Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2030 naughty wind (eight)

In the Marina Humanity Experiment, when people held the pistol in her hand, Marina was under general anesthesia, and she may not be able to shoot herself.

However, the gravity of the earth and the unconscious contraction of the muscles may pull the trigger. When the gunfires, blood will inevitably splatter on the spot.

Fortunately, someone in the audience woke up in time and prevented the tragedy from happening.

What is rationality? There are two marriage proposal objects, based on future considerations, choose the richer one, or the one who is desperate to save you?

Georgiana envies Madame Talian, Our Lady of Thermidor, although Teresa ends up marrying wealthy banker Gabriel Ufral.

Rose on the Titanic chose Jack Dawson instead of steel tycoon Carl. Her behavior seems very irrational, but just think about it, a person who is willing to give up his life for a girl, he will Do you not return home at night after marriage?

Socrates believed that ignorance was a sin, while Christian ethics believed that maintaining a pure heart was the most important thing. Ignorance could maintain the natural purity of a child. Only such people can enter the kingdom of heaven, because they have not Being "contaminated" by worldly experiences.

Ordinary believers may not know Socrates, but the priests have been studying him. In BC, philosophy was roughly divided into the intellectual school and the belief school, and the two schools often had disputes. Later, in the Renaissance, the continental rationalism represented by Descartes and the British empiricism represented by Sir Bacon were separated.

I think, therefore I am, this is Descartes' famous saying. Although his contribution to geometry is far higher than his contribution to philosophy, he still influenced people such as Hobbes and Pascal...

Why is there a sculpture of Pascal under the Tower of Jacob? Is it because Pascal did experiments on that tower?

She felt very confused, but it was obvious that Bonaparte would not answer her doubts, and now he didn't think her mouth was bad.

There are many things that can bring on the body's pleasant chemistry, not necessarily drugs.

The seven deadly sins of Christianity include what they are doing now, and even the rapid expansion of the influence of the church is related to the way of life of the ancient Roman aristocracy at the end of the period.

Temperance is the whip-wielding angel, painful and sober at the same time. An army that has lived in prosperity and peace for a long time can easily lose its combat effectiveness. This is also where the beauty trick is powerful. Even if the beauty has no tricks, she just made the target as confused as Anthony and merged the Roman province into Egypt. And it is enough to intend to inherit these lands to his and Cleopatra's children.

Although Caesar died, Rome was still in the Republic at the time, and Anthony could not treat the land of the Republic as his own manor.

"Stop!" She hit his hand hard with the book in her hand, "Get me up!"

He is like those bastard rich young masters, reading with his arms around the beauties, it is impossible to concentrate on reading like this.

But his eyes are so beautiful, as if soaked in water, who can bear to say no to him?

Fortunately, he was more "rational" and let Georgiana leave his arms.

Even though firewood was lit in the room, it was still not as warm as two people hugging each other. She couldn't help rubbing the back of her cold hands.

"Mixed schools are not allowed." Bonaparte slapped the table. "Otherwise, no one would concentrate on studying."

Georgiana rolled her eyes, too lazy to pay attention to this young old antique.

If he was Headmaster, he would be as annoying as Umbridge.

"Go and sit over there!" He pointed to a chair and said, she sat down obediently immediately, his eyes were in a trance for a moment.

"What?" she asked.

He continued to look at her with that strange look.

She was very uncomfortable being stared at by him, she sat there looking around, and then her gaze stayed on the book in her hand.

It was written by Laplace, with notes on it, by Napoleon.

It may be because his military talent is so dazzling that people forget his status as a French academician. Unfortunately, he only provided a geometric law. If he had more time to spare, he might be able to research something else .

"May I ask you a question?" asked Bonaparte.

"Ask." She sat upright.

"Why don't you judge my right and wrong?" he asked.

"Are you right or wrong? It's not math, Leon. Sometimes we're easily fooled by experience, thinking that what we do is right, and that others who don't do it our way are wrong and need to be corrected."

"Isn't that what a teacher should do?" asked Bonaparte.

"I told my students that if you can't see a better date, you can dump your original dance partner. According to the social contract theory, this is against the spirit of the contract." She smiled wryly, "Look at me , what qualifications do you have to criticize the students now?"

He smiled weirdly.

"Teachers may also make mistakes, and our experience is only adapted to our era. The improvement of productivity has made the children's era face different difficulties from ours. I think they need guidance more than preaching. And help, it is not true that hard work will lead to success, if so, why don’t those apprentices who work more than ten hours a day fail to succeed?” She said seriously, “They understand the disadvantages of laziness, compared to rambling about ‘hard work’ will succeed’, they need someone to guide them in the direction of their efforts, after all, continuous efforts in the wrong direction will not get the results they want, and this is what you need to do.”

