Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2056 Drink of Victory (6)

The Moonlight Society defines itself as an international group of naturalists, unlike the "Royal Society for the Advancement of Natural Knowledge of London", referred to as the Royal Society, which is the highest scientific academic institution in "Britain" and the longest and uninterrupted history in the world. scientific society.

The French Academy was interrupted in 1793, and Lavoisier also lost his last refuge, and finally went to the guillotine, and his crime was that he had acted as a tax collector to "tax the nation".

If academics are destroyed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover after half a century.

Although Lavoisier issued such a warning, it was still ineffective, and in the end Lavoisier was sentenced to death. Legend has it that he made an agreement with the executioner before the execution. If the beheaded person still feels, Lavoisier will blink. Lavoisier blinked fifteen times in the end, and then he and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Te was also buried in a mass grave.

There's a lot going on between professors that kids in school won't know about. At present, the "ace course" of the Paris Institute of Technology is Monge's descriptive geometry, not only because Monge followed Napoleon to Egypt, but also because it is a compulsory course for engineering and mechanical technicians.

"Technology" majors such as glass and ceramics have been pushed aside. To put it another way, Lavoisier's great achievements in Paris have a lot to do with his experiment on the law of conservation of mass. At that time, Western Europe's scientific achievements in Russia I don’t pay much attention to it. Lomonosov’s "Law of Immortality of Matter" was not popularized. It was Lavoisier who used sulfuric acid, lime and balances to prove the law of conservation of mass, and then there was a chemistry that used equal signs instead of arrows to represent changes. formula.

There is another reason why Lavoisier is called the father of modern chemistry. The ancient alchemists believed that the world is composed of elements such as water, wind, fire, and earth, which means that water is a basic element and cannot be divided. Lavoisier and Laplace mixed the flammable gas hydrogen produced from zinc and hydrochloric acid with the flammable gas oxygen produced by heating mercuric oxide in a flask and ignited it with electricity. The sealed flask was covered with water, and at the same time the container The volume of the gas is reduced by one-fifth, thus proving that water is not an element, but can be decomposed and recombined.

This broke the alchemical thinking of nearly a thousand years, but Priestley felt that this discovery belonged to himself and the Moonlight Society. This is the famous "water controversy" in the history of chemistry.

Priestley didn't actually discover water, but his desire to communicate with the French scientific community led to the discovery. Before that, Watt and he had expressed their analysis of water with the theory of phlogiston, but the language when they wrote it was outdated. Lavoisier used many Greek roots in "Chemistry Fundamentals", and carried out the analysis of each compound. Naming, such as oxygen, Lavoisier named it because oxygen can synthesize a variety of acids with many non-metallic elements, so it is named after the Greek word "sour gas", which is the element of acidification.

The theory of phlogiston is the explanation of the combustion reaction in the past three hundred years. They believe that fire is composed of countless small and lively particles. A large number of fire particles gather together to form an obvious flame. Boyle discovered Alchemy has become heavier. He believes that the invisible "phlogiston" is metallized and produces ashes when it burns. Because the ashes have more phlogiston, they become heavier.

This is based on the fact that fire is an element, that is, the ancient Greek philosophers believed that the world is composed of fire, wind, water, and earth. It is also from here that modern chemistry and ancient alchemy were divided.

Farron is over 80. Of course, he cannot accept new knowledge as quickly as young people. Georgiana has "served" authority, so she knows exactly what he wants to do.

Young geniuses are easily manipulated by these "old guys". Thomas Young wandered in the upper class by himself. This kind of people with high EQ and IQ is very rare. Watt's dress when he first entered the upper class It was arranged by Bolton. To use an inappropriate metaphor, Grindelwald manipulated Credence, and Albus manipulated Harry Potter. Even Severus gave Albus the results of his research.

If Severus does not give it, then he will not only lose his professorship, he was a Death Eater before, and according to the way Karkaroff confessed in court, he should have gone to Azkaban and Bella. The cellmate, whom Albus had kept him, not only gave him the position of Head Slytherin, but also gave him the resources to conduct his research.

