued to read.

The Qing government forbade any religious sect to create terrible alliances within the empire. As for the isolated personal concept, no one cared about it. This is completely different from the literary inquisition in the early Qing Dynasty. Rehabilitation, on the other hand, seeks to destroy all forms of fanaticism, especially religious fanaticism.

"I thought you were reading a love story," said Bonaparte indifferently.

"I thought so too." Georgiana said painfully, "Don't be like the University of Rouen again."


"I thought universities had lawns and beautiful buildings. Guess what I saw at the University of Rouen? Tombs and skeletons! There was also a courtyard where the victims of the Black Death were buried. I ate in the restaurant next to it."

He sneered.

"I just want to read a normal love story," she wailed.

"How about we write one?"

"Like you wrote about Chrisson and Eugenie?" she teased.

Immediately afterwards, the book in her hand was taken away, he half sat up, gave her a kiss, and then pushed her down.

She looked at his blue eyes, they were not as clean as the clear springs of Miss Wanning in the book, but they reminded her of the lakes formed by melting snow in the Alps, which were cold even in summer.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"Did you ever hear Plato say that the navy corrupts people's morals?"

"You made it up." He replied firmly.

"No, you can ask those scholars." She cupped his cheek. "Now, get up, my lion."

He lay down next to her "Without command of the sea, where do you think I can go?"

She couldn't answer the question.

"You know what I do with new books that don't interest me?" he asked.

"I don't know, burnt?" She asked jokingly.

"At least they have fuel value." He looked at the "ceiling" and said, "What else did Nick Polo write?"

Georgiana immediately picked up the book he had thrown under the bed, and began to read again.

The dignitaries in the world live a comfortable and comfortable life, and want to enjoy such a life forever. They are confused by the fairyland and immortality preached by Taoism, and they abandon the primitive religious belief of shamanism.

Ghosts return, and when a person dies they are called ghosts, and their soul energy returns to heaven. Taoism believes that if you make mistakes in life, the transformation of your soul will be much inferior and you will not be able to become a fairy. The admiral stayed in Guangzhou for three years, but he didn't make any achievements, that is, he didn't actively suppress pirates, and he didn't exploit the common people. The people in Guangzhou liked him very much. In the past, civil and military officials tried their best to figure out what gift to give to He Zhongtang, but the admiral not only refused to give it, but also wrote to He Shen, saying that doing so would be a waste of money and harm to peace.

Zhongtang likes to eat bananas, which are very easy to rot, so they are usually transported six hundred miles from Guangzhou to the capital. Yang Yuhuan likes to eat lychees. In Shaanxi, the degree of wasting people and money is far less than that of He Zhongtang.

"What fruit do you like?" Bonaparte asked jokingly.

Georgiana gave him a sidelong glance, then looked at the book in her hand.

You say that the admiral of the navy is a comatose officer, he seems to be very sober, you say he is sober, he seems very confused, can such a person be relied on?

Nick has the same problem, what should he do now?

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