Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2073 The Mystery of Skyfire (Part 2)

In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a piece of music called Tong Guan Gu, which was written like this:

The mountains and rivers are like clusters, the waves are like anger, Tongguan Road inside and outside the mountains and rivers, looking at the western capital, hesitant, sad, where the Qin and Han Dynasties traveled, thousands of palaces and palaces have been made of dirt. Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Xiang Yu entered the customs and set fire to the Afang Palace, leaving Du Mu with a saying "the people of Chu are burned, and the scorched earth is pitiful". The overwhelming fire is said to have burned for three months, while the Great Fire of London only burned for three days.

This may be because most of the ancient buildings were made of wood, so special attention should be paid to fire prevention. However, even if man-made arson can be prevented, fires caused by thunderstorms cannot be prevented.

If it was chopped on an ordinary house, it would be fine, but if it was chopped on the main hall, it would easily be regarded as an "ominous omen", and even the emperor would be so frightened that he could hardly sleep or eat.

However, the lightning rod was not invented before Benjamin Franklin. This does not mean that there is nothing to do. On the top of ancient buildings, there is often a protruding part called "kiss". When the rain is strong enough, it will become a straight line. In this way, "kiss" can form a device similar to a lightning rod together with the water flow.

But when the rainfall is not enough, the water flow cannot form a straight line of conduction, and it cannot form a "lightning rod". At this time, the sky thunder will still ignite the building.

When Napoleon rebuilt the Tuileries Palace, he used wood, and it was precisely because of the wood that the severely damaged palace was repaired in such a short period of time. This also led to the fact that by 1870, it could easily have been "torched", with everything but the façade burned to the ground.

In the 21st century, the Tuileries no longer existed, and it was there that she met him.

There was a thick fog on the square of the Louvre that day, as if returning to the cold foggy moon all of a sudden, but they were actually still in the hot summer.

There is a saying in the Buddha's verse: Everything has a law, like a dream, like a dew, like a lightning.

What you see, hear, and feel seems real, but when you open your eyes, they disappear like morning dew.

"Magic" is like magic, but also like hallucinations. When people understand that this is a stage performance, they will try to solve the magician's tricks, but it is not necessarily the case if they change the scene.

In the eyes of people in the Qianlong period, "ghosts" are wandering souls without roots. People with families will sacrifice regularly every Qingming or Yulan Basin Festival after death, while "ghosts" are ghosts that no one goes to sacrifice. Yes, they lived without family and social ties and died homeless.

They are alive, but they also look like dead people. This kind of fear makes people with families directly associate these homeless people with "ghosts".

The state has national laws, the family has family rules, and the "patriarchal clan" is very strict. Women who do not abide by women's morals will be immersed in pig cages in ponds, so lynching one or two Taoist priests and monks is nothing at all.

Those craftsmen were often called to repair houses, bridges and roads. People at that time believed that building bridges and roads was a good thing to do. But some people will falsely accuse that the mason carved someone's name and birthday on the stone when he hit the stone, so that person will be trampled by thousands of people, and will soon get sick or even die.

What good does false accusation do that man? How do you know this? Another reason is the problem of braids. The biggest difference between the Manchus and the Hans lies in their hairstyles. The Hans think that their body, hair, and skin are influenced by their parents, and shaving their hair is a blasphemy against their parents and ancestors.

At the beginning, the rulers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty also planned to use Confucian moral concepts to educate the people, "The ruler is like his father, and the people are like his sons. Father and son are one, how can it be different?"

But the Han people were unmoved, so there was a hair-shaving order of "keep the hair but not the head, and keep the head but not the hair".

In the case of "Calling the Soul", people believed that cutting off people's hair braids could harm them, and there were many people who "anti-Qing and restoring the Ming" among the people, so this rumor quickly swept across most of China, to the point where it shook the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

On the stage, the "gifted scholars and beautiful ladies" babbled and sang, and under the stage were the eight-flag children carrying birdcages and listening to the opera with their legs crossed. Britain and France are already studying telegrams, and they are still thinking about how "a concubine who rides the world of mortals laughs, and no one knows that it is a lychee."

