Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2095 Flower Controversy (3)

Wordsworth wrote in a poem:

It is a joy to be alive at dawn,

The helpless young Junyan ascended to heaven early.

After arriving in Ambretus, Georgiana watched as Bonaparte disembarked with a group of high-ranking French officials, while she herself remained on board. At this time, a French printmaker "Nick" was placed on her table This work, which was introduced by Lacre Taylor, records what "Nick" saw and heard when he traveled around the world. Among them, he stayed in Guangzhou for 10 months and almost couldn't come back.

At first she thought "Nick" was in danger, and then Lacre Taylor told the story.

While senior missionaries used natural science to impress the rich and powerful, ordinary missionaries found that the people were more interested in Western medicine. To be precise, as long as there is no money for medical treatment, Mongolian doctors are also willing to try it. When Nick arrived in Guangzhou It was a priest who worked in the hospital who was in charge of meeting him.

At the beginning, he sketched everywhere like ordinary tourists, and recorded the bits and pieces he saw in Guangzhou, such as the streets full of hanging clothes to dry, alcoholics in taverns drinking and cursing, and prisoners wearing shackles for public display. Until one day the priest's assistant suddenly ran to Nick's room and told him to go to the drawing room, where he met a merchant from Thirteen Lines.

Nick had business dealings with this peddler, and then the peddler handed Nick a letter, which was written in Chinese and English, which probably meant that the peddler had a daughter who was just 17 years old, and because of double pupils, she often He only has a sense of light when he seeks medical advice everywhere, and hopes to find a cure from them.

People at that time could easily confuse cataracts with cloudy pupils. Italian doctor Antonio Spacca invented a kind of eye surgery. The priest used the same technique to treat many people with similar diseases, so the doctor The merchant asked the priest to heal his daughter.

Before Nick went, the merchant had already told the priest the whole story, but the priest politely refused.

There are many taboos about seeing a doctor for women, especially those women from wealthy families. They don’t usually have to go out. If the priest agrees to visit the doctor, all women will hope to enjoy the treatment of visiting the doctor, but the church encourages women to go out. Walked out of the house. The merchant invited Nick to help persuade the priest, but the priest still disagreed, and finally the merchant got up and left.

Originally Nick thought the matter would be over, but the next day the customs sent an interpreter to deliver a message. He was ordered by the admiral of Guangzhou to ask the priest to arrange the surgery.

After the Manchu Qing seized the world, governors and governors were set up in 18 provinces in the pass. Generally, a governor was set up in one province, and governors were set up to manage three provinces above the governor. If the governor and governor were not stationed in the same city, then the conflict would not be prominent. It happened that the governor of Liangjiang was stationed in Nanjing, which was also the residence of the governor of Jiangsu.

In order to avoid conflicts, the governor of Jiangsu was transferred to Suzhou to be stationed. The governor of Guangdong did not have such a good fate. He could only be stationed in Guangzhou with the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. At that time, there was a special term "the governor is in the same city". control.

The translator told them that the 12th of this month is an auspicious day for surgery, and the admiral will greet the two European doctors at his residence.

The interpreter's attitude was polite, but it was basically a notification that they had to come to the door on the day, even if it was against the rules of the school.

British businessmen encountered even more troubles in Guangdong. They knew about bribery, but they didn’t know how to do it. So he went to the admiral's mansion.

The Admiral's Mansion is a three-entry mansion. It looks very dilapidated on the outside. This is another habit in the officialdom. Every official has been in the position for about three years. If he uses his salary to repair the house, he will not enjoy it for long. If you want to change to another job, the cheapest one is the latecomer, so the repair of the government office needs layer upon layer of approval, and the household department allocates funds to repair it, but basically there will be no reply to this kind of thing, let alone living in a dilapidated house The house looks clean, and the "fire consumption" was originally used to maintain cleanliness during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

After entering the door, under the leadership of a third-rank top-wearing leader, Nick and Nick came to the living room, which was filled with rosewood tables and chairs. Golden nanmu is a good material for making coffins, but it is a tribute. The best wood that can be bought is red sandalwood, and the Manchu admiral is sitting on the main seat.

The admiral had several wives and concubines, but only one daughter survived. As soon as he met, he said a lot of compliments to the priest. Nick couldn't understand it, so the translator immediately translated it for him. The admiral said that Nick was protected by Ruilu. In the world, Nick quickly said that Admiral Shoubi Nanshan is an old man, the admiral said that Nick was like a shining gold star, and Nick said that he wished the admiral prosperity.

After being polite and talking about business, because his daughter had eye problems, he couldn't recruit a son-in-law, and then the admiral asked a servant to take the priest and Nick to his daughter's boudoir.

According to the etiquette, male guests in the backyard are not allowed to enter, and women are also not allowed to step out of this door, so there is a saying that "the door does not go out, and the second door does not step".

Nick has always felt that the so-called "three-inch golden lotus" is not good-looking. It makes women look staggering when they walk. Later, he thought that Manchu women do not have their feet bound. Then, across the pond, through the blinds (bamboo curtains) He saw a lithe woman walking by.

The cheongsam at that time was not the cheongsam that was improved later, it was very loose, and the woman's graceful figure could not be seen at all, but just by her standing posture and beautiful figure, Nick felt that she was petite and well-proportioned.

When they went around the long corridor and came to the young lady's boudoir, she was already sitting at the table to the north, with a Guqin on it, incense was also lit on the table, and a line of white smoke wafted from the copper stove.

