Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2059 Drink of Victory (9)

The Battle of Toulon took place in 1793. The first thing the new commander-in-chief sent from Paris to the front line was to clear the army of noble officers who might have defected to Britain.

At that time, Paris, Lyon and other cities were also undergoing a reign of terror. Joining the army and mastering force were the fastest shortcuts to gaining power. Napoleon’s favorite general, Desai, was of noble origin, but Desai was unfortunately sacrificed in the Battle of Marengo. up.

Bullets don't see eyes on the battlefield, who knows when it's their turn. Even if they don't become generals, there are many people who can find a rich wife early and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Coupled with their background in the army, at least they can become mayors, mayors and other small officials.

Alice is here to find a marriage partner. She doesn't have to work at a young age like Leila du Renard, she just needs to dress up and wait for the corners of her skirt to fly on the dance floor.

Her father, Frédéric de la Rochefoucauld, the old Leoncourt who said "No, sire, this is a revolution" to Louis XVI, usually stayed in Paris and formed a Charity, Frederick stayed in the Château de Touraine in the Loire Valley, managing the family winery, and they were the ones who provided the white wine this time.

He was wearing an old hunting suit, and the carriage he was traveling in was also very ordinary. From his attire, he didn't look like a duke at all, but looked like a country gentleman.

Gone are the days of flirting with women in salons through flattery and courtship, and playing with the wind has become something of a positive response, as long as you have the ambition to get ahead.

Britain has the Anglo-Saxon model, and France has its own — the heroic model, at least that’s what they say behind the scenes.

To put it in an easy-to-understand way, a woman married into a noble family, no matter what her origin is, as long as she can send a man from his family to the Pantheon, she will be accepted.

Although the Pantheon is dominated by the republican camp, Montesquieu and Voltaire are both nobles. Marat was originally buried in the Pantheon, but was later removed.

Leila's father was far-sighted. He could send his daughter to Paris and let her learn etiquette there, but he rushed to send his daughter to this patrol team.

Georgiana guessed that Rayla would cry when she went back to her bedroom, and she had to face these things when other people's 16-year-olds were playing. In fact, she could change to an easy way of life, but since she chose a difficult way, as Bonaparte said during the Battle of Toulon, since the bottle has been opened, the bitter wine must be drunk.

Lenorman once said to Georgiana that when Napoleon was on the front line in Egypt, Josephine was with that handsome cavalryman named Charles so that he could listen to the news in the parliament and see if the members were doing the right thing. Napoleon's unfavorable conspiracy.

Georgiana wanted to believe her very much. Women can no longer enter and leave Parliament as freely as they did during the Revolution. But Josephine was really playful, and the days at the rear were boring, so she didn't know whether she should trust Josephine and Lenorman or not.

Social life at the end of the Bourbon dynasty was based on a certain extravagance, and Josephine was reprimanded by Bonaparte when she appeared at a military parade in a dress full of stars and a crown of wheat ears.

Women are to support men, but when Bonaparte was working as an artilleryman in Lyon, there was a mutiny in his battalion, and the low-ranking soldiers asked the senior officers to take out the gray income.

No one told her about it, or people around her didn't notice it, so even without so much company, it might still be a leisurely thing. It would be even worse if there were ladies around Marie Antoinette who misinterpreted the Queen's intentions and caused an incident like "Egret Feather".

When the theocracy fell, no one was willing to be a decent priest in the past. Even the church wanted to restore the lost hearts, but the sober men didn't like them.

Women have always been more pious than men, but men don't like such overly pious women.

Those priests told them not to return home. If they said they had to maintain etiquette outside, they wanted to relax when they got home. If women kept telling them that they couldn’t do this or that, they felt that they couldn’t stay in this family.

Mistresses and courtesans don't care about men's lives. They give them the freedom and tenderness they want, and they are willing to spend money on them.

What can I do if I get mad? The heart is not on you, and they are indifferent even if you are blind from crying.

Alice was young after all, she had no idea what the woman who approached her was thinking, Matilda, who was inquisitive, sighed a little.

The meaning of the bottomless pit is that even opening a bank at home can't afford her extravagance, and her goal is Napoleon. Partly because he was willing to pay the woman's bills, and partly because of Josephine's acquiescence, she didn't mind as long as it drove Georgiana away.

Georgiana really didn't expect that at her age, there would be a Gongdou, and the partner was a young man who could be her son.

What's the trouble with the two aunts?

Not to mention Leyla, Georgiana wanted to cry now, but when she calmed down she wanted to laugh again.

There should be a farce in the program list, and she wants to perform it herself, so that she will make countless people laugh out loud.

She had just put on her cloak and was about to go out when there was a knock on her door.

"Madame Alexandre-François de La Rochefoucauld, please see me," said the maid from outside the door.

"Come in." Georgiana said as she recalled, she still remembered Alice's happy look when she saw her father, throwing herself into his arms like a little girl, so that she ignored the woman beside him.

Children will definitely have parents.

In such a short time, Mrs. La Rochefoucauld appeared, the daughter-in-law of Leoncourt. She seemed to be in her 30s, but she should be older.

"Madame." Madame La Rochefoucauld saluted her.

This salute is deeper than the curtsey, which means a little surrender.

"It's an honor to meet you." Georgiana smiled at her, reaching out and pulling her up.

"Alice has been taken care of by you." Mrs. La Rochefoucauld said graciously, "My family told me that we should serve you more and not patronize."

"Alice is very nice, look at this place, she helped me decorate it." Georgiana said looking around.

She came up with an impromptu idea to hang up the curtains, just like pasting wallpaper, which made this simple farmhouse look a lot more gorgeous.

"She has finally grown up a bit." Mrs. La Rochefoucauld looked around and then pretended to be surprised and said, "Madam dressed like this is going out?"

"Would you like to come?" Georgiana asked.

"With your permission."

"Let's go, then," said Georgiana, tugging at the hem of her cloak.

"You...is this men's clothing?" Mrs. La Rochefoucauld looked at what Georgiana was wearing in her cloak in surprise.

"I wrote an application to the police station, and it is legal for me to wear men's clothes." Georgiana said without humility, "What's more, it is more convenient to wear men's clothes when riding a horse."

"I can ride sideways," said Madame La Rochefoucauld dryly.

Georgiana saw the disapproval in her eyes.

"You should learn how to straddle the saddle." Georgiana said with an ambiguous smile, raised her chin, and left the farmhouse proudly.

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