Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2076 Tianshui is both economical (2)

Shakespeare once wrote such a story, around the 11th century in Scotland, the Scots were at war with the Norwegians, and there was a general who went to fight according to the king's order.

He looked both malevolent and heroic as he slashed with his blood-soaked sword, but just as victory was at hand, a relentless storm blew up from the east, and the King of Norway saw an opportunity. , Immediately launched a new onslaught. But just as a rabbit cannot scare a lion away, the general continued to fight, and the victory belonged to the Scots.

So the king of Norway asked Scotland for peace, and the king of Scotland asked Norway to pay 10,000 gold coins to the treasury, otherwise he would not be allowed to bury the soldiers who died in battle.

It would be nice if the story ended here, but unfortunately on this gloomy and bright day, three witches appeared beside the general.

"Bless you, Macbeth, Sir Glamis!"

"Bless you, Macbeth, Sir Coulter!"

"Bless you, Macbeth, future king!"

The three witches called the general by different titles——Macbeth, he looked surprised and seemed afraid of hearing the good-sounding news, but Sir Coulter was still alive and powerful, No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Macbeth to replace him.

However, the witches suddenly disappeared, and Macbeth could only return home with questions.

His wife heard the witch's prophecy but believed it, so she kept encouraging Macbeth.

Macbeth didn't take what the witch and his wife said seriously at first, but then the king's messenger came, and the original Sir Coulter committed treason, so his title was awarded to Macbeth who had made military exploits.

Then Macbeth began to believe the witch's prophecy and his wife's instigation, and it happened that the king came to his castle. The two of them planned a murder against the king and blamed it on a drunk soldier.

Human nature cannot withstand experiments. Even if it is not as absolute as Legalism, which compares people to animals, there is also a dark side in human nature, and power will constantly stir up the dark side in people's hearts.

Some people may think that they are not a person like Macbeth. People always like to hear praise and praise, but don’t like to hear criticism and derogation. Praise satisfies people’s needs for "respect". People feel confident in praise and praise, but are these praise and praise sincere?

In the story of Macbeth, the witch "prophesied" that Macbeth's descendants would also become kings, but in the end it was not. His wife died of insanity, and he himself killed himself in order to consolidate his rule because he was a regicide and usurped the throne. Many people caused chaos in the country and blood flowed everywhere. The more the people opposed him, the more he and the son of the former king in exile in England swore to take Scotland back from the tyrant. The son of the former king finally became the king.

Is the witch's prophecy inaccurate? Or was it a lie in the first place, something they played with Macbeth, or part of another prophecy.

A person who superficially obeys you and speaks kind words to you may be doing it for more benefits. When one day you are unlucky and in trouble, he will speak kind words to your opponent for the sake of interests and belittle you to nothing. If Confucius and Mencius would classify this kind of person as a villain, who would feel happy to be a villain?

If the Legalist theory meets a Confucian debate expert, they will basically be scolded for "not being enlightened by a sage." Han Fei thinks that instead of evading this problem, it is better to use this desire to provide a basis for ruling, just like Gongsun Yi loves fish, it is because he loves fish that he does not accept other people's fish, if he accepts other people's fish, he will The behavior of accommodating the fish giver will definitely break the law, and if you violate the law, you will be dismissed from the phase, and you will lose your life. Severe punishment can make people self-interested and self-disciplined.

This is possible in China's national conditions, but it is not easy in the West. The bourgeoisie can change laws, such as the "Factory Law". Supplementation is like giving you what you deserve as a benefit.

William Pitt, Jr. believed that raising orphans was a burden, and in the short term it was, but what if the social value they created when they grew up and matured outweighed the cost of raising him?

In any case, it was not the steward of the parish who sent these children to the factory by beat, and he got kickbacks himself, rode a good horse, and wore a silver pocket watch.

Charity in the West is generally handled by religious organizations such as the church. After the French Revolution, it became a commune, and the charity of the Qing Dynasty was handed over to Shantang. The Jiangnan area is basically in the charge of industrial and commercial organizations and local governments.

