Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2069 house of lord (seven)

There is a story in ancient China called Tian Ji’s horse racing. Although it sounds like the protagonist of the story is Tian Ji, in fact it is Sun Bin who is in charge of making suggestions. He divides the horses into three classes: top, middle, and bottom, and advises Tian Ji to use his top horse to compete with the opponent. His middle horse, his middle horse and the opponent's low horse race, and won the game with one loss and two victories.

As a general of Qi State, how could Tian Ji defeat King Qi Wei?

Tian Ji was born in an aristocratic family. He appreciated the talent of the prisoner Sun Bin, and took him in as a retainer. He defeated the Wei army by "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao", and then used the "trick of reducing stoves" to lure and kill Pang Juan, and made many military exploits.

Compared with the general who submissively let King Qi Wei win, perhaps King Qi Wei prefers this kind of "dare" general. The reason why King Qiwei has the posthumous title of King Qiwei is also because he suddenly realized that he no longer indulged in drinking, sex, singing and dancing, recruited talents, and trained soldiers and horses. He is the head of the "Seven Heroes". Although he lost the game, he left an allusion. Therefore, King Qi Wei became the number one hero in his era.

Logically speaking, a figure like Napoleon should not frighten a child, even if Francis is the duke's son.

He just asked a very simple question, "Which long knife do you want to use for this dagger?".

There are many knives in his warehouse, including antique knives collected as spoils of war, and newly customized, pure gold knives that look very beautiful. Even French academicians have to wear ceremonial swords. This is equivalent to an adult asking a child "what do you want to be when you grow up?", and the child can say "I want to be a soldier" or "I want to be a scientist".

This is a very amiable question, but people around feel the hairs stand on end when they hear it. Anyway, Francis was terrified with the newly acquired dagger, but Bonaparte continued to watch the cavalry match as if nothing had happened.

Napoleon would restrain himself a lot when he was with girls, and at most frightened Hortans with ghost stories.

There are differences between men and women, just like giving a boy a dagger as a gift and a girl a doll. Girls are raised to be motherly women, while boys are raised to be men with fighting skills, and one day the dagger in the boy's hand will be pierced into the body of the real doll born by the girl.

What flowed out of his body at that time was not cotton, but red blood. It was an unspeakable scene, and perhaps the women of Rome would have adapted better, since they were raised to be she-wolves who threw their less-than-strong children into the baby yard.

Georgiana is not well adapted, but her kindness is likely to turn into a bad thing. Cassandra told her a prophecy that human beings will encounter another natural disaster in 13 years, food production will decrease again, and many people will starve to death. If she can make food reserves earlier to ensure food security, the crisis can be eased a bit.

Without Moscow's downsizing, hungry soldiers and limited food, if the officers don't strictly restrain them, they will become bandits, and they will inevitably rob civilians of food.

The point is that she still needs to use grain to make beer, and she will be infamous forever. Even if she is kind, she hopes to find a market for the farmers' grain and make them live better.

Why didn't Quinai think so?

Many people hate chemical fertilizers, thinking that the use of chemical fertilizers pollutes the environment.

How to solve the problem of food and clothing without using chemical fertilizers to increase the yield per unit area?

People will do a lot of incredible things when they don't have enough to eat. Setting fire to trees can't satisfy those hungry women, but they just do it.

Compared with these women, the men let them. In the March of Versailles in October 1789, the women were in front, and the men followed the women. Male soldiers would not do anything to women. When the woman broke through the fence of the Palace of Versailles, the men rushed in, and it was too late to close the gate.

"You look out of spirits, are you all right?" Edgeworth asked.

Georgiana came back to her senses, Edgeworth was showing her a small toy, a rotating wheel with many villains drawn on it, as long as the handle was turned, the characters on the screen would move. The tumbler demonstrated by Edgeworth is painted with a ballet dancer, and the handle is connected to a music box. You can watch the villain dance while listening to beautiful music.

It's hard to connect the girls in ballet shoes with the women who stormed the Bastille, but they were all women.

Rousseau's book talks about a woman who sees herself as a man, and she is hated by everyone, woman or man.

Because of the mud splashed all over her horse, Georgiana changed her men's clothing, and now she is wearing a skirt.

