Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2077 Tianshui is both economical (3)

In the 13th century, the center of world trade was in the east, during the Song Dynasty.

The costume worn by Miss Rocour was shipped from Suzhou. Unlike the silk made by Lyon on a jacquard machine, it was completely embroidered by hand. Even at close range, the bird on the clothes is alive, every strand of hair can be seen very clearly, and it will continue to change color as the light changes.

Georgiana was also a woman, and then she felt what Josephine felt when she saw Grassini at the party.

Fortunately, the smirk practiced for so many years came in handy, so that Academician Bonaparte, who was "enthusiastic" talking to Ms. Rocour in Italian, would not be embarrassed on the spot.

Of course, her black suit is not as good as Mademoiselle Rocourt's brilliant colors, and the French academician's uniform is extremely gorgeous, so it seems that Miss Rocourt and Academician Bonaparte are a couple of hostess and hostess.

Georgiana "thought" there was something an actress who could play opposite Talma should know, and that didn't seem to be the case. That's why Talma is like "Caesar" and won't change easily, but the women around him keep changing.

She wanted a "one-hearted person", and Severus, who had always liked Lily and never changed her mind, attracted her, but he was too stubborn to change his mind.

The second "one-hearted man" is only said to be a dedicated person, but he is fickle, and someone even gave him the nickname Chameleon. There are many men and women around him, who can be chosen by him.

"for you."

At this moment, the Mr. "China Hand" handed her a box.

She remembered the story of Gongsun Yi, no matter how much he likes fish, she can't just accept the fish that others give her.

"No, I..."

The gentleman opened the box, took out the contents, and opened it in front of her.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said the Mr. China Hand.

Georgiana looked at what he held in shock.

It was a folding fan, possibly made of used silver, with very ornate patterns on it, forming a picture of a woman sitting under a tree with a rabbit in her arms.

"This is Chang'e, she is the goddess of the moon in oriental legends, she reminds me of you." The "China Handy" Mr. said.

"I cannot accept your present," said Georgiana gravely. "There is no reason."

"But you accepted the rose that someone gave you," said the silk merchant.

"That's different..." Georgiana had a cold face, and just about to say something, she glanced at the other people at the banquet out of the corner of her eye, and they were all secretly looking at this side.

The person who gave her the gift looked embarrassed and angry, and she suddenly realized that this might become her "egret feather".

She reacted entirely on a whim, took the newly acquired fan and walked up to Bonaparte who was talking to Mademoiselle Rocourt, and then coughed softly.

Just when he turned his head to look at her, she unfolded the fan.

The hollowed-out fan can't fan the wind at all, not to mention that the venue is so cold.

"Do you know what that means?" she asked him, smiling through the fan.

Academician Bonaparte was completely stunned, wondering if he didn't react.

"It's fan language, which means 'I want to know you.'" Georgiana switched the fan from her left hand to her right hand. "And it's 'follow me.' I just learned that. It's funny, isn't it?"

He regained consciousness a little, whispered something to Miss Rocoul, and then returned to Georgiana's side.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a puzzled tone.

If he had a tie on, Georgiana wanted to pull it now, and lead him away like a horse.

"Didn't I tell you just now, 'follow me'." She said with a smile.

"You don't want to get acquainted with Mademoiselle Rocour?" Bonaparte asked with a smile knowingly asking, "She just arrived today."

"No!" she said angrily.

"I thought you were the kind of woman who didn't need to be the center of attention." Bonaparte said with a smile.

That was a real problem, it wasn't Georgiana who baked the pie, she was actually one of the stealing cats who should be kicked out.

"If she upsets you, you can just tell her what she did wrong, Madame." Bonaparte said jokingly.

Georgiana looked at Miss Rocourt again, she was curtseying to Georgiana, her expression looked a little panicked, it didn't seem like Grassini's.

But who knows, since Miss Rocour is also an actress, she may well be faking it.

"How about we continue the topic just now?" At this time, the Mr. "China Hand" appeared again, "Where did we just talk?"

Bonaparte looked at him a little haughtily.

"Why are you so interested in China, sir?"

"As long as the Chinese buy one cotton nightcap, I think that's enough for all the factories in Europe. Not every Chinese is rich enough to afford silk."

"Why do they buy nightcaps?" Georgiana asked, remembering that most of the people she met in Chinatown didn't have the habit.

"To protect their braids from being cut off while they sleep," said the gentleman. "Even after many years, there are still many people who believe in and still fear that evil magic."

"It's like Europeans are afraid of witches." Georgiana sneered.

But no one answered, Bonaparte changed the subject, "The official named Gao Heng, why did he cheat?"

"Oh, in fact, he is not for himself, but for Emperor Qianlong..."

So the silk merchant told a story very similar to "Dream of Red Mansions", or similar to Cao Xueqin's family.

Cao Xueqin is the grandson of Cao Yin, who weaves in Jiangning. He lived a prosperous life in his early years. In the sixth year of Yongzheng, because Cao's family was short-lived and convicted, his home was ransacked. He moved to BJ with his family.

The later dynasties slandered the previous dynasties in order to make themselves look just. This is true all over the world. History itself is written by the victors, even the St. Edith Monastery that Georgiana had visited before.

However, the Qing Dynasty was not like the Tang Dynasty. There was a "tyrant" Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang who loved to go to Jiangnan, and Kangxi loved to go to Jiangnan just like Qianlong, although the purpose of Kangxi to go to Jiangnan was to inspect the dikes and the customs of the southeast.

