Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2072 The Mystery of Skyfire (Part 1)

The "Shuowen Jiezi" compiled by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty once explained "Fa" in this way.

灋, punishment also. Flat as water. From the water, if you can't touch it straight, go to it, go from it, understand.

Judging from the shape of the characters, the method is to pursue "flatness like water", so there is a magical animal "廌" next to the word "water". It also has a name called "Xiezhi", which is similar to a unicorn. A mythical beast with one horn.

According to legend, it can distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, loyal and evil, and if it finds a dishonest person, it will knock that person down with its horns and eat it.

There is also a "go" under the gate, which means "abandon" and "chasing" in ancient Chinese, and it is composed of arrows and bows in ancient Chinese.

In other words, 灋 in ancient Chinese is a knowing word. Compared with "justice" in the West, Eastern jurisprudence pays more attention to "fairness".

It is recorded in "Tang Law Shuyi" that "Shang Yang reformed the law and changed the law into a law". This is a social change implemented by Shang Yang in the Qin Dynasty based on the "Fa Jing".

What Shang Yang promulgated was "Qin Law" instead of "Qin Law". Law originally refers to music melody and beat, and its main meaning is stability. At that time, Qin State was located in the borderlands, and the folk customs were strong, and private fighting was prevalent. A large-scale private fighting could even mobilize tens of thousands of people, which was basically equivalent to a local war in the Italian city-state.

Basically, this kind of private fighting will not produce any gains, but it is just changing the land from one Qin countryman to another Qin countryman. Instead, it will cause a lot of casualties. It is purely internal friction and needs to be resolved more urgently than the well field system. question.

Just saying "prohibit private fighting" cannot solve private fighting. Shang Yang's solution to this problem is to turn "private fighting" into "public fighting", that is, to seize land and interests from other countries through "national war".

As a musical instrument, the drum can not only boost morale, "one drum, then decline, three exhaust", but also can be used as a signal to march and withdraw troops.

But it is the "Qin Law" that can turn a group of mobs into masters of tigers and wolves. It is different from the Shao music that Confucius loved to listen to. It does not have so many instrumental music and tunes. Like the Hogwarts school song, whatever key you choose, the words are always the same.

Since the Qin Dynasty, all legal codes in ancient society have been changed to laws, such as the laws of the Han Dynasty, the laws of the Tang Dynasty, the laws of the Song Dynasty, the laws of the Ming Dynasty and the laws of the Qing Dynasty.

When it developed to the Tang Law, the "Law" was no longer dominated by Legalism during Shang Yang's reform, but a combination of ritual and law, incorporating some Confucian ideas, such as the Eight Pieces System, basically except for heinous crimes, it belongs to " The classes in the "Eight Pieces" do not need to bear the responsibility for their own "minor crimes".

Although Confucius criticized that "the king of Chu lost his bow, the people of Chu won it", thinking that he was not "equal" enough, but Confucian etiquette allowed this "inequality".

In order to promote the law during Shang Yang's reform, even the king's son was almost executed, that is, "the prince broke the law and the common people are the same crime".

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished Huang Lao, dismissed hundreds of schools of thought, and only respected Confucianism in order to strengthen the imperial power. Dong Zhongshu created a new ideological system with Confucianism as the core with "the unity of heaven and man" and "the interaction between heaven and man", and put "heaven's punishment for disasters" " and "the loss of the country" are linked together, and the "law of heaven" is used to rule the "law of man".

For example, if there is a drought in a place, then this place does not organize people to dig wells to save themselves, but to find that corrupt official and powerful landlord, and kill him. God thinks that people have done right, and it will rain down.

The country has lost the way, but the sky sends out disasters to tell it, but it doesn't know self-examination, and it sends out weirdness to warn and fear it.

This kind of thinking continued until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, in addition to the epidemic of "typhoid fever", there were also droughts and earthquakes. It really felt like a catastrophe.

There was an astronomer named Zhang Heng, who made a "seismic inspection" instrument that could detect earthquakes in Longxi, thousands of miles away from Chang'an.

At the beginning, no one believed him, but later the messenger came to report that it was true, so the emperor at that time asked Zhang Heng who was "responsible" for the natural disaster.

The court of Zhang Heng’s era was full of eunuchs and their henchmen, if Zhang Heng had named these people...

Later, Zhang Heng was demoted and kicked out of Luoyang, because even if he was not in court, spreading those remarks among the people would make some people feel uneasy. But although he left, the seismograph remained. It was not until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty that Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang, and the seismograph was destroyed together with the Lingtai.