"God hears peace"? In the future, you can try how to explain to the Beiyang warlords to see if they can listen.

Compared with the "witch hunt" in the West with great fanfare and religious inquisitions, the officials of the Qing Dynasty used the method of deceiving the upper and lower. What are the people.

Yongzheng used to live outside the palace when he was still Prince Yong. Every summer when he knew it, he would scream desperately and make him read a book, so he set up a "sticky pole place", dipped glutinous rice on the bamboo pole, and put it on the bamboo pole. Those who knew were taken away.

Later, this sticky pole had another name, called Xuedizi. After Yongzheng's death, this country and the "sticky pole" were passed on to his son Qianlong. It is said that anyone who spread rumors alive in folklore will be killed .

So this panic that might cause a big wave in the West was suppressed so silently. As for how the British knew, "foreign monks" are not monks or Taoist priests, and they are not included in the scope of being hunted. Inside.

There are also lamas, monks and Taoists who were arrested, fled, and died, leaving a big "vacuum zone", but people in Jiangnan don't believe them, they prefer to believe "foreign monks", regardless of Aixinjue It doesn't matter how the Luo family promotes lamas.

Li Shimin and his son are not pure Han Chinese, but their surname is Li, so they recognize Lao Tzu Li Er as their ancestor.

When Wu Zetian was the empress, she also sent Di Renjie to the south of the Yangtze River to deal with the "prostitution temple".

On the one hand, it is Di Renjie's ability, such as Dayu's temple, he will not move; Your worries", there will not be a priest like the French Republic who is still struggling with whom to pledge allegiance to while receiving a salary from the state.

Zhang Tianshi, who commanded Taoism in the world, was demoted from the second rank of the national teacher to the fifth rank. His rank was not as good as that of a magistrate. The Taoist temple was converted into a Buddhist temple, and the Taoist priests had no choice but to wander.

The most important thing is that they often still wear the hairstyle of the Han people. Basically, if they are caught, they will be killed.

But so many people have died in the past dynasties, even if they didn't live in the era of "bones filled the wild, ten rooms and nine empty", and the people were devastated, those wandering ghosts still need to be sacrificed.

You can choose not to believe it, or you can treat it as a custom. When you see a Taoist priest passing by with a bell or flag in his hand around the Mid-Autumn Festival every year, remember to stay away from him. Don’t say hello to him, and don’t stop him. Otherwise, just take it as your own bad luck.

Basically, the people who do this job are young people. The so-called brothers of the same school are like this. The younger brothers often have to listen to their brothers. Some jobs that "everyone is unwilling to do" are assigned to the poorest one. body.

The last bird to hatch in a brood often does not live to grow up. The first to hatch will steal the food fed by the parents. Even if it does not starve to death, it may die early due to poor development.

It is useless to complain to the master, either you try to replace the senior brother and become a "big disciple", or continue to accept the senior brother's "fatherly love". "Talent" can't be helped, even if the senior learns first, he still can't learn as fast as his junior, both Pang Juan and Li Si are jealous of their senior's talent to do this kind of "fighting each other".

As for the masters who "retain more", it is not so easy for the masters to hand over all their skills, especially when some masters are married and have children of their own.

Fate is not fair. Children can act like a baby at will when they are with their parents. It is different when they become a monk. Don’t think that if you become a monk, you can be as free as a "leisure cloud and a wild crane". First of all, you have to solve the problem of food and accommodation by yourself.

Is it comfortable being a free stray dog, or is it comfortable being a dog that has a kennel but is occasionally beaten by its owner?

The Buddha said that letting go is freedom, and Lao Tzu said that the best is like water, water is good and beneficial without fighting, and not fighting is freedom.

Does anyone want this kind of freedom?

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