Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2038 Alliance Festival (7)

There is a Russian proverb that goes like this: In your own home, walls can help you too.

Russia at the end of the 17th century was a backward country, to a certain extent still at the level of the Middle Ages. The young Peter the Great hoped that Russia could reconnect with Europe, so he set up his own Scottish counselor Patrick Gordon and Genevan François Accompanied by V. Lefort, he started the "Grand Tour" journey.

"The Great" always seems to be very serious, but Peter was a very playful person when he was young. He started Moscow nightlife at the age of 17 or 8. Because of his tall stature, he must be drunk by others. He's well known in the unofficial group "The Wildest and Drunkest Congregation of Jokers and Clowns".

"Over there" was the Orthodox Church, a group whose depraved behavior was denounced by representatives of the church, and on the other hand there were many monks who regarded it as an honor to participate in the drinking of the "synod". In fact, the Russians would not have opened their doors to the Orthodox Church if it hadn't been for the Protestantism forbidding alcohol.

Later, Peter the Great, who had won half of Russia by drinking, suddenly realized that he could not let the people continue to be so drunk. In order to keep the people sober, he decided to introduce beer instead of vodka.

Russia has never been a country that only drinks vodka. They also have mead and kvass, but these two wines are generally drunk by children. It was not until the time of Queen Catherine that drinking beer was educated. of urban dwellers accept it, and this is also because the beer has been modified to be more "punchy" than its European counterparts.

Russians start their breakfast with a glass of vodka, but vodka with rye bread and pickles is not as good as Baltic porter beer. This dark beer is very suitable for Russian appetizers.

This beer is a bottom-fermented beer in the UK, so it is almost black in color, with a hint of chocolate, sweet orange and hops on the finish.

It was first popularized from the court, later known as the imperial beer - "Imperial Stout", and from the 18th century, breweries in and around St. Petersburg began to brew similar dark beers. Queen Ekaterina was a former German, she was very fond of malt drinks, and she brought German brewed beer to her wedding.

Baltic trade is related to the livelihood of many people. With the decline of the Hanseatic League, the trade between Britain and Russia has become more and more important. In the 17th century, due to transportation problems, the brewery could only be a local enterprise for local drinking. Later, large and stable country roads were built in the Holy Roman Empire, allowing heavy grain and beer trucks to travel easily on the road. However, compared with sea transportation, it was not only stretched, but the investment outweighed the benefits.

So Queen Ekaterina found that Russian beer was not to her taste, and she ordered a large amount of dark beer from London to be shipped to the palace every year. And she also hired a British brewer to improve the Russian beer.

In addition to the reform of domestic beer manufacturing, Russian trade is also booming. Beer import has become easier, and export is equally simple. British beer and Russian beer have their own customer groups. There are Russians who like British beer. People like Russian beer, a travel writer wrote in recollection of his trip to St. Petersburg: I ​​have never had a better, more mellow porter than this.

The dark beer drunk by the upper class in Russia was drunk by the dock workers in the Netherlands to decompress it. When Peter got old, he began to realize that keeping the people sober is no longer the core issue of the country. Besides, vodka can bring considerable income to the country. So even the poorest peasants began to drink light beer.

If Napoleon could not accurately remember the route and distance of each mail, he would not have intercepted the money orders and letters sent from the Republic of Venice to accept bribes to important figures in the Directory, and then issued orders from France to prevent Napoleon from continuing. Offensive, which the French Postmaster General could not do.

Georgiana was only thinking about finding a market for the farmers' grain. She didn't know anything about Partu, Peter the Great, and Ekaterina.

She didn't make a mistake, it can only be said that she made a mistake, just like she confusedly put the tapestry that Napoleon wanted to give to the Sultan as the tapestry that the Sultan gave to Napoleon, and put it in the dining hall of the Tuileries Palace.

Before Napoleon left Egypt, the Hersheys also agreed to drink on the premise of doing good deeds.

If drinking beer is to help orphans and widows, it is doing good deeds, but beer is not as "strong enough" as rum.

William Pitt Jr. claims to be an independent Whig. If he wants to regain the position of Prime Minister, it would be best if he can get the support of the Tory Party. It also happens that the Tory Party is a landed aristocracy, and the dry beer trade will inevitably need Maizi, who would think that he has too many supporters?

