During the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius spent fourteen years traveling around the world. Later, Mencius, Han Feizi and even Sima Qian all tried to imitate him, and all had rich travel experience.

read more, walk more.

There is also the custom of grand tour in England. The advertisement printed in the Paris newspaper inspired Georgiana. Why didn't she try the profession of "tour guide"?

Dante also found Virgil when he went to Hell for a "sightseeing", and whether it is "Mister's School" or "Student's School", there is a teacher-student relationship, and there will always be students who disobey authority and like to challenge and take risks.

The old bat is purely asking for trouble. He arranges so much homework and puts the students in confinement to handle the potion ingredients.

Those playful children don't realize that this is a basic skill, just like cooking. If the meat is cut into large and small pieces, some may have been cooked, and some may not have been fully cooked. Wait until the big pieces are cooked. It's transparent, and the small pieces should be muddy again.

However, being too obedient is not a good thing. Some "bosses" just use the name of teachers and students to squeeze students. This is the case with the apprenticeship system in the textile industry. She remembered that Pete said that a girl was cornered and wanted to throw herself into the river. , was discovered immediately, but she was not punished, because the factory owners were afraid that the same thing would break out like a contagion, so they let her go.

When the young Werther was trapped in love, the girl was forced to the same desperate situation as him by the heavy work. It cannot be said that anyone's situation is more miserable, but the "adults" do not understand the troubles of children.

Children generally do not trust adults, but they tend to trust older brothers and sisters. Francis Russell was easily called out by Robert Peel Jr.

Robert Peel, Jr. took Francis to a construction site that was currently shut down because during the excavation the workers discovered an ancient Roman remains, an underground temple of unknown purpose, or something What a building, the columns inside are still colored, and Napoleon went there the night he didn't come back to sleep.

Francis was more interested in this than "children's play", but the soldiers who followed them quickly brought them out, because Napoleon ordered that no one else be allowed to enter.

Maybe when they leave, the academicians of the French Academy will come to conduct exploration. What's more important is that the soldiers are afraid that there is a curse in it, although no one has heard of the famous Tutankhamun's curse.

Muggle eyes can't see many things, such as ghosts and dementors, which are common in both East and West.

There is a saying in Mo Ziming's ghost chapter: People who insist on the theory of no ghosts and gods now say that what ordinary people hear and see is not enough to solve their doubts? How can someone want to be a high-ranking gentleman in the world, but believe what ordinary people hear and see? Mozi believed that if ordinary people’s hearing and seeing are not enough to believe and can’t be used to solve doubts, don’t you know that the sage kings of the previous Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are enough to be the standard? In the past, when King Wu of Zhou attacked Yin and Shang and killed King Zhou of Shang, he ordered the princes to divide the sacrifices of Yin and Shang. Let princes with the same surname worship in the temple of their ancestors, and let princes with different surnames worship in mountains and rivers. Therefore, King Wu of Zhou must believe that ghosts and gods exist. If there is no Ghosts and gods, why did King Wu of Zhou order the princes to share the sacrifices?

King Wu of Zhou was surnamed Ji, and his full name was Jifa. Counting from the Qin Dynasty onwards, no emperor had the same surname as him. The Grand Ceremony of Fengchan will be held in places like Mount Tai, Mount Song, and the Yellow River.

Fengchan needs to worship the heavens, and the ceremony of worshiping the heavens often requires a cumbersome process and a huge team. When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty enshrined Zen, all those who followed him to climb Mount Tai were promoted, and wedding candies were given out when they got married, let alone such a big event as Fengchan. In history, there are not many emperors who can enshrine Zen in Mount Tai.

Cracking the soil and enfeoffing a marquis can be regarded as a kind of reward, and it is precisely in this way that the root of the eight hundred years of war in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States was planted. The emperor is a self-proclaimed son of heaven. He wants to sacrifice to heaven on behalf of all the people and pray for good weather. If he goes to the grave with the common people and prays for his ancestors to bless him with good luck, will the common people believe it?

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is a public event, and it is also for the "Son of Heaven" to consolidate his ruling power. After all, there is no pope crowned in the Eastern Empire.

It is not necessarily the Kong family who presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Confucius is revered as the teacher of all ages, and his descendants will also be given preferential treatment. However, it is relatively rare for Kong Rong to be copied and beheaded by Cao Cao.

The prime minister can punt a boat in his stomach, does Prime Minister Cao have that measure?

