Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2057 Drink of Victory (7)

Napoleon asked how James Watt Jr. ran. Experts like him who ran back from Egypt and Elba didn't know, who else would know?

As for the elder James Watt, he knew that he would come to France because he had contact with a Dutch friend of James Watt Jr. In James Watt Jr.'s view, France, as bad as it was, was the best country he knew. Probably since 1794, he and Bolton Jr. have put on the cloak of hard work, as if they have completely "reformed" and become a qualified successor to succeed his father's career.

Unlike his father's relationship, James Watt Jr. was politically active. He joined a Manchester literary and philosophical society and a Jacobin-friendly constitutional society.

Watt married again, which he thought was a rebellion against his conduct by James Watt Jr., and he went to Paris with his friends and came into contact with Lavoisier and other chemists, many of whom were his father correspondents, they all talk politics rather than philosophy.

Through these correspondents, what James Jr. had done was known to Watt Jr., and he was ordered to go home. But back in Manchester, he spoke to the Jacobin Club in Paris at the Constitutional Society in Manchester, he marched with Cooper at some international rally waving a flag, and then he was arrested.

Farron said James Watt, Jr. was a member of a radical revolutionary group or conservative, and he was most likely a member of the Jacobins.

The Moonlight Society in Birmingham is sympathetic to the French Revolution, and because of certain domestic issues, it also opposes some conservative forces, but joining the Jacobin Party can be regarded as a stain.

Bolton's approach is to let his son marry Ann Watt early and stay away from these "Birmingham heroes". Even so, Ann Watt was taken aback when she saw the news of her brother who had been arrested in the newspaper. If Bolton Jr. was not by her side at the time, she almost thought it was her husband who had been arrested.

In fact, James Watt Jr. also has someone he likes. She is Bolton's daughter, but Bolton would not let his daughter participate in the construction of the "ideal equal society" outlined by Coleridge.

Coleridge was now in Malta, where he thought the warmer climate would be good for his rheumatism, so that he would no longer need to take "drugs".

Georgiana felt that Napoleon said those words. Compared with Voldemort, Grindelwald's discrimination was more subtle. He did not regard Muggles as human beings, but felt that they were part of the social machine. Wizards also need a house to live in, which requires the construction of a Muggle area. When they fix the house, they should disappear automatically, saving him from killing the family he likes in Paris like he did in Paris.

Moving the corpse was also very troublesome, but Grindelwald was a man of style, and it was he who gave the family of three a decent funeral because of his style. And Voldemort rewarded those corpses to werewolves, who always made the scene of the crime bloody.

Grindelwald didn't care about the life and death of millions of people in Paris. What he wanted was the "program effect". It was inconceivable enough that the old madman and the old fool had once been good friends, and Georgiana had never imagined that they had ever been lovers.

The old fool thought Harry was the seventh Horcrux, but Pomona didn't think so.

It is very difficult to overthrow this authority, because there are so many strange things about Harry, which can only be explained by him being a Horcrux.

But she would not forget Cedric Diggory, and Wormtail's silver hand.

Only when Voldemort didn't know that Harry was his last Horcrux would he destroy Harry with the Avada Kedavra, which he wouldn't have done if he knew Harry was his Horcrux.

He'll hide like Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's chalice, Ravenclaw's diadem, only if he doesn't know that Harry is his Horcrux, he'll kill him in the Forbidden Forest Curse, and then he will make another Horcrux in order to make up the number "7".

According to Pomona, it was the silver hand Voldemort made for Wormtail when he killed Cedric Diggory, and Wormtail lost the hand in order to resurrect Voldemort.

But she is not an authority, and no one believes what she said, just like she has research results, if she publishes it, it will be regarded as a joke, or even plagiarized, and her name will be added.

And if she doesn't talk about it, the books she reads, her dreams, and all other values ​​besides her looks will be irrelevant.

She is also guarding a land, a land called the soul, and many people may say that science cannot prove the existence of the soul.

She will not try to criticize and condemn those people, and ask them to accept her point of view, because she cannot prove the existence of souls.

The power is there when you choose to believe.

The French Revolution overthrew the church, at least the church can no longer fool the world with indulgences as in the past.

The Milanese chose enlightenment thinking, and of course some people in other countries replaced backwardness and ignorance with what they considered progressive thinking.

Chivalry includes loyalty, humility, bravery and other qualities.

Being a traitor would undoubtedly be cast aside, but Napoleon Bonaparte chose such a path.

Rinaldo d'Albizzi, important figure in Florence, said to Duke Filippo in Milan: Wars are unjust, but wars fought when necessary are just; when only violence can offer hope of deliverance , violence itself is compassionate. I don't know of a country that needs this more than ours.

He really didn't know it in his day, but at the end of the eighteenth century there was one country that needed it, France, but that's all.

Virgil said, Romans, remember to rule the nations with authority.

For someone like her who dares to question authority, she probably cannot agree with this.

It is precisely because it cannot be recognized by everyone that no matter what power is used, military, financial, technological, or magical, it is impossible to rule the world.

When the old authority, the church, is overthrown, what is taught in schools will also change, and we can no longer convince ourselves of things that have been proven not to exist.

From the perspective of economic benefits, glass and ceramics can indeed bring visible benefits faster than descriptive geometry, machinery, and bridges. In this way, even if they are not scholars, some craftsmen will also enter the school, and they will have richer knowledge. Practical experience.