Theoretically, there are beggars in these charitable halls that should be accommodated. However, one is because there are too many homeless people, and the other is because of corruption in the charitable halls, so there were a lot of beggars during the Qianlong period. Yes, the rest were all driven away. This is also a "practice" in the officialdom of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. Announce good news but not bad news. Even if it is a whitewashed peaceful and prosperous age, it is still a "peaceful and prosperous age" and it is worthy of praise. Poetry, maybe it can be appreciated by the emperor, and transferred to the capital to be an official.

Being able to "catering" is also a "way of being an official". The governor of Liangjiang is in charge of the three provinces of Jiangsu, Jiangxi and AH, which is the most fertile position in the Qing Empire. The core Yangtze River area of ​​these three provinces and parts of Zhejiang are the case of the "Soul Calling" case. Fadi, also commonly known as grand zero, is just next to the shogunate of Liangjiang Governor.

The Manchus will be sinicized, and the Han people will also be Manchurianized. At that time, the person who held this position happened to be Baoyi Gao Jin of Zhenghuangqi, who had the same surname as Gao Qi and Gao Taiwei. He is not a "Hua Hua Tai Sui" like Gao Yanei, and his ancestors did not play football with the emperor like Gao Qi, but Qianlong loved to control water, so the son of Liangzhou General Soldier followed his Wenyuan Pavilion uncle. Under the guidance of the teacher, he abandoned martial arts and followed literature, and switched to water conservancy.

After becoming a coat, the surname of the Han people will be changed to Gao Jia's. The daughter of the uncle of the University of Gaojin Wenyuan Pavilion is the Huixian imperial concubine of Qianlong. Even for Manchus who don't believe in witchcraft very much, it is basically "extremely dangerous" for the harem to be involved with witchcraft, not to mention that Gao Jia is dead, and she has not given birth to a son and a half daughter, but Qianlong read Her love, from now on, Gao Jia's daughter will not be too bad when she gets married.

It is basically useless to rely on women to intercede. The last time Bernadotte was accused of treason by a Miza, it was also thanks to his wife who interceded for him. Bernadotte’s wife and Joseph’s wife are sisters, and Joseph also Help me to plead.

Hongli must be given an explanation for the sorcery case. When other provinces reported continuously, there was no movement in Jiangnan.

The so-called Man-Han Banquet refers to Kangxi’s 66-year-old birthday, where officials from the Manchu and Han races were invited to have a three-day banquet, where Manchu dishes and Han dishes were placed on the same table.

Eating palace banquets is not so easy. Usually, the full dishes are eaten first, and then the Han dishes. Holding a wine glass and looking for someone to toast with like a wedding banquet in a farmyard.

One meal can make people's stomach hurt, so of course don't expect "a family of Man and Han". Compared with Shandong, where the latest mansion newspapers are available at any time, Gao Jin seems to plan to deal with it in a low-key manner, that is, arresting those who spread rumors and prohibiting rumors. After all, Gao Jin is not an ordinary bannerman. He "slowly promoted" from the county magistrate, rather than ascending through internal routes.

But according to Shandong's confession, several main suspects of sorcery have gone to Jiangsu, and Funihan, who is the most active, is a Manchu official, and he has already arrested several suspects.

So Qianlong turned his anger on Zhang Bao, the governor of Jiangsu, who was also a Manchu bureaucrat who was "well versed in intrigue". He was handling a fraud case involving the Yangzhou Salt Administration, and Gao Heng was the main defendant in the case. And Gao Heng's cousin happened to be Zhang Bao's immediate boss, and he also had a beautiful older sister who happened to be Concubine Huixian.

The two cases were blocked in Zhangbao's hands together, not only Qianlong had a headache, but Zhangbao himself also had a headache. More and more court cases came from BJ, Qianlong could get angry, but Zhangbao had to be careful not to lose his head, even if Is he a full man?

It happened that there was Pei County in his jurisdiction, which is the place where Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was the head of the pavilion. In a local market, a man surnamed Jiang from Shandong knocked down an old man, and she fell into a coma on the spot. The old man's son was a local farmer surnamed Yang, and he immediately jumped up to catch the man who hit his mother of foreigners.

A big man from Shandong, how can a small man from Jiangnan catch him, but the farmer surnamed Yang is a local, and a group of people wanted to surround the man surnamed Jiang. And even if the people from Shandong are not thieves, they are also merchants traveling from north to south, and they will not go on the road alone.