It is beautiful, but it cannot be ridden astride, and there are many other inconveniences. At least on some occasions, women cannot ride on top of cannons with their legs apart like those who escorted the king back to Paris from Versailles.

Li Chunfeng once predicted that there would be a queen, so Li Shimin searched for all the women surnamed Wu to get rid of her.

Later, Li Chunfeng said that there is a saying that the king is immortal. Fortunately, she is a woman, and the heart of an old man is more kind. What's more, she is a woman. If she is killed, a new person will be born in the sky. I am afraid that men will not be merciful when they are fighting for power, so please don't kill them, Your Majesty.

Wu Zetian was spared because of this, and she became the "heroine Wuwang" as predicted.

Georgiana didn't want to mess with politics, but she didn't expect that she would cause such consequences. Wedgwood also wanted to protect the interests of England, and he didn't expect that there would be an Irish famine in the future.

It is the acceptance bill that makes Britain a financial center. Even if the credit of importers and exporters from other countries in the London financial market is insufficient, the acceptance bill of London merchants also makes up for the credit of other countries' imports and exports, thereby promoting the circulation of bills of exchange and trade. develop.

But attracting these importers and exporters will require low tariffs, something Wedgwood lobbied for in the House.

London bankers would not be so stupid as to give up such a large business, but if France had better tariffs and similar acceptance business than Britain, these importers and exporters would go to France.

However, low tariffs will cause foreign goods to compete with domestic goods, and things like the 1786 treaty will occur. A large number of French factories have closed down, and the number of unemployed people has increased. Even if there is no natural disaster, the people can only rely on pawns and other methods to survive. .

Once you grasp the key to the puzzle, it's only a matter of time before it's solved.

Just like the villain dancing in front of her now, she is not really dancing, but is using the principle of people's visual retention, and it has nothing to do with magic.

"Do you believe in fate?" Georgiana asked Edgeworth.

"If you're talking about luck, I think so," said Edgeworth. "I wanted to be a successful telegraph engineer in Ireland, but France was ahead of me, and already in Paris and Lille. 16 base stations have been set up."

"Does it matter?" Georgiana asked curiously.

"I have to demonstrate to the investor that my system works, but he thinks my system is not as good as Claude Chap's, like a giant waving his long arms and using his Fingers talk." The red-faced Irishman waved his hand and demonstrated the scene to Georgiana. "Look, do you understand?"

She froze.

"The telegraph needs to spell out a complete word conveniently, not a code with 7,000 different combinations. The Navy is also unwilling to accept my telegraph system. They would rather trust unreliable postmen. If there is no predecessor as a comparison, my idea may be Someone will take it."

Georgiana felt that he was not bad luck, but something else.

But Edgeworth was a good old man, and though Maria's stepmother was a year younger, she was in her thirties, and Miss Gordon was only twenty.

"You're right." Georgiana shook her head, "There is no failure without comparison."

"Ignorance and credulity always go hand in hand. People nowadays still believe in prophecies, vampires and witchcraft, and even make a fuss about the flight of ominous birds. Do you believe these?"

"You don't believe in witchcraft and wizards?"

"They say you're a witch. I don't believe it. My daughter has also been educated." Edgeworth said. Suspected of taking part in the uprising, the lowest ranks of the people have long been oppressed, and their ignorance can lead to terrible disasters."

Georgiana looked at Edgeworth.

"Instead of pushing a union bill that no one wants to accept, I think I should spend more energy on education. I am currently working for the Irish Education Inquiry Committee."

"I'm just a woman, and I don't understand the important national affairs you men are talking about." Georgiana said with a smile, and she turned around and left after she finished speaking. race.

In fact, Draco has the same talent for riding a broom as Harry, but Hermione Granger said, "At least Harry is based on his strength, and Draco is based on having a good father." Say "nobody cares about your opinion, Mudblood".

She had to give the poor family a way to rise, but she didn't dare to mention the imperial examination to Napoleon without authorization.

God knows what trouble she might get into, and she glanced back at Maria Edgeworth, who was whispering to Miss Gordon.

The Portland vase is the treasure of the British Museum, but it depicts the story of the Trojan War. The golden apple that caused trouble was just a gift from the uninvited goddess of disputes at the wedding - dedicated to the most beautiful goddess.

Even Athena, the goddess of wisdom, has joined the game, so is wisdom really that useful in dealing with disputes?

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