"Didn't you say yesterday that I'm going to establish a new order after 'the rites collapse and the music breaks down'?" he asked.

"In the future, there is still hope." Georgiana said, "Shouldn't leaders sell hope?"

He leaned on the chair and looked at her.

"Some things, even if they are invented for a good purpose, are later used in the wrong direction, like the machinery that the Luddites destroyed, their jobs were taken away by the machinery, and some dioceses handed out handouts King didn't have such a serious anti-machine movement, but it also caused other problems, some professional beggars, they gave up the spirit of fighting to raise a large family, and they continued to degenerate."

"How did you know?"

"Didn't you meet Arthur Young? It's written in his experience." Georgiana said, "His eyes are basically the farmers, the relief and the parish. There is a struggle. One hopes to get more and work less. One will only pay after the magistrate's judgment makes the payment mandatory, don't you think this is too rigid?"

She swayed her calf mischievously, successfully attracting his attention.

"What do you want to do?" He moved his gaze from her calf to her face.

"Set up a communication mechanism to let workers and factory owners sit down and discuss wages. Even in England, some people think that it is not good to lower the price of textiles too much. No matter how fierce the competition is, it is not allowed to lower the price below a certain standard. , lowering the price may lower the quality, and thus damage credit.”

"Who thinks so?" asked Bonaparte.

"The manufacturer of Birmingham, Bolton, who was an opponent of the irreconcilable theory of industrial fraud, spoke at the meeting of manufacturers in 1795, against the fraud of the quality of goods." Georgiana said "how about this, and the textiles and bread Also set a minimum price, regardless of French or British goods, this standard, so that you don't have to worry about tariffs so much."

"It's not as simple as you think." Although he said this, he seemed to listen.

"What we want to eliminate is the competitive advantage brought by the price. With the same price, there is room for choice." Georgiana snorted coldly, "Sell at a high price and buy at a low price. sell away."

Although the weather was cold, the 19th century was an era of thin clothing. Girls would rather catch a cold than wear thick clothes.

But not everyone is like them, and some people like thicker cotton cloth, which is called fair competition.

"There will be complaints," said Bonaparte.

"It's not us who pay the wages. That's why there's a trade union. Remember those juries that tried robbers? They didn't dare testify in court. The workers' representatives were better off with skilled workers and patent workers. I remember factory owners who Marry my daughter to them to avoid technology outflow..."

She chattered and Bonaparte listened quietly. She inexplicably thought of Bolton who listened to the lady's complaints for two hours in the library.

Industrial leaders are not perfect. What he and Wedgwood made were decisions made in his own time and in accordance with their own interests. After all, they are not prophets, and they can see what will happen decades later.

Frozen three feet does not happen in a day. Although she is powerless to change in that world, she hopes to change a little in this world.

Does it make sense? Probably not, but she wanted to.

People always have to keep growing. She hopes that she will not be the parent who thinks that everything is right for her. It may be this mentality that makes her always look like she will not grow up.

Who doesn't have a youthful youth? The rich young masters also have their own troubles. They tend to get some bad "friends". Wedgwood's sons go home to study, and the youngest Tom Wedgwood is about to die prematurely just after showing his talent. She didn't expect Hua Doddsworth's Brotherhood of Sailors offered him Nestlewort.

Boarding school was terrible, it wasn't for everyone, but it was part of social life and Harry was fine with it, he preferred school to staying at home.

Some people may not understand why he would be so happy just dreaming of talking to his parents, happier than riding a broom for the first time.

This may be incomprehensible to those whose parents are still alive, because he does not understand what it feels like when his parents are gone when he wants to talk, and it will be too late when he wants to make up for it.

This is how many middle-aged people live worse than adolescence. Not to mention being busy with work, they have no time to accompany their parents or chat with them. Even if they live together every day and even work together, it is painful when they lose it.

How unseemly she was then, Albus in such pain, and she was too busy fooling around with Severus, thinking only of how unhappy and not free she was.

Luckily she didn't meet a single critic at that time.

Time can't heal anything, but it can make her think about something.

As Bonaparte had asked earlier, had she really accepted that Albus was dead?

She needs time, she is not ready yet, as for when she will be ready, after all, this is not a Halloween dinner, and the food will be served when it is ready. Besides, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to see the Skeleton Dance Troupe and that annoying witch's hat that Albus had given Severus on purpose.

Her happiness was as simple as that. It was a big family dinner, and she was very satisfied to see the two of them "harmoniously". Otherwise, what else could she expect? Would they go fishing together?

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