Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2096 Flower Controversy (4)

When meeting a stranger, the first thing a healthy and ordinary person sees is his appearance.

The emperor is usually in the deep palace, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see his true face, and the emperor's appearance is called "Yu Rong". Influenced by Buddhism during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the appearance of the emperor was mostly presented in life-size Buddha statues. It was not until the Sui Dynasty that portraits began to appear. However, most of the portraits were enshrined in the ancestral temple, and it was still difficult for ordinary people to see them.

In the palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, some of the painters were local and some were missionaries. Castiglione often painted churches during his stay in Italy, and he was good at oil paintings with a high degree of realism and three-dimensionality. When he first came to China, he didn't know how to adapt. Once when he was painting an oil painting portrait of Emperor Kangxi, he found a black light and shadow on Kangxi's face. Hei was very upset, threw the painting on the ground and left.

Later, the chief eunuch next to Kangxi told Lang Shining that it is better not to be too honest. It is a taboo to have black things on Dongfang's face. Lang Shining painted a picture for Kangxi again. In this painting, there is no black light and shadow on Kangxi's face. Only then did Lang Shining reuse it.

At that time, Qianlong was only 4 years old, and soon he and Castiglione formed a year-end friendship in the palace. After Qianlong ascended the throne at the age of 25, he often took time to watch Castiglione draw, and sometimes let Castiglione paint for him.

People like to go to temple fairs. The function of temples is not limited to offering incense, and markets are also held nearby. The most lively temple fair in BJ City during the Qianlong period was Huguo Temple. Both temples are presided over by lamas.

After arriving in Rehe, Macartney visited the palace built according to the Potala Palace. Although the Potala Palace was originally built by Songtsen Gampo for Princess Wencheng, lamas still lived in the palace. Since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the emperors of all dynasties have been advocating Tibetan Buddhism. Even the Lama Temple, the house where Yongzheng lived as a prince, was changed into a yellow temple by Qianlong, and the tiles on the roof were changed from green tiles to yellow tiles.

Emperor Qianlong once published an article called "Lama Shuo", which probably means to promote the Yellow Temple, that is, to pacify the Mongolians. Therefore, he distributed silver from the House of Internal Affairs not only for the needs of the Buddha, but also built many Buddhist temples, exhausting the world's skills, Gather lamas and monks for them to chant Buddha and chant scriptures.

The Lianghuai Salt Citation Case resulted in a shortfall of 10 million taels of silver, and Qianlong’s total expenses for BJ’s Tibetan Buddhist Temple were almost 10 million, not much more. Although Gao Heng's head was beheaded and Lu Jianzeng died of illness in prison, the shortfall still had to be made up, and the money was apportioned to the salt merchants.

In addition to the expenses of the emperor's southern tour, the cost of building palaces, transplanting flowers and trees, and repairing pavilions, the rich salt merchants could not afford so much money. installment.

Lamas have a great method of empowerment, which was originally a ceremony for the enthronement of Indian emperors. Tantric Buddhism introduced it. After the empowerment, it can awaken the energy in the practitioner's heart. Qianlong enshrined Lama Zhangjia as the national teacher, and held a grand ceremony for the empowerment. The national teacher sat on a higher chair, and Qianlong sat on a lower chair until the end of the empowerment.

The special name of the Song Dynasty emperor was Guanjia, and the special name of the Ming Dynasty was Lao Ye. When the Manchu Qing Dynasty first entered the customs, the Jurchen leader was called Manzhu. It originally meant "Buddha" and "Auspicious". "Buddha".

Qianlong described himself as Manjusri Bodhisattva, and some Western painters also participated in the process of painting thangkas, so this kind of thangka has a perspective effect, and the characters are more accurate and lifelike, instead of only emphasizing similarity in traditional portrait thangkas.

The appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang has become a historical mystery, because Zhu Yuanzhang in most ancient books has a strangely shaped face, which is very ugly.

Castiglione knew how to beautify the portraits of the emperors. Didn't other painters know that and insisted on painting them as they were?

At that time, there was a folk legend in Nanjing that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to paint a painting to pass on to future generations. He found countless painters who were not satisfied, and killed him if he was not satisfied. Therefore, he killed countless painters.

There are so many literal prisons?

The farther you are from Zhili, the better your life will be. According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, 12% interest is legal. Rolling interest and Ligali can be doubled tenfold in three years. The system of the Qing Dynasty allows Slavery existed, and many civilians were forced to become slaves.

There are also those who are not willing to be slaves. Without usury, ordinary people may only be beggars for a while. With usury, ordinary people will be beggars for a lifetime, and even their grandparents will have to be beggars for generations, because "the debt of the father is paid by the son."

They mortgaged their fields and houses, and had nothing else to mortgage except themselves, their wives and children. These people who lost everything chose to flee, and there were many beggars in the big cities in the south.