There was a gang fight in the market, and the eggs sold were overturned to the ground by people who were watching the excitement and those who didn't want to cause trouble, crying to death. A thief took this opportunity to cut the money bag and was caught by the victim. The thief was holding a knife in his hand.

"Come here, there is a braid-cut demon here!"

Originally, when a big man knocked someone down, most people would not immediately associate it with "calling the soul". An old peasant woman covered in patched clothes, what did he want her for?

The thief took advantage of the chaos and fled. He also knew what it meant to be convicted of this crime. The old man's son and relatives caught the attacker. When the officials came, this Shandong native named Jiang became a braid-cut Demon.

This kind of case cannot be heard by the governor of Jiangsu himself, because the Shandong Dahan is a secular person, and the governor wants to arrest "Master Mingyuan" and "Master Yushi".

But Hongli was very dissatisfied with Zhangbao's performance, especially when there were cross-state and dereliction of duty phenomena in the process of arresting jade. In order to restore the influence, Zhangbao exposed the Lianghuai salt tax fraud case.

The case is about to be closed, and Zhang Bao thought that Hongli would boast about himself, but he didn't expect Hongli to be indifferent, and instead scolded Zhang Bao for not knowing the priority.

"Let's forget about the salt tax case in the end?" Bonaparte asked the "China hand" very interestedly.

"No, Gao Heng and the other criminals were transferred to the military aircraft department, and they were all sentenced to death in the end," said the silk vendor.

Georgiana looked at Bonaparte. He didn't look unhappy anymore, so was he happy or unhappy?

So she remembered an idiom "The king's heart is unpredictable".

At this moment, the opera star "handpicked" by Bonaparte came on stage, and he turned his attention to her and began to applaud.

So everyone started applauding.

Unlike Grassini, this female star did not wear dazzling gemstones all over her body, but she was wearing extremely gorgeous silk.

She sang an excerpt from Mozart's opera "Abducted from the Harem" "What a joy it is". Dressed up, it seems that the princess herself is singing.

How happy, how joyful, my heart beats so fast.

I will tell her without hesitation, and bring her the news, and with merriment and laughter, I will prophesy to her feeble and timid heart.

happiness and joy.

In the story, even with the help of pirates, the princess and her lover still did not escape from the palace and were brought before Pasha. Her lover told Pasha that he was the son of a Dutch commander and was willing to pay a high ransom in the hope that The Pasha released them, but the Pasha was even angrier, because the commander was the Pasha's worst enemy.

Just when the two felt that they must die, they sang a duet.

The commander's son asked: Because of me, do you have to die?

The princess said: Belmont, you will die for me, for the happiness of dying.

When the two gave up on themselves, Pasha reappeared and told the princess that revenge was ugly and he decided not to punish them.

The story ends with a happy ending. The lover returned to Spain by boat, but the palace guards who hoped to get the maid failed, and the guards sang "Long Live the Pasha" in unison.

If only "reality" could be the same as in the script.

Why is Cecilia, as the favorite concubine of the Sultan, enjoying the glory and wealth but unhappy?

She missed the self who was so happy dog ​​sledding in the Nordic snow that she needed heartworm honey to keep her head off.

It's a pity that that person is so far away from her, it's like a dream, how could she be so happy and carefree?

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a sad field healing workshop, and monks and Taoist priests were in charge of charity at that time.

But later monks became richer and richer, which affected conscription and taxation, so that the government had to force them to return to vulgarity.

It is written in the Heart Sutra translated by Master Xuanzang: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, for a long time, walks the deep Prajna Paramita, sees that the five aggregates are empty, and overcomes all hardships.

Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing.

The relics are the appearance of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing.

That is why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes and ears, no color, no scent, no vision, no unconscious. There is no ignorance, nor the end of ignorance, nor even old age and death, nor the end of old age and death. There is no suffering to destroy the way, no wisdom and no gain.

With nothing to gain, Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, has no hindrance in the heart, no hindrance, no terror, far away from reversing dreams, and finally Nirvana.

Although she doesn't believe in Buddhism, she still wants to say something about Amitabha.

If I had known that there would be such a mess, and I don’t know if the monks who believe in the Buddha’s mercy would still break the precepts?

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