Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2036 Alliance Festival (5)

Napoleon experienced the Black Death in Egypt.

Dillock has also experienced the same. It is said that anyone who has seen that scene will have doubts about medicine.

Georgiana once visited the Church of Our Lady of Health in Venice. It was when the plague broke out in Venice in the 17th century because the women in the city prayed to Maria and made a wish that if she could drive away the plague, a church would be built for her, no matter how much money Venice had at that time. nervous.

If this was barely a miracle, it had nothing to do with the doctor.

God regarded Job as the object of a bet with the devil, and made him suffer. In the end, because of his piety, he had many children again, replacing those lost in those bets, as if to make up for him. Aren’t children all children? These children are equal in the eyes of God. But in the eyes of Job, are those children the same?

No, he wanted to identify who these children were and gave them names. In an instant, Job lost everything. He tore his clothes and prostrated himself on the ground in pain.

People are not made of copper and iron. Job’s friends told him that God only cared about Job’s loyalty, but not his feelings. Even if Job was unfaithful to God, God would even deprive him of his birthright.

Then take it away, take it all, anyway, Job, who has suffered so much, once complained that he did not want to come to this world.

Don't say that God is disappointed with his creations, and creations are also disappointed with God. Even Satan knew that Job feared God because of His abundant love. If Job could no longer feel God’s abundant love, why would he still fear God so much?

He didn't pray for his own birth. On the contrary, some parents begged for a child, and they didn't care about the child's feelings at all.

If the marriage is really bad, then divorce, instead of hoping to tie the man through the child like Merope. As a result, she was not only kicked out with pregnancy, but also gave birth to the child in an orphanage.

Pandora opened the magic box and released many things, except hope.

Many people usually do not feel the difference between hope and desire, just like the light is not obvious in the daytime but stands out in the dark. Perhaps only those who have experienced despair can understand what "true hope" is.

Don't say you can imagine, you can't imagine that scene.

Napoleon touched the pustule of the black death patient with his hands, not only brought hope to these people, but also brought hope to other bystanders. After all, no one knows whether they are also infected, but they are currently asymptomatic .

Isn't he afraid? Of course he was afraid. After returning home, he washed his hands with perfume, and then he developed the habit of using a lot of cologne every day.

In a sense, Napoleon's approach is correct, because the perfume contains alcohol, which has anti-virus effects, especially if he has been in contact with patients with severe infectious diseases before.

But from the perspective of "superstition", aroma can drive away miasma. Religion and superstition have been deeply engraved into people's minds and souls, and cannot be erased by education.

For example, luck, everyone hopes to have good luck all the time, Felicia can do this while taking it, but its side effects are also obvious.

In the movie Infernal Affairs, a group of people burn incense and pray to Buddha to pray for good luck, so that they can sneak into the police department as undercover agents.

In Zou Yan's era, the tombs of princes and princes were extensively repaired and built in order to hide their descendants. As a result, not only did not achieve the purpose of prolonging the country's destiny, but it made the country decline at a faster rate and was annexed by other countries.

Georgiana never thought of letting Albus be buried in a "good feng shui" place, so he stayed quietly by the lake and became the first principal to be buried in the school.

Sometimes people have a strange illusion that if you get close to power, you can get power, so can you become a great man if you get close to a great man?

The answer, of course, is no. Georgiana has been close to so many people who can be called great, but she has not become a great person.

There is an advantage in being at the mercy of fate. I completely believe in free will. Since Napoleon believed that fate is in his own hands, he will be responsible for everything he does and everything he chooses, and he must bear heavy responsibilities. If you admit that some things are beyond your control, you will gain a certain degree of freedom.

She believes in the concept of timing, location, and people. Since people plan things and make things happen, how can there be so many factors in military history that determine the success or failure of battles related to the weather?

"Heaven" and "God" are hidden in the things that determine success or failure in the dark and are not controlled by her. Men may gamble that they are the "chosen one" and become the chosen one.

Women don't do that, at least not women like her.

People may think she is ridiculous, she is the kind of woman who can go to a place like Spinner's End with the man she loves.

Even if Bonaparte lost his status as emperor, he only had an annuity of 1,200 francs, and she could still live on.

But these two people would not be so willing to live with her like that.

Severus was obviously more comfortable living in the high-end apartment than the home he had stayed in when he was a child. Josephine had always hoped that Napoleon would stay at home more and live with her as an ordinary couple. Fern passed, and he abdicated for the first time and was imprisoned in Elba and ran back.

She was not disappointed with the man, but felt that her father was more reliable. The sign of a man becoming a father is not that he has offspring, not all men will become fathers, and not all fathers must have their own children.

This kind of male role should not be taught by her as a woman, but "father" as an example for others to learn.

Anyway, she thinks that Job is not a good example for the God who made a bet with the devil. She prefers the "father" who opens his arms and tolerates the return of the prodigal son.

Job is actually one of the earliest questions in theology—theodicy, if God is all-knowing and omnipotent, why is there suffering in the world?

The inhumanity of heaven and earth treats all things as straw dogs. When God is so ungrateful and ungrateful to all people, he treats all people equally.

Some people may think that it is ridiculous that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. There is no justice at all in the world.

Then Tom Wedgwood, a young rich boy, was led astray, and Wordsworth's sailor brother who provided him with "forgetfulness" should not be punished in any way.

He doesn't have a few years to live. Although he is only in his 30s, and there are those "social butterflies" who know that he has an infectious disease but are still picking up customers on purpose, the young master should not blame anyone for his illness.

There are many "things" that often happen in places you least expect. Who would have thought that William Wordsworth, a poet of the "Lakeside School" who loves landscapes, has such a brother who loves sailing?

He himself has no major problems, not to mention that poets sometimes need a little medicine to get inspiration, and no one thought that it would become like this.

what to do? This is a good question. If someone chooses to avoid it, just pretend that they don't know about it and continue to live their lives.

Anti-theodists don't become atheists, they think the book of Job is an expression of man's stubborn love for God, even if God has a definite relationship with sin, which is already on the borderline of blasphemy .

It may be that human beings have too narrow a vision and cannot see so far into the future, so they cannot accept what is happening now.

However, this is human beings.

We are not all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, so don't treat customers or yourself as God.

One cannot bring back the one one loves from the dead, not even an old fool with a cursed ring on his own.

But when it comes to saving lives, even if there is a glimmer of hope, they will do everything. When they are rational, people know "stop loss", but when it comes to that time, who will remember it.

Who still thinks that wisdom is a gift?

Does anyone have any regrets: If I didn't know this, it would be nice to be a happy person all the time.

Socrates said, would you rather be a miserable person or a happy pig.

That's why he was such a nuisance in the ancient Greek city in which he lived.

He was voted to death in the end and drank poisonous violets. Some people say that Socrates died for social order, law and justice.

He was executed for the crime of introducing new gods and bewitching the youth.

If the God he introduced was omniscient and omnipotent, why couldn't he save him?

Or is it that one person's cry cannot be heard, and it takes many people to pray together to appear, just like the miracle in Venice?

If God’s love is not unconditional, how precious is that kind of unconditional love, what a loss and what a sad thing it would be to lose it.

It's just that a person would die if he opened his chest, so he just tore off his clothes. Who made this father just go through the pain of bereavement?

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