You can often see them when you go to temple fairs. These people used to have families just like the people who went to temple fairs. The rich don't want them to touch themselves, let alone understand why they got where they are.

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty was a big agricultural country, agriculture was very fragile. Although the land was continuously cultivated, the population continued to grow. The handicraft industry of many people has not developed.

Gao Jin, governor of Liangjiang, was dealing with floods in the Yellow River when the Soul Calling case happened. On the way to escort "Zhang Siru" to Rehe Miansheng, he passed Fengyang, which was Gao Jin's residence at that time. He immediately ordered "Zhang Siru" to be brought to him. Trial.

Unexpectedly, "Zhang Siru" suddenly retracted his confession. He no longer admitted that he was a fortune teller, but only admitted that he was a beggar, and he was from Wei County in the south of Zhili, not from Jiangnan.

Said that extorting confessions by torture is not allowed, Qianlong's Zhu Zhu was still a bit late, Zhang Si's legs were clamped, and they were festered, so he probably won't live long.

Gao Jin didn't want to torture him, so he took all the physical evidence. The so-called knife was blunt and couldn't cut the braid at all, and the restaurant helper whose braid was cut was born bald, and he was wearing a fake braid.

In Zhang Si's confession, the tall Zhao San, who could not be found anywhere, became the head of the village, because Zhang Si and other beggars were begging in front of his door. Zhang Si begged for half a steamed bun, and the other beggars each had This thing aroused the anger of the hungry men, and the two sides tore it up. Zhao, the head of the village, went out and warned them, "There are braid-cutters here today, you better get out."

Zhang Si scolded them for a while before leaving with the beggars. Unwilling to be scolded, Zhao suspected that they were bad people from outside, so he asked the hired workers to catch them back, framed them, and stuffed them with a small bag of medicine and a knife. .

When they arrived at Zhuangshang, Zhao lynched them, forcing them to admit that they were demon gangsters, and threatened Zhang Si's son Qiu'er. Soon other witnesses also confirmed Zhang Si's testimony. At this time, Gao Jin had no choice but to send Zhang Si to the BJ Military Aircraft Department to have him face-to-face with the criminal in Shandong.

This time it was Liu Tongxun who was in charge of the interrogation. After escorting the Shandong criminal to court, he found that he could not recognize "Zhang Siru". Later, he admitted that there was no such person as Zhang Siru. , but at that time he was tortured to extract a confession, so he added the word "Confucianism", as if it became the name of a gentleman like a fortune teller.

The military ministers looked at each other, was it an unjust, false and wrongly decided case after a long trial? Fortunately, there is another Zhuangshou, Zhao. The trial of Zhuangshou for framing others is still in progress, and the military ministers don't take into account the judgment of the province.

However, the military ministers could wait, but Yan Wang couldn't wait. Zhang Si died on the fourth day after arriving in BJ, and he still didn't catch up with the "face saint".

The prisoner appointed by the emperor was dead, and the cause of death must be ascertained. After the autopsy, it was found that the guards did not abuse Zhang Si, and Liu Zhixian, who was in charge of escorting Zhang Si, immediately disregarded the relationship and confirmed that Zhang Si was seriously ill before he was escorted. No one in Peking was responsible for his death.

The ministers of military affairs then determined that Zhang Si was not the braid-cutting criminal they wanted, and that he would be buried at the government's expense, and the case would have to be reopened.

The identity of the farmer is also a soldier and a civilian, very similar to the later military reclamation farm. The management organization of Tuntian is called "Tunsuo" or Weisuo. After Uncle Wu was promoted to manage Tuntians, he went to "Tunsuo" to take office and "opened seals" in "Weizhong". Many people, although they are fifth-rank officials, are higher than the county magistrates at that time.

The garrison farms are used for military needs, which can save military expenditures, but the garrison system must not be implemented in France, and is it necessary to pay such high military expenses in peacetime?

If you don’t pay, how will you fight the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh anti-French alliance wars?

Perhaps, as this recorder writes, the so-called sorcery is a specter born of ignorance and bred by envy.

Nick's choice is understandable. Although the admiral's daughter is beautiful, it is a challenge to live in such a society.

The theory of dependent origination is the cornerstone of Buddhism. Everything in the world does not exist out of thin air, nor can it exist alone. It must be established by the combination of various conditions. , the two are incompatible.

With cause and condition, keep emptiness, and if you are in harmony, you will have fruit. If you are not in harmony, all dharmas will be illusory and unreal, so you don't need to experience the joys and sorrows of life.

That's why the Diamond Sutra says: If you see all appearances and non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata.

She couldn't help saying Amitabha in her heart, it seems that God still blessed Nick, although he missed love.

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