"Welcome to drive" is a kind of honor, but also a heavy burden. Gao Heng's elder sister has been a noble concubine, just like the concubine Yuan in the Dream of the Red Chamber, so the matter of welcoming the drive falls on him.

Qianlong went to Jiangnan for the first time in the 16th year. At that time, Gao Heng was still the general soldier of Tianjin. Before that, he was in charge of the salt administration. If Lu Jianzeng was reactivated as Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy to build exterior scenes, then Gao Heng was used as Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy to arrange a place for Qianlong to live. His house was extremely luxurious. After he was ransacked and executed, the old house was given to Gu Lun and Princess Jing by Qianlong as the mansion.

Louis XIV saw that his finance minister lived more luxuriously than himself, and his thoughts may be a little different from Qianlong's. Anyway, Qianlong's reason for executing Gao Heng was because "if the queen's younger brother breaks the law, what should I do?"

Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, and the salt merchants had to share some of the expenses equally. Their tribute alone was 4.6 million taels of silver, and Gao Heng did receive money from the salt merchants, just like the handful of silver that Georgiana received just now. Fans are about the same.

All in all, the deficit of Lianghuai Salt Affairs is so great that it is no longer enough to rely on Lu Jianzeng's head. It is useless to invite Concubine Huixian out to give favor. He ended up with the Cao family, but he only harmed his own branch. His cousin Gao Jin was fine because of "avoiding suspicion" and handling the "soul calling case" properly.

Such a metaphor, the dog wants to go out to shit, and keeps barking at the owner, but the owner can’t understand what the dog is saying, so he ignores it. Later, the dog can’t hold back anymore and shits at home, will the owner blame himself? Of course, he will pick up whatever is in his hand and "teach" that disobedient dog well, firstly to let it have a long memory, and secondly, to let other dogs learn from them and not make the same mistakes as this dog.

Other dogs are not stupid. The dog owner can't understand what they say, and he can't understand even if his throat is broken. But what is bothering the master? That is to see dog poop in the house. Fortunately, dogs eat poop, and they eat their own poop. If there is no evidence, it will be over?

In addition to the five arts of controlling the people, Shang Yang also has a set of methods for governing the country, that is, "one reward, one punishment, and one teaching".

Rewards are rewarded according to the same standard, punishments are not graded, ministers and generals are punished the same as ordinary people if they break the law, unified education is to make people knowledgeable, intelligent and eloquent, honest and honest, have moral cultivation, and have a reputation as a chivalrous man , will not evade punishment, and will not create a theory alone to override the national laws, and defeat those who show their sharpness, so that those from rich and noble families can only pin their hopes on military exploits.

Mozi non-Confucianism said this: Exuberantly decorating sorcery to win the world, and exuberant vocal music to deceive the people, his way cannot be expected from the world, and his learning cannot guide the public.

What exactly is sorcery? Is it "calling the soul"?

"Water Margin" records Liangshanbo in the Song Dynasty. If it is a place where there are few people, if someone falls into the grass and becomes a bandit and occupies the mountain as king, then there will not be such a big commotion. The key is that Liangshanbo is located on the Grand Canal, so it is occupied. Liangshan is about to cut off the economic lifeline of the Song Dynasty.

For these grassroots bandits, they are called "heroes" in the book. She doesn't understand this kind of "champions" very well, because these "champions" ignore the law, and any rules can be trampled in their eyes.

But she felt that watching Water Margin was more enjoyable than watching Dream of Red Mansions.

If she had a son, she would never let him learn from Jia Baoyu and grow up with a group of women in the Grand View Garden.

Their world is a piece of sky surrounded by the Grand View Garden. Although it is prosperous, it is also like a cage. Have they ever seen the deserts of Egypt and the snow-capped mountains of the Alps?

When she saw the mountain of XZ for the first time, the first thing she thought was that this place used to be the bottom of the sea? What is the power to make it the roof of the world.

There are also Yuzui and Baopingkou in Dujiangyan. These water conservancy facilities have existed for two thousand years, taming the Minjiang River, which was once a disaster, and fertilizing the land of abundance.

There was also the sorcerer who called himself "Wang Wei". He originally planned to attract the snowman and destroy the international snowman scientific research station, but he chose to leave.

He also gave Severus a dreamweed seed.

It was a magical country, and when the "China Hand" told Napoleon about that country, his tone was seductive, and his eyes were full of greed, while Bonaparte's eyes were calm, like blue lake water.

A figure comparable to Alexander, Caesar, and Hannibal would be out of his mind, let alone say something like that: There is a sleeping lion in the east, which will shock the world when it wakes up.

When is it? Anyway, not those who want Jiaofang to restore the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Many people in those teaching workshops are post-convicts. Why don't they like to eat fish like Gongsun Yi, but they think about the consequences of eating fish given by others.

She tried to understand men, but found that sometimes she couldn't understand what they were thinking.

When she looked around, she saw a woman casting jealous eyes at her.

She is a woman, and sometimes she herself does not understand what a woman is thinking.

Even Josephine knew to ask Ludrell for help to get Louis and Hortans married and keep her precarious marriage. She didn't even know how to do this, what kind of palace fight?

What an idiot.

She said to herself in her heart, she was so angry that while listening to the story, she fanned herself with a fan that could not be fanned at all.

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