Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2106 Flower Controversy (14)

The admiral fell ill and developed a high fever, and Cao Xi was almost entirely responsible for his work.

Nick felt his worry when he visited him. After receiving Nick's note, after a day of searching, his officers seemed to have found some signs of conspiracy. They would gather together every full moon night. Burning incense, and this time the meeting place is likely to be a rural temple, Cao Xi will lead people to arrest them, and Nick will follow.

This village is located on the only way to Macau. Nick planned to take this opportunity to find the priest, so he rode away with Cao Xi.

Nick had thought that Cao Xi would ride a sedan chair, as many civil servants would, but Cao Xi was good at riding, and they arrived near the village in just over an hour. In order not to startle the snakes, they all changed into civilian clothes. The soldiers all dressed up as caravan clerks, while Cao Xi was the "treasurer", and Nick pretended to be a painter who sketched everywhere, although he was originally doing this. .

There is a temple outside the village. At its entrance, there are two impressive statues of ghosts and gods, as if guarding the temple gate piously. A statue has a handsome face and a smile on its face, and a statue with wide-eyed, blood-red eyes. A tall and thin old man told them that in order to make the sculpture look more vibrant, the blood-red eyes of the angry-looking sculpture were dyed red with the blood of animals. Yes, the purpose is to scare people.

The entrance of Notre Dame de Paris also has reliefs of the doomsday judgment, and there are gargoyles on the eaves, which also serve as a warning. Then they entered the gate of the temple. Temperament, she looks very much like the image of the Sistine Madonna.

There are people coming and going here, or they kneel and kowtow devoutly, or they hold incense in their hands and mutter words. Cao Xi didn't go in. They came to the second hall on the central axis of the temple, a place called the "Main Hall". Thirty or forty monks sat on the futons, and a figure like the dean presided over the activities. Rhythm beats a wooden fish with a wooden hammer, and the wooden fish is covered with a red cloth, reciting a boring tune.

The Tathagata Buddha is enshrined in the hall. Cao Xi observed it at the door, and then they were about to go back. Here they encountered obstacles, and a monk blocked their way.

Cantonese is actually a bit like Mandarin, but they spoke so fast that Nick could hardly understand. Cao Xi smiled at the monk, turned and left, and then wandered around the temple like an ordinary tourist. Occasionally, Nick would Stop copying those Buddha statues and murals on the walls.

There is a small island opposite the temple. It should be the residence of local fishermen. There are a lot of nets drying on the shore, and several sailboats are docked. If you want to go there, you must take a boat. No matter how you look at it, it is very calm.

"Their target may be Tianhou Festival." Cao Xi said to Nick after watching the beautiful scenery for a while, "If the news you gave us is true."

Nick calculated the time. There are only 7 days from the full moon to Mazu's birthday. Now there are so many people. When the official celebration comes, there will be more people, and the disturbance will be even more serious.

But now is not the time to give free rein to imagination, Cao Xi's conjecture needs evidence, and they need to catch the prisoner to prove it.

The last apse that was not allowed to enter was suspicious. Nick and Cao Xi left in the afternoon, and then returned to the town where they were just now with the others.

People in the town are selling tributes to Mazu, such as candles and "paper money," as well as lotus lanterns that float on the water. This is a very strange place. Mazu does not seem to be Buddhism or Taoism, but believers still have to put up lotus lanterns representing the sacred flowers of Buddhism, even though the lotus has been regarded by the government as a symbol of rebellion.

When the government planned the night's action, Nick did not participate. He took out Marosell's "Chinese Notes" and continued to study. For Europeans who want to learn Chinese, they can find a wealth of information in the translated works. Voltaire translated it into "The Orphan of China", which was screened at the Opera House in Paris, and later caused a sensation in many well-known theaters in Europe.

Maybe after finishing the layout, Cao Xi came to look for Nick again. He was wearing a blue satin robe today and looked very capable.

"What's your plan?" Nick asked in Mandarin.

"You learn very quickly, who taught you?" Cao Xi asked with a smile.

Nick didn't mention Juren's name, although he and Cao Xi would be colleagues in the future if Juren was successful.

"When the operation is over, I want to go to Macau." Nick said, "I will stay there for a few days until Tin Hau's birthday."