The most important thing is that it involved Russia. Napoleon always advocated dealing with economic issues after dealing with diplomatic issues, while Georgiana felt that the interests of so many people were involved, and the cotton textile industry could not "reject all opinions". , High tariffs caused their loss of interests to get back from other places, and this is what she found the "flood release area".

If it is said that the taxes they pay support the British Navy, then the opinions of the military must also be taken into account. The point is that they made so many small moves to resist the tax and held a triumphant ceremony. Even if William Pitt Jr. was not a stingy person, he would probably be pissed off.

To put it another way, when unemployment changes from an economic issue to a political issue, then the economy cannot control it. The unemployed often turn to the parish for help, and it is the parish orphanage that packages the orphans as "apprentices" and becomes veritable child labor, taking away the jobs of the unemployed and causing the unemployed to turn to the parish for help.

The tranquility of the British propertied classes in crisis and the glory of Britain abroad, produced by the cotton industry, were bought by Nelson's generation. Social wealth extracted from the body. And they themselves did not contribute to this country, but because they caused a lot of social conflicts, and after squeezing out the last bit of value of child labor - time, there was nothing left to push the burden of raising children to society, and caused greater social burden. How much can a child do when he commits a crime? Adults are different, even if their lungs are ruined by cotton, petty theft, robbing women, old people, kidnapping children can still be done.

Montesquieu, one of the Enlightenment thinkers, said that paying taxes is to use part of the wealth to protect another part of the wealth.

But these new industrialists are more interested in power, and they intend to use the accumulation of more wealth to influence politics, and even control politics, to seek more benefits for themselves, and the state becomes a tool for them to seek personal gain.

It is no longer possible to say whether it is the Jacobins or these factory owners who are more harmful. Extortion means that they will organize riots if they cannot achieve the purpose of these factory owners. Manchester has done it.

There is also Birmingham, who refuses to ask them to pay for their own cavalry to maintain law and order. Is money more important than life safety?

There is a Chinese idiom called Li Lingzhi fainting. It is easy to analyze their logic, but it is not so simple not to be dizzy with them. These people seem to be drunk.

Another problem is the Corn Laws. Regardless of whether the Irish famine will come or not, how will it be resolved if there is another famine?

Hobbes said in Leviathan that the people in a monarchy do not prosper because only one person has the right to rule them, but because they obey this one person. In any kind of country, if the people do not obey, they will not Coordinated, instead of prospering, they would soon disintegrate.

Parliamentary reform is actually for the purpose of gaining the right to rule, and those who participate in the election are fighting for power for the sake of power.

The Americans know what England is "conspiring against" the United States. Jefferson and his Democratic-Republican party are arguing with the Federalist Party about the legality of the four Georgia ballots in the 1800 presidential election. They are not available.

To use an inappropriate analogy, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Donglin Party and the eunuch group’s party quarreled fiercely, but they failed to do anything they should do. The peasants revolted.

Georgiana figured out that farming loans are good intentions, but good intentions will turn into bad things if they are not careful, just like the marketization of old aristocratic grain.

It’s not enough if you don’t do it, the French bankers have already squeezed out the foreign bankers, and they will do what other bankers will do if they don’t do it.

If there was also a peasant uprising in France, the scale would not be comparable to the French Revolution, which was dominated by urban residents.

It is not okay to not understand theology in Europe. It is like it is written in the Gospel of Matthew and has become part of the cornerstone. Witchcraft and belief coexist, and not believing in witchcraft is the greatest heresy.

It is difficult for children before the age of 17 to understand these, but there is no university in the wizarding world, so it depends on which tutor you follow.

She and Severus had inherited different things from Albus, she was not as conscientious as Minerva, so Minerva ended up becoming the Headmaster while Pomona left the school.

She misses living in seclusion on the moor, just the two of them.

So is she ready to live in seclusion on an island with another person?

This question is too difficult to answer, she chooses to let fate rule for her, she just needs to go with the flow, this is the choice made by a person like her who has no sense of responsibility.

Now that I think about it, isn't she just a homeless person? She doesn't get any help because she doesn't have a home of her own, no wonder not even the walls help her.

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