For so many years on the stage, Cao Cao has always shown himself as a "bad face". He also organized a school lieutenant who touched gold to supplement the army's salary by robbing tombs.

According to Chinese funeral etiquette, death is like life. Many utensils that the owner of the tomb used during his lifetime should be placed in the tomb.

Then there are copper tripods and chime bells. These are all "ritual systems". It must not be easy for them to become the home of "Zhongmingdingdingshi" when they were alive, but after Cao Cao brought a large number of gold and jade treasures to play with them, they were abolished. , including "things of copper and iron".

However, as Confucianism gradually became dominant, chime bells reappeared. Even if Cao Cao did not "pit Confucianism" like Qin Shihuang, he would inevitably become a "traitor".

Humans are inherently mortal, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai, Cao Cao's merits and demerits are judged by others. Thieves often have a guilty conscience, otherwise they would not do such a thing, stealing the wealth of the living is afraid of being caught, and what is the fear of stealing the funeral objects of the dead?

1. The descendants of the deceased.

2. Ghosts and organs

The ghosts at Hogwarts are all pearly white, and there are many "white-clothed female ghosts" and "red-clothed female ghosts" in Eastern legends. Do these belong to "human beings"?

They have all become ghosts, why are they still human?

The Ministry of Magic has a ghost office, the ghost has a human appearance, and you can't stop people from wearing white clothes. According to the definition of people that originated from "universal", all "speaking human words" are human beings, and ghosts can also speak human words and provide information to living people. The history teacher at Hogwarts is simply a ghost. But in this way, the soil dialer is also counted in it.

Goblins don’t want to be classified as humans either. When mermaids are classified as humans, centaurs would rather be classified as beasts. How did Bonaparte react after hearing this story? He laughed happily, and he was not in the mood to intervene or judge at all.

He's dead, it's all written in history, not to mention that people are inherently mortal, unless he, like Voldemort, and everyone else, desires eternal life.

The "person" that Georgiana sees now cannot be regarded as a real person, because he has no body. But he is not like a ghost, he is colored, and his body is impenetrable, and he has a sense of touch and taste, which ghosts do not have.

Where do people go after death is a question that plagues the living. Georgiana feels that she has come to the underworld, but it is not like that. She has no idea where she is.

After the wizard dies, it will become a portrait, and the originally static painting will move. According to the understanding of "the shadow of the flying bird", the shadow of the flying bird is immobile relative to the flying bird, because they are always the same, but the person who is a "flying bird" has already To be a corpse, like Albus, who, as the newspaper ad said, lay down for a journey without fatigue.

The Greek philosophers said that the flying arrow does not move, which means that the arrow shot out within a given time is still. In fact, it is not just arrows, people, birds, bears, and leaves are all motionless, that is to say, a motionless arrow Never misses the prey.

The time we feel motionless is actually a sensory effect, because we judge whether an object is moving according to the reference object.

If we are alone in a blank room without a clock, we cannot judge how much time has passed, whether it is a minute or an hour, and when the clock is turning at a fixed speed, we can feel every second, every The hands of the minute watch are all doing mechanical movement, but the speed of the clock can be adjusted fast or slow. You feel that a minute has passed, but the people in the next room feel that an hour has passed.

Einstein used the analogy of sitting with a beautiful woman. An hour of sitting next to a beautiful woman "feels" like a minute. Through the theory of flying arrows, the ancient Greeks noticed that what is felt is not necessarily true. .

Using quantum theory to explain, time and space cannot be infinitely divided, and time is like a flowing river. We cannot step into the same river twice, but the end of the river is predetermined, that is, the sea.

On the way to the banquet, Georgiana looked at the sea in the distance through the car window. Under the night, it no longer had the azure blue of the day, but turned black, reflecting the moon in the sky.

what is she like now Cinderella rushing to the party?

On the day of the Triwizard Tournament, many people walked to the venue. The students of Beauxbatons lived in the carriage, and Furong should get off the carriage after getting dressed.

She was lucky, because she was the prettiest girl, so many boys asked her, and even Ron wanted to try his "luck".

However, not all girls are beautiful.

Life is not fair, good looks do bring many advantages, and most people find it difficult to get rid of judging others by their looks.

The way of heaven is like drawing a bow! Those who are high suppress it, those who are low lift it up, those who have excess damage it, and those who are deficient give it. The way of heaven damages the excess and makes up for the deficiency. Humanity is not the case, there is not enough damage, and there is more than enough to give. Who can have more than enough to serve the world? There is only Tao.