"You have nothing to do here, you can move freely." Cao Xi said.

Nick really couldn't find a reason why he had to stay here, so he wandered around the town. There was a stage in the town, and there happened to be a troupe performing there, and the play was called "The Injustice of Dou E".

The heroine on the stage sang in shackles. He couldn't understand it at first, and he couldn't understand it after adding the singing, but he still drew her portrait. The children in the town thought he was very funny and watched him Drawing, he made some sketches for these children.

In the evening, the people gradually dispersed. After all, the town is not like Guangzhou, and there is still nightlife. They rode horses to the temple that they had visited during the day by the moonlight.

This time they didn't enter through the main entrance, but through the back door, which was not guarded by any statues of ghosts and gods.

The two soldiers climbed over the outer wall of the temple very lightly, and then opened the closed back door. Others entered in a file, and Nick also entered the apse together.

The bright moon was in the sky, but the entire apse was shrouded in a thick darkness, and others had already sneaked outside the door.

Cao Xi exchanged glances with the person opposite, then kicked open the door of the palace, and then started to shout.

"Don't move!"

But there was no response, Cao Xi yelled again after a while.


Then all the soldiers followed him through the opened door.

Nick didn't follow them, he walked into the hall.

There was no light inside, but the moonlight outside filtered in through the open door.

This hall is dedicated to Maitreya Buddha. According to the layout of ordinary temples, it should be facing the entrance of the temple, which is the location of the Daxiong Hall, but this Maitreya Buddha is indeed facing the back door.

You can clearly see that its shape is different from the ordinary Maitreya Buddha. Nick has seen a bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha in the store. His eyes are squinted, and he looks like a fat man who is smiling happily. It is said that he touched his big belly. Can have good luck.

The entire shrine looks like a stage. There are wood-carved towers on both sides of Maitreya Buddha, on which there are various shapes of arhats, and there are cloud reliefs on the towers. It looks like the Heavenly Palace of the Jade Emperor.

The Maitreya Buddha in the center is not golden, but white all over. Although there is a smile on his face, his eyes are wide open, and the smile becomes ferocious and strange.

The most important thing is that this Maitreya Buddha sits on a white lotus throne.

Perhaps this is why they are called the White Lotus Sect.

"What happened next was a strange story, and unfortunately I can only recount the outlines of it succinctly," Georgiana recited. "Someone heard voices here."

Bonaparte listened impassively.

"That voice said, you think that fate is in your own hands, but you firmly believe in your heart that you are the one chosen by fate." Georgiana said, "And you, thinking that you want to escape from the mundane world Quiet and at ease, the suffering of all beings is due to indulgence. If people have no desires, what is the point of living? The so-called "emptiness" is not nothing, but you know what will happen, but you don't step into it. The Buddha looked down at all the sentient beings in samsara, once you step into samsara, it will be difficult to get out of it.”

"What do you mean?" asked Bonaparte.

"It's like the audience and the actors." Georgiana replied blankly, "The actors on the stage are performing the joys and sorrows of the world, the emotions and desires, and the audience is just watching, but they don't go on stage to participate in the performance."

"What's the point?" asked Bonaparte.

"You don't feel pain," replied Georgiana. "If your heart doesn't move, it won't hurt."

He still doesn't seem to understand.

"Don't you like India?" She said angrily, "This is Buddhism. If you feel the same way when you watch a movie and feel angry, it's karma, and you will fall into the sea of ​​suffering. Knowing that marrying Wanning will stay in China and cannot return to Europe, so I gave up, but he didn't, so it's only getting involved now."

He is still thinking.

"You can see the future, but you can't change it. What's the difference between seeing it and not being able to see it?" Georgiana continued to read the content of the book, "Everything that has appearances is illusory. If you see that appearances are not appearances, you will see Tathagata."

She paused here.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Which one of the six realms do you think we are in?" she asked him.

He frowned, then looked ahead, "I don't believe in Buddhism."

"Me too," Georgiana said, tearing the page up with a bang, and burning it with fire magic. "It's not a good thing to hear voices in your head, even in the world of wizards."

"Crazy, you mean?" said Bonaparte, smiling.

"I think some people really have a fever and are confused." She also said with a smile, and then continued to read the following content.

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