The blind man's hearing is very keen, even though Nick stepped lightly, she still heard it. When she turned her head and "looked" at Nick, in Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng's way of writing, here should be "Walk past the flower fragrance" You are fine, and when you sit down, you are charming."

This is used to describe Meng Yulou. Meng Yulou is cautious and has a gentle personality. Ignore it, because Jin Ping Mei refers to Pan Jinlian, Li Ping'er, and Pang Chunmei. When they are arguing, Meng Yulou often makes no sound, as if it is a formal vase.

She got up and saluted them according to the etiquette, and the priest sent Nick to roll up the "blinds" to brighten the boudoir.

At this time, Nick couldn't find any curtains to roll up. It was the daughter's father. The admiral asked two maids to appear from behind the screen and rolled up the curtains.

The operation was performed by the priest, and Nick had been his assistant, and they and the lady went to the north window, when the priest lifted the lady's chin.

With rosy white cheeks, lips like pink peaches soaked in water, her black hair was combed into a bun, but she had too much hair, so she braided it, which looked black and shiny. Not much, no downsides other than a bit cloudy eyes.

The young lady has cataracts, which can be resolved with a minor operation, but the operation will cause some discomfort, and she must keep her eyes open.

The admiral sat on the stool opposite the lady and took her hand. She wanted to keep staring at her father to relieve her tension, but Nick was standing behind the priest, and the priest asked her to look at him again, so she stared at Nick. up.

The operation went well, and the lady regained her sight soon, but she had to wear gauze for a while, but her bright eyes were like a clear spring, which often appeared in Nick's dreams.

Ximen Qingfa’s first move in his family history is stealing. The dowries brought by Ping’er and Yulou are all his family property, but the key is that Ximen Qing can coax women, and Nick Chinese can’t talk about love?

Later, he took this encounter as a dream and continued to make prints.

At that time, some Chinese in Guangzhou had already started to learn Western painting. Nick met a painter named Lin Gua, who was a student of the British painter Lawrence. His studio was a three-story building. The first floor was for selling paintings. The first floor is a studio, where portraits can be painted, and the third floor is his residence.

There are many kinds of pigments, some are minerals, some are plants. In addition to selling paintings, he also teaches people to paint. There are bottles and jars everywhere. Be careful when you are not painting, so as not to touch them.

Nick has always thought that the ink of ink painting is sprayed by octopus, but it is actually made of lampblack, and it also needs to add auxiliary materials such as glue and musk. The best ink is produced in Huizhou, and it smells fragrant when it faints. Mixed with pungent-smelling oil paints.

Nick went there occasionally to paint, and also taught students who wanted to learn printmaking.

One day when Nick went back to the hospital, someone told him that someone was waiting for him in the waiting hall. When Nick came there, he found that the admiral brought the lady.

They came with thank you gifts, all of which were held in red cloth. The priest declined because seeing a doctor here is free, but the admiral insisted on giving it. The young lady stood behind the admiral, supported by a maid.

At this moment, the gauze on her eyes was untied, and she just stared at Nick with those clear spring eyes, without saying anything.

Women must be reserved when dealing with others, leaving the boudoir without authorization and contacting Europeans, no matter what their status is, even the wives and daughters of traffickers will lose their reputation, but it is reasonable to express gratitude to the doctor and return to the doctor according to the hospital regulations, Zhientu News is a virtue.

At this time, the lady said something to the admiral's father, and then it was the admiral's turn to come forward, and he planned to ask Nick or Lin Gua to draw a portrait of her.

This time it wasn't that they went to paint in Missy's boudoir, but Missy went to Lin Gua's. Nick immediately agreed and asked Lin Gua to tidy up his studio the next day.

Lin Gua had never seen him like that before, but his studio really needed to be cleaned. Nick had cleaned up all the old dust that had accumulated over the years for "free".

But after Nick finished cleaning, one day, two days, three days passed, but the lady was still nowhere to be seen.

Shouldn't there be an accident?

Nick thought Miss would not come, but Miss finally came on Friday morning, she went upstairs with the help of servants, and looked around the clean and tidy studio.

Then Lin Gua let the lady sit on the stool and painted her a portrait. Nick looked at the lady who was sitting dignifiedly, and the lady looked at Nick, just like the day she regained her sight after surgery.

After the portrait was finished and the lady left, Lin Gua told Nick that the portrait that the lady wanted to paint was for a blind date.

When a door-in-law son-in-law has to live in the woman's house, the child will follow the mother's surname. Many people don't want it. Before this, I had never heard of a European being the son-in-law of a Manchurian, and this meant staying, and Nick could no longer return to Europe.

In the end Nick chose "rationality" and returned to France with the engravings and some materials, and then there was this book in Georgiana's hands.

Men who want to love freedom settle down and stay in a city, that is to start a family and start a business.

She glanced back at the pier again, they had already rode away.

There is a libretto in the Peach Blossom Fan, called Ai Jiangnan, which talks about the Nanming regime.

You see him building tall buildings, you see him entertaining guests, and you see his buildings collapse.

For some people, he is destined to be the founder, the one who lays down a solid foundation, and he is not responsible for repairing the superstructure.

However, no matter how the superstructure collapses and rebuilds, as long as the foundation is still there, it can be restarted.

Pity who's going to see the foundations? They are all looking at the tall buildings on the ground, and some people regard happiness as a kind of evidence that they promote the progress of the times.

She let out a long sigh, and didn't know how to express it for a while, so she could only smile wryly.

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