Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2075 Tianshui is both economical (1)

Georgiana could see that Academician Bonaparte felt a little disappointed.

People are busy listening to the topic of "Oriental", and they are not so attentive to the well-prepared programs on stage.

But he is also a person who loves to listen to stories, so he didn't feel very angry, and he still listened attentively.

Qianlong liked Jiangnan so much that he moved a part of Jiangnan's elite culture to Chengde Mountain Resort, making the Manchu Xiadu exquisite and elegant.

In July of that year, the scorching heat enveloped BJ City. However, going to Chengde was not just to avoid the hot weather. The emperor also wanted to bring the Manchurian nobles back to their old homeland and let them mount their war horses again, just like before outside the pass. Same as hunting drills.

The rate at which the Manchus degenerated was as fast as their Sinicization. The emperor himself was both attracted to Jiangnan and rejected the decadence of Jiangnan. The society in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is luxurious and corrupt, corroding people's virtues like candy corrodes teeth. Officials and noble gentry colluded with each other and acted recklessly, encroaching on only a small part of the rights and interests of the salt people. The officials in the prefecture and county learned to turn a blind eye to troubles in order to protect themselves. "Stirred the emperor's mood.

But just as the people in the summer resort were preparing to hunt, when Qianlong himself was looking at the new palace built in imitation of the Potala Palace, he bypassed BJ's military plane and placed it directly on the emperor's table in Chengde.

Aixinjueluo Hongli's taste is unique. His father Yongzheng is more elegant. As long as you get used to his color matching method... Those colorful four treasures of the study are still very beautiful.

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty were not afraid of witchcraft, they believed in lamas, and they didn't know much about Chinese Buddhism and Taoism, and they were more afraid of smallpox than these, and Kangxi had it before.

But this does not mean that they have no fear of witchcraft, especially "misfortune and blessing", which was written into the Qing law.

To put it another way, it is prophecy, and the Han people like to do these things very much, such as "Da Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng", this kind of "monster talk" must be banned.

The science of prophecy and weft has existed since the pre-Qin period, and it is a kind of political prediction of the future. Prophecy is the argot of alchemists, and latitude is its explanation. Compared with Buddhism, Taoism has more masters of this door.

In the strange novels written by literati in the 18th century, Taoist priests pretended to be gods and ghosts to seek wealth and murder, while monks were hypocritical and immoral, and had improper relationships with several married women. This is also the attack on priests in Europe a topic involved.

But this time it was not a Taoist priest who murdered his life, but a monk. Qianlong didn't care about it at all at first. But just like the broken window effect, various states and counties, all kinds of witchcraft rumors swarmed in, and the whole August was full of these news, from south to north, it seemed that people all over the country began to "hunt witches" .

It's been 2000, and this is the first time that when the Fangxian sect was popular, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty treated these "immortals" as honored guests and married a princess. It's the turn of "reforms" here.

In the past, there were leaders like Zhang Jiao in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but this time there was no such thing as a rabble. The old women saw that there were two monks living in the Guandi Temple outside the village, and thought they might be harming someone, so they reported it to the government. Yes, and then the government really sent someone to arrest him.

Without further ado, let's have a pinch stick first, that thing can break a person's ankle bone, so I had no choice but to confess quickly if I didn't want to suffer the pain of flesh and blood.

No reason? This is normal. Manchu nobles oppressed slaves, Baoyi oppressed ordinary Han people, and those with families bullied those without families. In the social structure at that time, monks and beggars were the poorest and least able to protect themselves. Supported by powerful relatives. Moreover, wandering Taoist priests and monks are all alone or very few people, unlike beggars who are in groups.

Where is a decent society most vulnerable to attack?

Beggars, and a large group of beggars in ragged clothes. Respectable people always have weddings and weddings. These beggars bow to the rich and noble families and the bridegroom walking in front of the sedan chair on a white horse. Will rush into the banquet of the wedding banquet, good or bad can be mixed with a mouthful of wine and meat.

All the rich and powerful in the world are most vulnerable to those who have nothing to lose.

