Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2070 house of lord (eight)

History has never been short of eloquent people who, by virtue of their eloquence, were able to speak truth as error and error as truth. To put it in a simple and clear sentence, it is to deliberately reverse truth and confuse the public. There are many reasons on the surface, but there are problems in each of their arguments.

There is a famous "white horse is not a horse" in Eastern history, which comes from Gongsun Long's white horse theory. This Gongsun Long is eloquent and eloquent. He used to be a disciple of Mr. Pingyuan of Zhao Guo, and he belongs to a relatively rare famous master among the hundreds of scholars.

Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things. Connecting the invisible concept in the heart with the tangible things, this is what masters do. Through analysis, a thing has a name and a reality.

There is a story in the classics of Confucius. One day, the king of Chu lost his bow when he went hunting. His subordinates wanted to find it. This was originally to promote the benevolence and righteousness of the king of Chu, but Confucius said that although the king of Chu didn't mind a subject getting a bow and regarded the king and his subjects as "Chu people", his heart was not broad enough. The one who loses the bow is a human being, and the one who wins the bow is also a human being. Everyone is the same as everyone else in the world, and they are all equal. So why add a "Chu" person?

Gongsun Long believed that Confucius separated the Chu people from the people, so he also separated the white horse from the horse. It happened that he passed the Hangu Pass and did not want to pay customs duties, and then he thought that "a white horse is not a horse" and fooled the gate guards. .

Horse refers to the animal in the shape of a horse, and white refers to the color. The two are different concepts. For example, a piece of drawing paper is white and has no color. Horses have colors. If a horse has no color, then it only has the shape of a horse. For example, draw its lines with a charcoal pen, but does white have no color?

If the white horse is a horse, then distinguish the yellow horse from the horse, which is not a yellow horse.

It's normal to be a little dizzy, and it's weird if you don't get dizzy, and the soldiers defending the city who were stunned will release the tax-resistant Gongsun Long.

The sophistry of the West is different from that of the East. An advertisement was once published in a Paris newspaper, as long as everyone spends 25 centimes, they can get an economical and non-tiring travel method. An Englishman named Brown immediately sent 25 centimes, and soon he received a reply, "Sir, please lie quietly on your bed, and keep in mind that our earth is rotating, at the latitude of Paris , you run tens of thousands of kilometers every day and night.”

Latitude can be divided into astronomical latitude and terrestrial latitude, but it is a coordinate system for marking the sphere like longitude. When human beings are still on the horizon, longitude and latitude represent the coordinates of the positions of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere. Human beings can distinguish directions at sea and on land. It also uses the stars in the sky.

When human beings accept that the earth is round, there will be "the latitude of Paris". When human beings accept the not geocentric theory but the heliocentric theory, human beings can also accept "the earth is rotating, and you have to run tens of thousands of kilometers every day and night." "facts".

The ancient Greeks already believed that the earth is round, and measured the circumference of the earth by measuring the distance between Alexander and Aswan. In the Middle Ages, some people used how people on the other side of the earth stood without falling and let the flat earth theory replace it. If it weren’t for Newton’s gravitational force, and Columbus’s discovery of the New World, human beings might still be stuck in a logically self-consistent darkness.

But there are unreasonable people in this world. Gongsun Long can convince countless great scholars, but he can't convince the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper nodded repeatedly: "You are very reasonable, but you still paid the tax Bar."

Although Xunzi is a theory of human nature being evil, he is also a Confucianist. He believes that Yao, Shun and Yu are the best at enlightening in the world. However, in Xunzi's thesis, it is said that people like Yao's son Dan cannot be educated, just like a good hunter cannot shoot arrows with perverted and crooked bows, and cannot hit the target with crooked arrows. There will always be one or two A rotten wood cannot be carved.

Edgeworth thought very well. In 1800, the new union law promulgated by the United Kingdom announced the establishment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. This law not only announced this matter, but also abolished the Irish Parliament and merged the members of the Irish Parliament into London. parliament.

Americans became independent precisely because of "no taxation without representation". The key point is that the "Union Act" in 1801 announced that the Church of Ireland and the Church of England would permanently unite and form a church, which led to five out of six Irish people protesting.

The more you believe in vampires and witchcraft, the more you believe in religion. Edgeworth popularized science in an almost missionary style. He also established a town named after himself in Ireland.

Which is more worthy of the stake, a heretic or a witch? Many druids are women, and they are educated. Even in ancient Rome, people once hoped that women could study with druids.

Even if no female druids were actually burned as witches, the books they wrote were also obliterated, either directly or their names were erased, and their research results became others, especially men's books. Content.

Women are required to be obedient and full of maternal love like Maria, but Protestantism does not recognize Mary, and they believe that the only one who is innocent is the Son.

There are quite a few people who believe that women are born with original sin, not to mention whether women are made of Adam's ribs. After listening to Satan's rhetoric, stealing the forbidden fruit, and being driven out of the Garden of Eden, the guilt of being kicked out of the Garden of Eden will definitely not escape. There are really women who will believe this.

