Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2031 naughty wind (nine)

When we were kids, we always wanted bad things to happen like nightmares, to go to sleep and wake up and go away.

The quilt is our safe fortress, and the thin blanket can block all dangers.

But one day when we grow up, we gradually understand that "miracle" is just a legend like Santa Claus.

Still, there are those who believe in fairy tales, such as the story of the three brothers and the invisibility cloak that the humble third uses to hide from death.

The thin fabric doesn't really protect against anything, but as long as the bad guys can't see it, the person hiding in the cloak is safe.

Until one day, the "miracle" that had been given up came again in the form of a nightmare, and the Dark Lord who had disappeared on Halloween night came back again, which is a big deal for people in deep despair. Even though Albus already knew that the resurrection stone couldn't really resurrect anything, it was a magic item used by Grindelwald to summon the corpse.

Hopes, sweet dreams, and nightmares are constantly changing like a merry-go-round, gradually transforming into gorgeous phantoms.

What do people see when they are dying? Is it the person he loves the most, or the person he least wants to see?

Voldemort is different from Harry, or Tom Riddle, who grew up in an orphanage, had too much hope for his father he had never met. He thought his father was a wizard, even though his previous orphanage and the 19th century It's not that bad compared to the orphanage.

In fact, they all have similarities. When a person does not have his own home, he will regard "everyone" as his own home, but the "white wizard" and "black wizard" have a slightly different way of getting along with others. different".

People sometimes have to deal with transitions, which sometimes happen so suddenly that you are totally caught off guard.

The curse is like a cancer that keeps spreading, and even if the black hand is cut off, it will still spread in Albus' body.

If the curse made Albus feel pain, then it would be a relief for him to die early, and continue to make him suffer and struggle to live, although it is a relief to the living. Likewise, when he died, it was painful to the living.

That's the way death is, it's not cool at all.

Even if she doesn't want to be the kind of "parent" who is right about everything, she also thinks it is not a wise choice to join the Death Eaters. Young people sometimes lack the ability to distinguish right from wrong, especially in the general environment.

In fact, many problems can be solved through education. It is a pity that many people know that mastering school is good for them.

Too many people said in class not to fly to the sun with wings made of wax like Icarus, but no one mentioned that there is no lower limit.

This will make it easier to trample on it, but the result is that the "bug" is trampled to death by "Your Excellency".

The most convenient way is to start a war, win over other countries, and let the other country open its own market. This is what the British often did in the 19th century. "There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." It is easy to obtain the same People who are mercenary for profit, and think that it is the truth, he is mercenary, how many things can you expect him to listen to that are inconsistent with his own values?

The trouble is that fighting requires soldiers. The total population of the UK is so small. If you don’t spend too much money to hire mercenaries, you can’t afford to consume them with your own population. Dunkirk "great victory".

To change the analogy, I used to squander freely when I had money, and when I ran out of money, I wanted to get it back after spending a shilling.

Consolidating the foundation and cultivating the talents and recuperating with the people is the right way, but the Anglo-Saxon model has brought many foreign immigrants to the UK, especially French youths like Fleur, and "shearing" can't just catch a sheep.

For a moment, everyone seems to have returned to the ancient times when population was resources.

She thought too much, and suddenly found that she had nothing to think about, so she found an indoor sunbath that could be exposed to the sunshine of Normandy.

It's still commonplace in the 21st century, and someone in the 19th century would surely lock her up if they saw her laying on the beach in a bikini, which was more dramatic than the see-through chic chicks in Paris.

She was as pale as a ghost, and the blue blood vessels under the skin would not be visible in the sun, but she was not a "blue blood nobleman".

Bonaparte felt fresh, he dressed himself tightly, but put olive oil on her to prevent her from getting sunburned, and then they just basked in the sun while waiting for "the end of the world".

Anyway, Napoleon will not sign that ghost treaty, and history will repeat itself at worst.

Elba is also a tropical island, and it is probably very comfortable to bask in the sun there, so she took it as a preview of life at that time.

Greed is like a cancer cell, it is uncontrollable, won't people die if they get cancer?

When you find that various functions of the body start to stop, like multiple organ failure, then death is not far away.

St. Augustine's mother said that a child watered with tears does not wither.

The more she cries, the stronger the baby is, and she has cried enough before, and now it's someone else's turn to cry.

"Pass me the juice." She stretched out her hand and said leisurely, and Bonaparte actually handed her the sherbet.

She stared at him.

"What?" he asked strangely.

In her past dreams, she hoped that the one who would hand her juice was the blond master Draco Malfoy, who would have thought that the one who would hand her juice in the end would be the "Corsican Monster".

"Nothing?" She said very "lady" and took a sip of orange juice. "Should we give it another name, how about calling it Victory?"

He still didn't understand what she was talking about, and his brows were wrinkled.

She shook her head towards him, took another sip of the juice, and watched the sun gradually sink, and finally turned into a sunset, dyeing the entire sky red.

Like the color of blood and fire.

After a long time, the sun will still set. It is against the laws of nature that the sun does not set. So how can people who like "facts" and "truth" believe such words? Might as well believe in Santa Claus, at least the next morning you will see presents under the Christmas tree as proof of his presence.

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