Fresnel had better pray that Farron died before he had the research results, otherwise, even if he got some convenience now, it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

In fact, Mrs. Lavoisier was of great help to Lavoisier's research. Many of Lavoisier's experimental equipment were drawn and ordered by her.

Women have always been in a foil position in this field. In the 19th century, it was recognized that women were more suitable for botany, and men were more suitable for chemistry, even in the Moonlight Society.

Artificial pollination is a basic course in botany, otherwise you have to spend money to buy seeds every year, and the taste of vanilla comes from the seeds.

Now that the dessert of the party was decided to be vanilla ice cream, Georgiana used the farmer's growth curse to breed some vanilla pods. Anyway, it is not a grain that will change the fate of the country, but a spice to improve the taste of ice cream.

When she had harvested a large basket full of vanilla pods, she took them to the kitchen and returned to the farmhouse when it was dark.

Originally, she planned to go back to her room to rest, but found that the door next door was open a crack, and orange light was shining through it.

She hesitated for a moment, and opened the door. The figure of the person sitting inside made her feel dazed for a moment.

"Have you had fun with Farron?" Bonaparte asked without raising his head, holding Laplace's book.

"Can you help James Watt find his son?" said Georgiana, leaning against the doorframe. "That boy is a nuisance."

"What kind of trouble?"

"The Tories believed that certain secrets should not be told to the common man, and Darwin believed that the common people should not be kept ignorant. James Watt, Jr. agreed, and he came to France during the Revolution and later to Switzerland And Germany, almost joined the revolutionary army."

Napoleon raised his head.

"He was a republican in favor of the Enlightenment. He was arrested in England. He was later forced by his father to be called a partner in the company. He is still unmarried, except for a cat, a dog, and a Sicilian footman. Almost alone."

"How did he get out?" asked Bonaparte.

"He has a brother, Gregory Watt." Georgiana couldn't help rubbing her forehead. "He's another 'trouble'."

Bonaparte laughed, showing all his white teeth. "What kind of trouble?"

Georgiana shook her head, "Have you ever heard of 'generation gap'?"

"You can come in and explain to me."

"Gregory barely communicated with Watt Sr., and he was friends with Tom Wedgwood."

"He has problems 'that' too?" asked Bonaparte.

"No, he just doesn't want to please his parents." Georgiana sighed. "Old Watt will grant his every wish, as long as Gregory is free to open his heart to them."

"Sounds like a spoiled young master."

"Tom Wedgwood stayed at Coleridge's during his stay in Paris. Do you know who Coleridge was?"

He waited quietly for her to continue.

"He's a fantasy romantic poet, and at the same time he has rheumatism, and he needs opiates to ease his pain."

He seemed to have lost interest in the subject.

"Compared to physical pain, mental pain is more unbearable. We women are productive forces when we work, and purchasing power when we consume, but we are not treated as a person. We are not managed as a person. As for me Those boys mentioned earlier, although they have no worries about food and clothing, and their parents did not beat or scold them, they are also facing similar problems."

"What's the question?" Bonaparte asked, seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Do you think they have a problem?" Georgiana asked.

Bonaparte said nothing.

"This is the problem. People of the same age think that rich young masters like them should have no troubles, but they have a lot of troubles, but they have no friends to talk to. I have a godson, and his parents love Gray just like the Watts. Gorey, but he is very lonely, and he even wants to tell my godmother what's on his mind." Georgiana said angrily, "The problem is that little bastard also bullied the students of my college, and I wanted to beat him more than once."

Bonaparte laughed. "Why didn't you teach him?"

"Someone taught him a lesson." Georgiana said with her arms akimbo, "Adults shouldn't meddle in children's problems."

"Then you think I should step in to find James Watt Jr.?" asked Bonaparte.

"Are you grown up?" she asked.

He was lucky for a long time, and finally chose to pick up Laplace's book and read it.

"In the future, you have time to pay less attention to those actresses and spend more time with French academicians." She said with disgust, "What kind of friends do you make?"

He slammed the book shut and stood up aggressively.

Georgiana immediately turned and ran.

Of course, she didn't run out of the farmhouse either. After all, it was dark outside and it wasn't suitable for hide-and-seek.

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