As for the description of Lilith in the "Book of Glory", it is very interesting to get the name of Erasmus Darwin, because Erasmus is one of the main representatives of the Reformation Movement, that is, the one who wrote "I hope fate will give me freedom, as nature gives me" the priest.

And Darwin is the author of "The Theory of Evolution", and Erasmus Darwin is also the grandfather of Charles Darwin.

The theory of evolution makes human beings less special, so that people no longer regard the distinction between animals and plants, animals and humans as absolute and sacred, and human beings are no longer the creators who manage the world in his own image instead of God. "Beloved".

The problems facing Edgeworth were complex and beyond Georgiana's ability.

Like this analogy, if you want to do business with the British, you don't necessarily need to know English, the British can also learn French. But bills, especially the kind of acceptance bills exchanged at the acceptance bank in the UK, must understand English, because the printed bills must be in "written" form, and if you fill in the wrong bills, the bills will become invalid and you will have to bear the loss yourself.

You also need to understand the "Negotiable Instruments Act" in the UK. What if the acceptance cannot be paid due to the failure of the merchant bank? You can go to the Bank of England. Merchant banks have very limited reserves, but they have a very large business network. When they have problems, the Bank of England, as a "government bank", will use its gold reserves to deal with problems in merchant banks. Rediscount and other services.

Maybe you need to pay some extra fees, but it's better than money orders becoming waste paper, and where does the Bank of England's gold come from?

1. Colonies

2. Bank notes

The currency in circulation is no longer gold guineas, but banknotes, and the gold is kept in bank vaults.

The British navy searched for precious metals from all over the world to replenish the gold reserves of the Bank of England. As long as a large number of importers did not leave, Britain's status as a financial power would be unshakable.

It is not difficult to break this situation. It does not necessarily need to improve the import tax. The United Kingdom is a maritime country, while the European continent is a continental country. Set up a financial center in a place like Geneva, and then set up a continental law for the British instrument law. A system-based instrument law is not enough.

What is being contended for here is the status of international negotiable instrument law settlement. In addition to being a credit instrument, the negotiable instrument also has the function of negotiable securities. Should the printed letters of this civil law negotiable instrument be in French or German?

The world language is not determined by the number of people, but by its international influence. Under the impact of this force, how many people in Ireland can speak the native Gaelic?

The language of a nation has been obliterated, and the meaning of the pronunciation of this word has been forgotten. For example, what does the word "horse" represent?

When night falls, the black horse merges with the surrounding darkness. Does it have color?

Another person also passed through the Hangu Pass, that is, Meng Changjun, a thief who used chickens to cry and dogs to steal. He took advantage of the night to pass the pass before the sun rose.

The color itself is due to the presence of light, which we feel through the eyes and brain. A blind person without light perception sees a dark world. White light is composed of multiple lights. It is actually a A color, but black is not a color.

There is another man named Lao Tzu who also passed Hangu Pass, but he went west instead of Lord Mengchang who went east.

In addition to leaving behind "Tao can be very Tao, and name can be very famous", he also left a famous saying "Believe in words is not beautiful, good words are not believed, those who argue are not good, and those who are good do not argue", which means that those who are good at debate Not a nice guy.

There is a story that a blind man can touch an elephant, and he can touch a horse blindfolded. What color does it matter?

According to Gongsun Long's understanding, a white horse painted on white paper is not considered a horse, so is a black horse and yellow horse painted on paper considered?

They have the shape of a horse, but they also have a color that fits perfectly with his logic and definition of a horse.

"Zhuangzi The World" recorded the shadows of flying birds. Gongsun Longyi felt that the shadows of flying birds were motionless at every moment, just like the animation on the wheel. When the handle is not shaken, they are all frozen.

But the birds in the sky are moving, and the shadows on the ground are just the shadows of flying birds moving in time and space. It has the shape of a bird, just like high-speed photography, and it does not move at a given moment.

The most important and controversial things in the Middle Ages are universals and particulars. Universals refer to things with the same characteristics. In the world of wizards, it is the difference between humans and beasts. Veela was forcibly classified into the category of beasts.

This is metaphysically unreasonable, so what is the basis for this classification?

Had Georgiana been a teacher, she would have asked for a paper, but she would probably be hated by the students.

So she doesn't assign homework, and everyone likes her very much. After all, who doesn't like a teacher who doesn't assign homework? It's a pity that she is not the one who is eager to please others now, and this is also a road as difficult as Edgeworth.

It is difficult for her to describe the state at the moment, the mood is too complicated, she needs time to think about it, maybe she will never find an accurate description, but she thinks it is worth spending time, it is much more interesting than spending time dressing up, so she Just let the maids dress up and be a "model" by yourself, anyway, it's the same as last time at the Rouen Art Museum.

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