However, if this area is abandoned for the sake of profit, it is killing chickens and taking eggs, not to mention that descriptive geometry can also be used for ballistic calculations, which were used by Napoleon's engineers and artillery.

Even if religion and philosophy cannot solve these problems, they can alleviate the eternal and boundless spiritual pain of human beings.

The important thing is not whether there is a God or Sakyamuni, but how human beings can live without them.

In this cruel world, religion offers a relatively painless value. When Georgiana was furnishing St. Luke's drawing room, General Lane told her that she didn't want too many natural elements. For a soldier like them who often fought in the field, he was fed up with "nature", and he longed for civilization, a comfortable bed and a house with hot water for bathing.

Even in the increasingly terrifying and oppressive atmosphere of Voldemort's reign, there are some light-hearted moments in Weasley's Whiz.

Children's tolerance is actually far beyond adults' imagination. Even if parents try to create a safe information cocoon, they will leave the house, and in the process of interacting with their peers, they will come into contact with things that parents don't want them to see.

It was inevitable, and Pomona had asked Severus to search Hufflepuff's boys' dormitory, and it was much better for that kind of magazine to be found by a male teacher than a female teacher.

Even Diggory, he wouldn't have had a full heart-to-heart with Pomona, she had placed so much hope in him that he might have felt a heavy burden on him.

It is almost impossible for parents to become friends with their children. As for Harry and Sirius, Sirius has not grown up yet, and he still loves to joke like he did in school. He also regards Harry as a small James Potter.

After all, she is not the kind of woman who can let go of all these things and be pure and happy. Maybe she used to be, but she is not now.

Bonaparte is the kind of person who is not good at socializing, and Josephine just complements him. In fact, socializing is talking about some useless information, especially about other people's family affairs.

Farrong provided her with a lot of "talking material".

How could he not know the tricks of the court if he could become the exclusive perfumer of the queen.

In the eyes of the world, he may be a perfumer for women, and naturalists refer to those scholars who can identify and classify animals, plants, minerals, physiology, etc. Farron has done the work of classifying spices, so he is considered A naturalist?

Georgiana looked at the book "The Wisdom of God Revealed in Creation" that Farron lent her, and he marked a page: Human beings are different from any other animals because the human pericardium grows on the central tendon of the diaphragm, The apex of the pericardium and other right parts are extremely firmly connected to the nerve ring of the diaphragm and form a large space, while the pericardium of mammals is separated from the diaphragm at a certain distance.

This is because humans walk upright, unlike other quadrupeds, and this is caused by gravity.

If the diaphragm is not connected to the heart, the weight of the stomach and liver will cause the diaphragm to drop too close to the abdomen so that the fibers of the diaphragm cannot lift up into the chest cavity when they relax, causing the chest cavity to shrink in size and causing the lungs to collapse.

During the breathing process of quadruped animals, when the diaphragm fibers relax, the weight of the organs will press the diaphragm into the chest cavity. If the animal's pericardium grows on the diaphragm, it will hinder the respiration, because the diaphragm cannot naturally rely on it under this kind of entanglement. The weight of the organs sinks.

Some people say that the biggest difference between humans and animals is wisdom, but in the Middle Ages, many people believed in the theory of a flat earth. Otherwise, how could people on the other side of the earth not fall?

John Ray believed in a round earth, writing that if the earth were square, it would be full of mountains.

On the page marked by Farron, John Ray said that the human body is the product of intelligence, because there is no part of the human body that is defective, superfluous, or without purpose and use, naturally Do not produce superfluous useless things, nor lack any necessary things, the eyes cannot say to the hands that I don't need you, the head cannot say to the feet that I don't need you, the stomach cannot complain about the rest of the body, and the other parts cannot complain about the stomach too much. lazy.

The only thing that is questionable is the role of male penis, and it cannot be said that men cannot produce milk, because in 1684 there was a rare phenomenon in a family in Bologna. A man named Bilartino di Bilo was in After his wife passed away, because he couldn’t afford a nanny, he held the child in his arms and let the child suck. After a few days, the milk was sucked out. After a period of time, the milk became abundant, and he continued to feed the child until the child was weaned.

John Ray argues in his book that it is used to maintain gender coherence.

If there is no difference, there is no difference in treatment. In the eyes of God, Job’s children are all the same. Even if the previous ones die, new children are born to make up for Job’s loss.

Cedric is nice to all the girls, which makes them feel equal, but he only has one partner at the prom, so Cho Chang gets targeted by the girls.

In fact, he just listened to Pomona's order to destroy Harry Potter's first love, because only in this way can the old Bat be coaxed away from letting Neville dissect the toad.

Fortunately, Neville's pet toad, Rifle, ran towards freedom and became a member of the toads in the Black Lake. It was a blessing among misfortunes that he would not be dissected by Neville by mistake.

Georgiana shook her head, closed the book, put it on the bedside, and blew out the candle.

"Good night." When she lay down in bed, the man beside her said.

She looked at him, and the chestnut hair looked black in the dark too, except that he had cut it short and it wasn't as greasy.

"Good night." She said softly, kissed the door of his forehead, then covered the quilt, closed her eyes, gradually lost consciousness amidst the sound of even breathing, and sank into the darkness.

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