Likewise those who have nothing are easy targets for the rich and powerful.

So it became a kind of competition to see who would sue who first. For example, someone has a creditor who doesn't want to pay back the money, so he falsely accuses the creditor of using "soul-calling" witchcraft, so that when the creditor dies, he won't have to pay back the money.

The creditor will not sit still, he will say that so-and-so beggar or monk did it. Using beggars and monks as scapegoats is a conspiracy between the court and the people. Hongli believed that the monks were the masterminds, who were more likely to know the sorcery, while the beggars were running errands.

When is the time for retribution.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness.

Save these words for Lord Yama, by the way, Lord Yama is the god of death in China.

Later, "calling the soul" became a way of cursing people among the people.

A missionary named Alan McFarlane compared this phenomenon with witchcraft during the Duzer Dynasty in England, and found that witchcraft and witchcraft are different, and do not rely on natural inner strength, but a A magical technique that anyone can learn, and therefore anyone can be the object of suspicion.

The bond formed by "patriarchal clan" and blood relationship will eliminate internal suspects, so the wandering wanderers become suspects and are hunted and killed at will like stray dogs.

Until Qianlong found out the root cause of the matter, there were two monk temples in Deqing, the hometown of silk, one was called Ciren Temple and the other was called Guanyin Temple. The road to the incense-filled temple is cursed, and anyone who steps on it will die.

Originally, there were many loopholes in this story, but the people used their imagination to complete the story, so the "soul calling" magic became "real".

The evil law is easy to break, but the mind is hard to correct.

Shang Yang's Five Arts of Controlling the People is called the "Emperor's Unique Learning", and it is a course that the emperor needs to learn. However, the most important thought left by Shang Yang is the theory of punishment. Han Fei also pointed out that "words are not expensive, but laws are not suitable for both." And Han Fei took Shen Buhui as an example to demonstrate that laws and regulations must be unified.

To put it in simple and clear terms, everyone is equal before the law. Using the understanding of the French Revolution, it is to eliminate the privileged class and cancel the right of immunity. The method of using their influence to influence politics and obtain immunity like Jiangnan merchants is not allowed in a society ruled by law.

However, these people have experienced the panic of "soul calling", and have not experienced the terror brought by the reign of terror and the guillotine. They can continue to dance in extravagance, and France has ended the feudal society and the old order, and entered the modern society.

Sometimes people do not pass with the passage of time, the latter must be more advanced than the predecessors, Europeans gave up the natural science of the ancient Greeks, and no longer believed that the earth is round, this period happened to be the darkest Middle Ages.

These people chatted and talked about another story. In Hangzhou, there was a dervish who was good at performing illusions in his dervish, as if a dragon was flying.

At that time, there was a hermit official who was good at identifying kits and thaumaturgies. He heard the story of the dervish, so he went to visit him. There was a wandering dervish. Boli conjures up the image of a wandering dragon, and the monk invites an official who is good at steadfast magicians to travel into the mountains with him, and then suddenly disappears.

The officials searched everywhere and finally found a man who had seen a dervish in a monk's temple, and the monk told the officials that he should be ordained there.

At first the officials didn't believe it, but when he returned home, suddenly the wall collapsed at Haishi, his young child and old mother died, and his wife couldn't afford to be ill. Later, he became a loner.

He returned to the temple in despair, saw the sweeping monk again, and asked him, "If I don't go back that day, will it be different?"

"It won't be different, it's just your state of mind will be different."

Han Feizi stuttered and couldn't speak fluently. How could he beat Li Si in the debate?

But Ying Zheng is a monarch who decided to continue to cultivate even though he knew that Zheng Guoqu was used to consume Qin's national power. If it wasn't him, could someone else complete the unification?

Georgiana glanced at Bonaparte again, she wondered if she could make him "one sentence".

She may be a waste, but it's better not to worry about so many things, look at her beer industry, how many people will starve to death in the famine 13 years later.

The prophecy is that you know it, and you can't change the result.

So why know so much in advance?

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