Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2058 Drink of Victory (8)

Bonaparte was up early the next morning to go to review, just beyond the beach, and the military music and shouts could be heard even in the farmhouse by Georgiana.

"They are lively during the day." Georgiana smiled at the people at the table and said, "It will be our turn at night."

The others laughed dryly, looking very stiff.

"Leyla, remember to stay by Madam Geoffrey's side more often, I will leave the errands to you."

"Yes, madam." Leila du Renal, the daughter of a lumber merchant, bowed her knees behind an old lady.

Madame Geoffrey was a famous salon hostess during the Enlightenment and one of the longest-running salons. And her husband, Mr. Geoffrey, is one of the founders of the French Royal Glass Factory. His main works are the Mirror Gallery of the Palace of Versailles and all the window glass in the gallery.

Women tend to live longer than men, and even though Mrs. Geoffrey was in the prime of life, she has become old in the past few decades, but even so Farron managed to invite her.

Next to her is the Countess of Aussonville. Her salon is called the "Antechamber of the French Academicians" because her husband is a member of the French Academy. These two ladies are in charge of the tableware and scene of the banquet.

"How's the preparations going in the kitchen?" Georgiana asked the woman on the other side.

"It's all ready." The food supplier from the UK and the French "Le Cordon Bleu chef" answered together.

This cook was also introduced by Farron. She had participated in the preparation of the real palace dinner in Versailles, not "palace hotel food".

The "upstarts" like "luxurious and exquisite" court food, and there is supply when there is demand, but almost all the restaurants cook fakes. If you want to eat authentic court food, you still have to go to the noble's home.

The British consume more meat than the French, but the meat they make is far inferior to the French. This time, Georgiana purchased ingredients such as butter and beef from the British, and then handed them over to the French for processing.

Napoleon has always wanted to open up tax sources, especially material taxes...

"Tonight's banquet is not only a grand event for the two countries, but also represents world peace, so there must be no mistakes." Georgiana said, "What does the weather forecast say today?"

"It should be sunny." The Marchioness of Latour replied that she was the supplier of red wine tonight. It is said that President Jefferson liked her family's Bordeaux red wine very much when he was ambassador to France.

Although the 24-year-old Marquise was young, she also experienced the Great Revolution. The trauma caused by the Great Revolution had a great vigilance effect on the aristocracy. She knew very well that the aristocracy and the church were linked together.

Strictly speaking, hops are inextricably linked to the Reformation. In the past, not only Belgium, but all manufacturers that needed to brew beer had to pay taxes to the church. Using hops can avoid this fee.

Not having to pay tithes is very important to ordinary people, but it also means that charities that were originally dominated by the church need to be taken care of by others.

There are charities in Paris, communes in the countryside, and these activities are dominated by women.

Madame de Secu, whose husband was now in charge of the etiquette at court, likewise had herself in touch with the Sisters of Charity, one of the few religious orders that survived the Revolution.

In other words, the kind of liberals and atheists who have a contemptuous attitude towards religion cannot enter this party. Matilda had told her, when she was combing her hair, that Georgiana was so free because she was a foreign woman. French families are still dominated by patriarchy. Georgiana is not controlled by such an authoritarian father. She can completely compete with Marie Antoinette.

Under the republic, the values ​​of equality and freedom are at the peak, and the division mechanism of social status can no longer be sorted according to rank and religious rank as before.

If aristocratic men had the right to be exempted from military service in the past, if they wanted to join the army during the Great Revolution, they would be placed in the team that was most likely to die in battle. In terms of the death rate alone, the nobles were twice as high as the civilians.

Their social status is entirely up to them, so their victories are notable.

The cultivation of knights and religion are inseparable. Noble knights do seem to have differences in behavior and speech from commoner knights, and there is also an upper-class accent similar to the English "queen's accent" in French. This accent has a Germanic accent. Sitting, and a slow intonation reminiscent of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Imagine an Englishman speaking French, and imagine a Frenchman speaking English. Correcting other people's accents is mutual torture, Napoleon's Corsican accent is no longer corrected, and certainly no one is corrected for Georgiana's accent.

After the breakfast meeting, Georgiana let them go about their business.


Just when the merchant's daughter was about to help Mrs. Geoffrey leave the restaurant, Georgiana stopped her.

The old lady was supported by other maids, and she took Leila to the living room next door.

"Let me ask you a question. Are you planning to take this opportunity to find a good marriage, or do you have other purposes?" Georgiana said bluntly.

The 16-year-old girl was stunned.

"You need to know that there are many officers here who plan to find a good marriage and retire."

"I never thought about it, ma'am, I just want to serve you..."

"If your target is a young nobleman, have you found anything?" Georgiana asked again.

Leila didn't answer now.

"I know that you have learned court etiquette, which is even more subtle than me, but in terms of the way of life, or in the sense of court etiquette, there is only one criterion for all behaviors. There is a sense of proportion, that is, you can't feel sorry for yourself, and you can't be arrogant. You must be generous in any situation, the Marquise Latour just now, she has the protection of the family tree, and she doesn't need to show off, do you know what it means?" Georgiana asked.

Leila opened her mouth.

"If your genealogy can be traced back to the Middle Ages, even if you wear simple and plain clothes, you still have good taste, and no one will say that you are shabby." Georgiana sighed, "Wealth used to be the source of hatred, and now nobles want to restore Going back to the parliament, and continuing to mention their past identities will not bring advantages, what do you think they should do?"

"On your own," Leyla said.

"That's right, but it's not entirely true. Nobles must learn to control their emotions, avoid all depreciating behaviors, and learn patience and self-control. Do you know what happened in February 1793?" Georgiana asked.

Leyla shook her head.

"Compared to the parade at Versailles in October 1789, there were more women involved in that riot, because the men went to the battlefield and the women stayed behind, but they didn't stay behind to give birth, but they focused on Elimination of enemies within, such as members of the Girondins, when the National Convention moved to a new chamber. Some visitors required a pass to enter, they were believed to be supporters of the Girondins, women stopped All the pass holders, claiming it was against the principle of equality, then a young man with a pass forced his way in and there was a commotion."

Georgiana paused, "What should you do if you encounter this situation?"

"I don't understand. Doesn't it mean that only those who have received the invitation letter can enter?" Leila asked.

"Let's change the scene. There is a soldier who wants to enter the banquet venue. He claims that he has also contributed to the motherland. How do you deal with it?" Georgiana asked.

Leyla thought.

"He is the most sincere and best patriot of the Republic. Of course, he was escorted out politely and safely." Georgiana said, "Who is responsible for maintaining order at the scene tonight?"

"I know what to do, ma'am," said Leila timidly.

"If you think you can't do it, you can exchange it with Matilda..."

"I can do it," Leyla said immediately.

"I don't need you to be brave, but I still want you to know that when you need help, you should know who to turn to for help." Georgiana said calmly, "I also attended a conference when I was 16 years old. I'm like a headless chicken."

Leyla looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry, dear, the palace life you expected may not be here." Georgiana shrugged, "But what is certain is that the pressure on my side is much easier than that of the first ruler, so you have to think about it, you Are you here to find a good home, or want something else, let’s go down.”

Leyla curtseyed to Georgiana, then turned and left the living room.

After she left, Georgiana let out a long sigh, and the sea breeze outside the window blew the music into the house again.

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