Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2039 Medicine and Poison

In fact, besides petty theft, there is another profession that can be engaged in, and that is smuggling.

According to the practice of international law in the 19th century, blocking the port is considered a blockade, but there are still many landing points on the long coastline, such as the small village they went to before, a small boat is enough.

Where there is a demand, there is a market. Not everyone can afford expensive fabrics to make clothes. Even if the ruling government has issued a guide price, everyone will treat it as if it does not exist.

This is a gray area of ​​the law, but there are bound to be people who take risks, unless wages are raised, but even then there are people who will live frugally.

Frederick the Great once said that building roads is to make it easier for other people's armies to attack themselves.

The road construction itself also has a military purpose, and the replacement of grain trucks with cannons also has the same load.

The money the British earned from the Belgians could also be used to cover deficits from previous wars, another source of income after the income tax was suspended.

Georgiana would not be so stupid that William Pitt Jr. really gave up his original plan and no longer thought that France was a threat. War would definitely break out, and tax resistance might delay the war.

Negotiating on behalf of the country is of course not that simple. There are many ways to beat the bones, not just tariffs. When the Methuen Treaty was signed before, Portugal thought that after the treaty was formed, they could obtain more preferential tariffs than French Bordeaux wine.

Queen Ekaterina was able to crown the title of "Emperor" not just because she said "If I can live to be two hundred years old, the whole of Europe will prostrate at my feet."

She also had an ignorant girlhood, but she also knew that the most convenient way for a woman without real power to win hearts and minds was to use her lover. If the "harem" mechanism can be developed, then Napoleon will also have beauties from many countries, and like ancient emperors, he will show his political attitude and other content through his preference for concubines.

However, this set of "Oriental" cannot be realized in Western Europe. Grassini was so brave that he ran to Russia. If Severus came back for her too, she would follow him too.

She hated that system more than anyone else, but compared with war, it was still within her tolerance range, as if it was for the "greater good".

The Poverty Law is a worse medicine than a disease. Even if it is well understood and enforced, it is a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause, let alone it is not well enforced now. The cruelty of self-interest turns benevolent laws into ruthless ones, as Grogan Stump said, "man" is a man intelligent enough to understand the laws of magical society, and to undertake to make them The process bears part of the responsibility of the organism.

Just thinking about getting laws passed by the British Parliament to protect wizards made her think that it would be a disaster, especially if some people knew that the Philosopher's Stone was real, and God only knows what they would do.

He can "legally" have the power of eternal life, and then it depends on whether the Philosopher's Stone needs many people to sacrifice. If so, in their eyes, prisoners, slaves, and abandoned babies can all be "consumed". People sometimes have a kind of "slow intelligence", thinking that they can also get a share, but they don't think that they will become part of the "consumables". Of course, they don't realize how cruel and inhuman they are. Get to the point.

As long as everyone who participates thinks it is fair, then the country's laws are like the rules of the game, and no one will think that what everyone wants is unfair.

The Muggles living in such a world are worthy of sympathy. Fortunately, the people of the Wizarding Council chose to find the king, otherwise the "International Statute of Secrecy" they drafted would not pass the first reading.

The lesson humans learn from history is that humans don't learn anything from history.

Many people love to chat, but in fact they talk nonsense. In fact, talking nonsense makes people feel happy. First of all, there must be someone to listen to her nonsense.

No matter how much information you say, if no one listens, that feeling is called pain.

People wanted freedom of speech, but Napoleon forbade it, so that on his birthday, some people posted posters at the gate of the Tuileries Palace: The silence of the people is a lesson for the king.

Now that he's not in Paris, there's a new sticker that says: Maybe slavery taught obedience, but our youth and our women's beauty are ours.

This is the "Miza" sent to her by a friend of Godin who loves to write scripts, and a member of the intelligence company who is good at forging letters from Marie Antoinette. "We Women" refers to women of the civilian class. There is a famous painting called "The Ugly Duchess" has no problem with such "well-matched" civilians.

Beauty is a kind of resource. After all, it is still difficult for most people to get rid of their obsession with external beauty. They may be more tolerant of men, as long as they are talented or rich.

Even if a woman has nothing, as long as she is beautiful, she still has a chance.

Her chances would be much less without beauty, and if Merope had been beautiful, old Tom Riddle might have forgiven her even if she had used the love potion.

But beauty does not increase in value and will depreciate more and more over time, while male talent and wealth may increase in value over time.

The French have always liked sweet words, saying "I love you" every day does not prevent them from looking for lovers outside.

Compared with being "model fathers", they are more enthusiastic about education. The purpose is to oppose obscurantism, and they regard fighting religious schools as their top priority.

Encountering a wizard is an adventure in itself, something that only a few people have, and it cannot be a "welfare" for the vast majority of people.

Because it is fantastic enough, it can expand the vision of Muggles and let them realize that they live in a closed, cave-like world. However, wizards will erase their memories and make them think that they have had a dream. After waking up, everything in the dream disappeared.

The shipping route also needs "pathfinders", but many adventurous people have explored new waterways, and these waterways are safe, while people outside the waterway died at the bottom of the sea because they encountered mermaids, sea monsters, and hidden reefs , They are actually "the cost of road construction".

But young people want to be sailors and pirates. Although real pirates are also criminals, they will be severely punished by the government just like smugglers.

The owner of the Vandale Steel Company has always wanted to be a sailor, and he even feels that even a millionaire is a failure.

The French have always been proud of being the first country to abolish corporal punishment in schools. As early as 1769, Louis the Great High School no longer mentioned "beating" when formulating new school regulations. Napoleon also favored the use of non-violent restraint measures.

I don't know that those children who sit in the classroom and feel that they are not free to obey the school rules know that their peers are receiving all kinds of physical punishment in the factory, and they are not even qualified to read books and run on the playground. .

They are all children, but they are not from the same world; they are ignorant, but should these ugliness be known to these pure souls?

While Voltaire, Montesquieu, Meunier and others in France regarded the British parliamentary government as an ideal and a model of political stability and freedom, British people such as Wordsworth felt that France was the dawn.

As far as Georgiana herself is concerned, the term separation of powers is expressed in English, French and German respectively, and the German form may be the most able to solve the problem. However, a devil has also arisen in that place.

She would always remember what Severus had told her on the train, not to think of herself as a "cow" like the Aryan maiden on Population Farm. Just because of this, she will be firmly in the camp of the anti-**** league.

Why can't her life be simpler, smoother, and happier?

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