The full name of the seismograph is Houfeng Seismograph. Wind does not belong to the five elements: wood, fire, earth, gold, and water. It belongs to "qi".

Georgiana heard that the seismograph was grounded, and she immediately thought of Zou Yan in the Warring States period, and his use of "Lu Lu Tiaoyang" to change the calendar for Yan Kingdom, which also used the principle of yin and yang.

Taoism was popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and even the Yellow Turban Uprising was related to the "Huang Lao" theory. It is a pity that the seismograph was destroyed in the flames of war.

Witchcraft and shamans received completely different treatment in the East and West. Although there was a scourge of witchcraft during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, shamans were generally treated with courtesy in the East, but in 1768 in the territory of the Manchu Qing A near "witch hunt" scare.

At that time, it was still in the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong. In the 33rd year of Aixinjueluo Hongli's reign, the business was prosperous, the population increased, and the society was vibrant and quite stable. However, a kind of "witchcraft" has quietly become popular among the people. Under certain conditions, if a person has mastered another person's soul, he can use this power to control others for his own benefit.

Some special classes who wandered on the fringes of society and wandered indefinitely became the objects of suspicion. For the common people, what they fear most is that their bodies and children will be harmed by the "soul-calling technique". The more densely populated and wealthy areas are, the more fearful they are of these wanderers.

At the beginning, he was a Taoist priest, and later developed into a monk and a craftsman; from the beginning, he could not get a bite of food for "begging for alms", and then he was served by the death penalty; from the beginning of Jiangnan, it gradually expanded to the north, and finally all this information was gathered in Aixinjue Luo Hongli's hands.

Shang Yang's Five Strategies to Control the People has an advantage, that is, it is convenient for the ruler to control, but it also has disadvantages. There is nothing or means that can eliminate the panic caused by ignorance.

The British envoys to the Manchu Qing Dynasty also heard about this incident. After they returned to China, they publicized it everywhere, and then those people used what they saw and heard as a talking point at the "armistice banquet".

In fact, during the "Golden Age of Kaiyuan" in the 8th century A.D., a monk named Xingxing once also measured the meridian of the earth. This is a very large astronomical survey. It went to the north and south ends of the Tang Empire. The height of the North Pole, the winter and summer solstices, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and the length of the shadow of the sun when the sun is due south.

In the early days of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Li Chunfeng revised the calendar and used it to measure the days of solar eclipses. Tang Taizong Li Shimin used this to make the common people no longer panic because of the vision of "Tiangou eclipsing the sun".

But later this calendar became more and more inaccurate, and Tang Xuanzong Li Longji asked a group to preside over the revision of the calendar.

Li Chunfeng supports Huntian's theory, but Huntian's theory is a product of the pre-Qin period. Many people don't believe it, and still think it is a round sky.

At that time, Western civilization had already spread to the Western Regions, and places like Dunhuang still had many ancient Greek-style Buddha statues. At the same time, there is also the theory of "equal division", which means that human beings divide the zodiac into 360 parts, each part is one degree, that is, one day, which is called "Nine Zhi Calendar" in "New Tang Book". ", while China's traditional algorithm is based on Zhoutian 365 for calculation.

Thich Nhat Hanh referred to the "Jiu Zhi Li" when calculating the Dayan Calendar, but did not fully apply its main content. If one line is inaccurate, then forget it, the problem is that the Dayan calendar has predicted almost all solar eclipses, so an academic debate started in front of Tang Xuanzong.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was an artist, and he was said to be able to play Jiegu well. But even if he doesn't understand, it doesn't prevent him from solving the problem. If he asks someone both parties can trust, it will be resolved.

It's a pity that such a prosperous age was destroyed by the flames of war. When the Anshi Rebellion ended, he would lose more than just a concubine.

The world of mortals is originally a guest in the mirror, thinking of prosperity and thinking of dust.

There was a monk who said, "There is no tree for Bodhi, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, so where can the dust be aroused?"

The question is how many people in the world are as pure as him?

"what's on your mind?"

She heard someone ask her this, and at this moment she felt her legs return to the same place, she is not in Hogwarts, nor in Chang'an, but in Boulogne-sur-Mer, dancing with the most unlikely person waltz.

"It's like a dream, and it's a dream covered with gold dust," she whispered.

He didn't answer right away.

"Keep dreaming." He said while leading her to dance, "Night is for dreaming."

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