Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2037 Alliance Festival (6)

No matter how poor the Weasleys were and how much Ron was laughed at by Draco, there was still one good thing about the Weasleys - they had a lot of kids.

This is beyond the reach of other pure-blood families. How many prominent families in the past ended because of extinction.

With Georgiana's brain, she never imagined that one day she would compare Molly with Josephine.

Before Hermione returned to work at the Ministry of Magic, Molly had mentioned to her that the baby should be born first. This is undoubtedly a wise choice, although Molly was unreasonable in Hermione's eyes at the time.

It's not easy to get pregnant and have a baby while working, not to mention that Hermione has to face those guys from the Ministry of Magic.

Molly is an out-of-shape housewife, and she will be laughed at in front of many professional women, even noble ladies like Naxisha, but she is indeed a strong "mother role model".

This is Albus's aesthetic, and she hopes that Pomonado will learn from Molly and be a "strong mother".

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she basically loses those qualities that attract men, such as a slender waist and no swollen ankles.

Strangely, Georgiana never expected Bonaparte to remain faithful during a woman's pregnancy. It may be that he has allowed himself to reverse his position in the marriage relationship with Josephine. Public opinion is generally on his side, and he How many lovers are normal.

And Josephine is "really" thinking that pregnancy will maintain their marriage, because Napoleon urgently needs an heir, and the original heir, Eugene, lost his inheritance rights because of Josephine's scandal.

She shouldn't take what happened by the canal as an established relationship, after all, everyone is an adult.

So is her love for Severus as stubborn as Job's love for God?

Probably not, because she is still searching for freedom.

But whenever she thinks of him, she still cries, and before she knows it, that snot-nosed man has become a man who can make women cry.

Hobbes once wrote in "Leviathan" that a crime committed on the spur of the moment is less serious than a long-term premeditated crime, because the former situation is a common weakness of human nature, so there is room for mitigation, But the man who pre-plans and then commits a crime has already considered it, and has seen the punishment of the law, and the consequences to society, and has flouted all this when he commits the crime.

In other words, Severus could be forgiven for killing her on impulse, but murder is not so easily forgiven.

Sometimes she admits to herself that she is indeed a weird woman, why doesn't she think about some problems that normal women should think about?

Who would be so calm to think about the possibility of being killed by love?

Of course, the premise is that Severus will come back to find her. In fact, she doesn't love children as much as she thought. Maybe she loved children at first, but after she got fed up with their naughtiness, she also began to miss communicating with adults. feeling.

As she said to Narcissa, Severus took all her motherly love away, and he, like his father Tobias, allowed another witch to live in Spider's End, as if it were a spider's web, Attract self-trapping moths.

If Napoleon fell down, she could still reasonably think that he had an income of 1,200 francs.

He made her feel generally normal, and it seemed that Severus was driving her crazy, keeping her from thinking.

In the Leviathan structure conceived by Hobbes, what Hobbes values ​​is the issue of ownership, and the crime of raping a married woman is more serious than that of an unmarried woman. Married means that she has a master, while an unmarried woman is unowned.

It is also written in the Theory of the King that it is not allowed to usurp the wives of subjects.

What a ghost, how could she have such a terrible and weird dream?

It was even more exaggerated than the first time she had seen Bonaparte naked.

He is really not shy at all. He meets ministers and even female guests while taking a bath. Of course, this may also be because he is an Italian. In the Sistine ceiling painting, Noah is drunk and his father wants to be naked. , Whichever son dared to take care of him, he cursed that son to become a servant.

Michelangelo, one of the three masters of the Renaissance, painted this picture. This master has such a temper. Of course, he will still be chased and beaten by the Pope.

The Pope has not lived for a few years, and he wants to see the Sistine Ceiling completed before his eyes are closed, so that he doesn't care if his tomb is not finished.

It seems that he is really afraid of death.

Napoleon's character is notoriously arbitrary, so many men in France can't do anything to him, let alone a woman like her.

He was a conqueror, and he paid her outrageously high living expenses, and she should have been conquered long ago.

It's a pity that it didn't work, this budget-minded guy cut her living expenses down.

He's really good at making people different, who connects Georgiana, who attracts so many amazing eyes in the restaurant, with Pomona, the herbal medicine professor covered in mud.

Even Berdier, who was good at drawing, was a "goose" before meeting Bonaparte, and now he has become an "eagle".

God formed man out of dust and breathed on him, and he became a living being.

Bonaparte recreated them, at least in the eyes of everyone, they are enviable.

If at the beginning she had to be imprisoned by his side because of the locks on her ankles, now that he has removed those shackles, she is as hard to break free as a baby elephant tied by iron chains.

He is so good at manipulating people, if it wasn't for her stubborn love for Severus, maybe she would have become as anxious to form a circle as Josephine, protecting him as his possession, and isolating him from the temptation outside .

Thinking of the people outside, he will try his best to get out.

As sad as it was, she wouldn't do what Josephine did, she'd set him free and eat and cry alone.

She didn't know this person that well at the time, and thought that when the world said he was dedicated, he was really dedicated.

She deserved the fate she has fallen into now, who told her to follow others, and didn't go to prove it by herself?

Molly also admired Rohart, and "mother" would sometimes be wrong.

Those cornflower blue eyes sure captivated many... Wait, why were Bonaparte's eyes golden in the first place?

She recalled carefully that they were indeed golden, and later turned gray blue.

Why is there such a change?

To be honest, the golden eyes suit him well, they look like the eyes of a lion.

But that's not the color a human eye should be.

As a wizard, of course she believed in magic, but could a Muggle have magic too?

He must be dead, was it a ghost or an apparition before her eyes?

In other words, he is a demon king.

He gave her back the clothes Dilloch had draped over her, and covered her with his cloak.

She turned her head and just saw Ludrell, who had just entered the chapel with Napoleon.

How much should Bonaparte trust him when he can't even go to a place where Dillock can't go?

Over his shoulder Georgiana looked farther to the door of the chapel, where Robert Peel Jr. stood.

She was carried away just in time to take a look, and every breath could smell the rich cologne.

Why would she come up with the idea that power is a man's best perfume?

That's a really bad metaphor.

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