The Matthew effect just means that the strong get stronger, the weak get weaker, the good get better, the bad get worse, the more gets more, and the less gets less. It is exactly in line with what Lao Tzu said about "humanity".

What is Tao?

There is a thing that is mixed and formed, which existed before the formation of heaven and earth. Its voice cannot be heard and its shape cannot be seen. It is silent and empty. It does not depend on any external force and exists independently for a long time without stopping. It circulates without exhaustion and can be used as the root of all things. I didn't know its name, so I reluctantly called it "Tao", and then reluctantly named it "Da". It is vast and boundless and runs endlessly, runs endlessly and stretches far, stretches far and returns to the original. Therefore, it is said that big, big heaven, big earth, and big people are also big.

What is the use of understanding "Tao"?

Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

She didn't understand what the "fa" here meant.

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly. She thought she had arrived at the place, but the door of the carriage was opened, and Napoleon, who was wearing the uniform of a French academician, got into the carriage.

"You look beautiful," he said appreciatively, while the coachman drove on.

"How do you..."

He opened a jewelry box, which contained a bracelet in the shape of an ear of wheat.

"You just gave me a necklace," said Georgiana, although she didn't wear the diamond necklace said to be given to the Persian concubine by the infatuated Mughal.

He put the bracelet on her hand directly.

"Look, there's a watch on it." Bonaparte said as he lifted the stem of a wheat ear, and there was a watch under it. It was covered with diamonds, and it looked like a sky full of stars.

She didn't say anything, just kissed him.

"I like it very much, thank you." She said softly.

"Why aren't you wearing a veil?" he asked.

"Today is not a masquerade party, not to mention we have to eat later." She said.

He looked a little unhappy.

"Okay." She said angrily, and found a veil inlaid with diamonds from the storage box of the carriage, and put it on her head as a veil.

He leaned over, hugged her tightly, and let her head rest on his shoulder.

"Do you know what the Tao is?" Georgiana asked him.

"What do you want to say?" he asked softly.

"I found the answer to the question that was bothering me."

"what is that?"

Georgiana looked at him, not knowing where to begin.

So she smiled at him, just at this time the carriage stopped, and the banquet venue was outside the door.

"Let's go." She said, took his hand and left the car. As the door was opened, the music started immediately.

People standing on both sides of the red carpet lined up to welcome her. They applauded her enthusiastically. Georgiana looked at the "French Academician" beside her and felt in a daze for a moment.

Is she attending the Nobel Prize ceremony?

Although his "Napoleon's Law" is very basic, it is estimated that he will not win the Nobel Prize, but who can't dream?

Holding the arm of Academician Bonaparte, she walked through the red carpet with him and arrived at the brightly lit castle built with tents. Not far away was the "Tower of Order" illuminated by various lamps.

Maybe looking at the ground from the sky at this moment is like looking at the starry sky from the ground.

The so-called unity of heaven and man is different from distinguishing between heaven and man, and man conquering nature.

There are too many disputes, and everyone is fighting for the right to speak, so that no harmonious voice can be heard.

There is nothing to do in the avenue, and you have to be quiet to hear the sound of insects and waves.

In this world of great contention, it is not so easy to fight without fighting. Like Edgeworth, she has chosen a difficult road.

In fact, it would be nice to be a guide instead of being a tour guide, but unfortunately, she doesn't know if this job can support herself. Not everyone needs to be guided by others, especially those who have gone astray. They have a good life, so why do they need a "loser" to guide them?

A loser can only make up for what he can’t get in reality in his dream. This kind of dream compensation is obtained by thinking day and night, just like those scientists who can’t find the answer after hard thinking. Before they succeeded, they also slept in shabby beds, perhaps like the tourist who spent 25 centimes, also planning an economical and non-tiring trip.

The original text is:

Now the person who insists on no ghosts said: Is the request of everyone's ears and eyes to be planted by severing doubts? But why do you want to be a high-ranking gentleman in the world, but you have the ears and eyes of the believers? Zimozi said: If you take the advice of the public's ears and eyes, you think it is not credible, and if you don't stop doubting, if you don't know the three generations of sage kings, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen and Wu, is it enough to be the law? Therefore, from the middle man up to be the law, if the three generations of sage kings in the past were enough to be the law, then Guchang went up to watch the sage kings, and in the past, King Wu defeated Zhou and made the princes divide their sacrifices... There are no ghosts and gods. So what is the sacrifice of King Wu?

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