Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2040 Spoiler

Before Madame de Staal was expelled from Paris, she and Madame Recamier used to be an "alliance of talent and beauty". Later, Madame de Staal was expelled from Paris because of her excessive participation in politics, and this alliance seemed to be broken up.

Madame Récamier's father had a friend named Bernard, who had been postmaster before he was dismissed for supporting the publication of a periodical. This journal was edited by Bernard's friend Brother Juyue, and it contained a lot of content attacking the First Consul and his family. Of course, Georgiana was also on the list of being attacked.

Bernard's daughter insisted her father was innocent and protested, but to no avail, Napoleon spared Bernard's trial.

Madame Recamier was very influential in the fashion world, and her salon Georgiana also visited, and there were many people socializing there.

But Mrs. Recamier is not close to Georgiana, and she has the meaning of "obeying orders". As long as Georgiana appears to be "out of favor", Mrs. Recamier will stay away from her. It seems that her character It's not all that popular either.

The information provided by the "informant" did not say that Mrs. Recamier's salon became like Mrs. De Stahl's reception room, full of guests who resisted the authority of the head of state. It was just that everyone discussed Mr. Bernard's experience. "Deep" discussion.

She glanced at ten lines to ignore the nonsense, and finally came across a slightly useful piece of information, Juliette Recamier was named Bernard before marriage, which happened to have the same surname as the postmaster.

If Juliet looks like "The Ugly Duchess", then people may search for her life experience to study what caused this...

However, Juliet is a peerless beauty. She spent her childhood in the monastery, and many illegitimate children were born and raised in the monastery.

Rumors had spread that Monsieur Recamier was her real father, just as the real father of Louis and Hortense's first child was Napoleon.

It is no news that Georgiana is considered to be a British female spy. Brother Guyo seems to want to discuss marriage issues with her, so he discusses Lucien's bribery and Gerero's bad habits so "frankly".

If the handsome Pete has any advantages other than his looks, that is, he wants to accomplish one thing, then he will not be like Addington, even if he said nothing during the peace talks, he would not release fishing rights to the French.

No matter how you fight in the future, let’s pay back the financial and national debt first. Wasn’t the French Revolution just because the War of Independence spent too much military expenditure, which resulted in increased taxation?

Even Napoleon did not dare to increase taxes at will. Even if it was an indirect tax, when the British saw that France did not collect income tax, they started clamoring for the abolition of income tax.

If there is an anti-French alliance in the future, Britain still needs to pay for military expenses. More money is urgently needed to attract more "friends" to form an anti-French alliance, but Peter will not push the country to destruction just to fight France to the death of.

Josephine's niece Stephanie, the beauty whom Georgiana overheard Louie's confession by the lake that day, is currently very active.

The biological father of the hereditary prince of Baden died of falling from a horse on the way to Russia. At that time, he was planning to go to St. Petersburg to visit his daughter who was married far away, the wife of Tsar Alexander.

Baden is currently only a vassal state, but a tsar queen has emerged. Theoretically, it is to promote the rank of Baden. No matter how small Teding is, it is still a principality.

The trouble started here. The first Grand Duke of Baden, Karl Friedrich, had seven sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Karl Ludwig, was the prince who rode to Russia to see his daughter. Second son Friedrich, who married Louis of Nassau-Usingen and left no children, third son Ludwig Wilhelm August.

In other words, who is more suitable to be the heir of the Grand Duke, uncle or nephew.

The mother of the young Archduke had a common language with the Marquis Ludwig, brother of the dead prince, and often spoke of Napoleon's brother, sister-in-law and sister-in-law in insulting terms. There was a courtier named De Thiar, who went to some small German federations during the Great Revolution in exile, and hooked up with those courts, no, established certain relationships, so he brokered the alliance between France and Baden and Bavaria matter.

Mothers do not want their sons to inherit the title left by their fathers, or they do not want to form an alliance with France, because France is a republic, not a hereditary system. Georgiana was still wondering why Stephanie decided to marry Baden so early.

According to reason, it is the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to promote a vassal state as a grand duchy, and even the Habsburg family dare not mess around, because the Habsburg family is only one of the electors, and there are others. can compete. But Napoleon could plunder the land of the electors by means of seizure, and the electors without land would not be eligible to be elected emperors. In order to gather so many electors, he could support one. For example, Baden won the title of Principality At the same time, he obtained the qualifications of electing the emperor, so that the tsar would have more face. Is there any reason for him to refuse?

This is meddling in other people's family affairs, or meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. With the problems of Switzerland and Valais, it is no wonder that Britain is going to make trouble.

The problem is that the young elector is now dazzled by Stephanie, should the family business left by his father be inherited by his son or his brother?

This again involved Napoleon's family affairs, Louis gave birth to a son, and Joseph's competitors were getting younger and younger.

"What are you looking at?"

She looked back at the "culprit" who had just taken a shower. The proportion of the baby's head was relatively large, just like him.

"News from Paris." She stuffed the secret into his arms, but he didn't even read it, and threw it on the table.

He lifted her up elegantly, as if inviting her to dance, then threw her on the bed, lying on her body, and sighed a long time.

"Do you think our plan is possible?" he asked wearily.

"I don't know." She said, looking at the hangings of the four-poster bed. "I've done my best."

The rest will be judged by God.

she said in her heart.

"What's the news?" He asked absently, as if talking casually.

She felt that he would not be pleased whether he was talked about by Madame Récamier's friends or by Baden's side.

"Have you ever been to the Black Forest?" she asked, "There is a little monster called the Evil Spirit, which specializes in attacking children who stray into the forest by mistake..."

There used to be such a legend in the Baden area that there was a "wild boy" named Kaspar Hauser. One morning in 1828, he suddenly appeared naked in Nuremberg. He looked about 16 years old in appearance, but He is mentally retarded and reticent. It is said that he is the missing prince of the Principality of Baden many years ago. Someone exchanged him with another dying baby in order to let a collateral line of the Baden royal family inherit the throne.

The official said that the prince was dead, not missing, and that Kaspar Hauser had nothing to do with Baden.

However, according to his own account, he was locked in a dark room and was given bread and water every day.

What was the purpose of the man who imprisoned him? Why not kill him, or do something worse?

Within two years, there was a gunshot in the middle of the night, and when Hauser's guards found him, he was covered in blood, but he was not dead, just unconscious.

Rumors about him being of royal blood intensified, and three years after the shooting, Hauser was assassinated again. This time he was not so lucky. King Ludwig I of Baden offered a reward of 10,000 guilders to pursue the murderer.

This was the famous Kaspar Hauser mystery, and Georgiana did not imagine that she would one day participate in this way.

Of course, this "news" is so new that it hasn't happened yet, so I don't know what will happen in the future.

A princess in distress will always be rescued by a passing prince. Where is my prince?

She was thinking in despair, but the storyteller gradually closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

It's a pity that the person who slept with her didn't say that she had a good dream, so she entered a scary dark forest in her dream, surrounded by many eight-eyed spiders.

She screamed, but no one came.

What a nightmare.

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