Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2029 naughty wind (seven)

For spinning factories, female laborers and child laborers are most needed. Adult males are often "eliminated" because their wages are much higher than the two. Not all of these unemployed will sit still, enter the poorhouse or wander, and become the Malthusian population. Factors that need to be contained in the "population growth causing food supply panic" in the paper.

They will go to the New World to find new job opportunities, or simply become sailors. After all, the ticket to the New World is not cheap, and in a word, leave the UK. And these British and Irish sailors working in foreign countries, especially American merchant ships, will be caught by the Royal Navy patrolling the sea and forced to return to military service.

So is there a shortage of people in the UK? They are short of people, but they are not short of disabled people. Even if someone has a congenital spinal disability like John Flaxman, as long as he can design a beautiful clay pot, he can still marry a wife and have children. men will be despised.

But people’s situations are different. Not everyone will be adopted by a well-meaning pastor like Flaxman. Many street children will end up committing crimes, and if they are sent to orphanages, they will inevitably run away. Everyone knows that if they go in, they will be sent to the factory as child labor by the stewards of the parish. Those supervisors will torture people.

If you only want social stability and no morality, then you just need to turn a blind eye to these things, and you can still sleep peacefully amidst the yelling after nightfall.

But now the security situation in the UK is already very serious, to the point where it affects stability and needs to send light cavalry to patrol. According to the previous "Taixing system", the male master of the house should come out to patrol, but after hiring someone else to patrol instead of himself, it is hard to say how many men will stay at home honestly.

He was there and not there, maybe he went out to socialize, or maybe he went to his mistress's house. A woman wants to take care of the child at home, and the slightest noise makes her panic, fearing that robbers will break into the house.

Urbanization and immigrant population have destroyed the old joint-seating system, and even affected the traditional family concept to a certain extent. It is difficult to use traditional morality to restrain people.

Since raising children is a burden, it is better not to have children, there will always be someone else to give birth. Bottom and pious women will still have many children. Bottom parents sometimes need to rely on children to support them, while pious women follow the teachings. It is estimated that there will be no demographic problems before the 20th century.

Just like some diseases, if a layman can see that it is very serious, then it is time to die. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult to correct it. Georgiana has read a statistic that in the second half of the 20th century, many newborns were born out of wedlock. They may be male and female friends for more than ten years, but they just don’t want to get married. There is a high risk that the child may be sent to an orphanage unless the court orders one party, usually the man, to pay the woman maintenance.

The government provides a variety of preferential policies to encourage production, but this will not arouse the interest of women in the country, but will attract illegal immigrants, such as the Fiona Young family who used to serve Georgiana, they are all from Eastern Europe of.

They expect to obtain British citizenship and enjoy British national treatment, but it is difficult for them to obtain what they dream of for unskilled jobs. Fiona has previous experience as a nurse because she once worked in an illegal clinic, which is considered to be paid. The cost of her production there.

People living in "another world" are overly worried about their children's education and criticize their teachers. Wedgwood disagrees with the teaching method of the boarding school opened by Bolton and hires tutors to educate their children at home. Anyway, as long as they can pass Oxford and Cambridge The entrance examination does not necessarily require graduating from a prestigious private high school. It is just a bonus item. Rich parents can directly hire Cambridge teachers to teach their children from an early age. Why compete with the poor for places?

You can say what you want, this is what makes Severus so cute, he recognized that life is unfair, and achieved later achievements through hard work.

But compared with the Black family, all his efforts will become insignificant while Sirius restores his social status.

Napoleon was not a hereditary king. If he dared to cause economic problems like the South Sea bubble, he would not be as safe as George II, and would definitely cause political turmoil.

There are serious cultural differences between the East and the West. Farming loans that work in the East are very likely to cause a huge crisis. One of the characteristics of the French Revolution was that the land was distributed to "French citizens", but the bankers wanted to use the land as a mortgage. If this matter does not work well, it will shake Napoleon's "vote bank", because he promised not to let the old system return.

As John Adams said, a war can unite the people. The Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu as foreign enemies united the Han people. Who else is the opponent in Europe now? USA?

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty restored the unity of China, which had experienced a great split, but just like Qin, Sui was also a short-lived dynasty. Who made Yang Jian have an impatient son Yang Guang.

Rigidity was also a big problem in the Sui Dynasty. At that time, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty set up Yicang, allowing the people to store food in it when the harvest was good, and take it out in a disaster year. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was a severe drought, but when the common people went to the Yicang to get food for disaster relief Time can't get it out.

It is absurd that the granary is full, but the people are hungry enough to eat.

In the beginning, the free warehouse relied on self-consciousness when collecting grain. Later, some people cheated and cheated, and were unwilling to hand over grain to the free warehouse, so handing over grain to the free warehouse became a system. In anger, he rushed directly to the granary and took out all the food in it, regardless of whether he could eat so much or move it away, in short, he just transferred it out.

Of course, more than half of this looting was wasted, and the behavior of looting looked very disorderly and chaotic.

Only with guns and cannons that can make loud noises can people wake up from that state.

Some people once thought looting was a collective unconscious phenomenon, but Georgiana thought it was a herd behavior, just like a sheep in the flock sees other sheep running and follows them, it doesn't know itself very well What are you doing, just run anyway.

Napoleon was good at war and he knew how to manage money, but what he had to face was a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing. Although his followers would defend his reputation to the death, most of them were not that good at finance. I can't help even if I want to.

These people are sophisticated, well suited to a mercenary society, and maladjust in a moral society, just as people who don't care so much about profit maladjust in a mercenary society.

Anyway, Georgiana just stepped on his minefield. Italy is an independent kingdom, and even he was crowned there with a different crown.

He actually said that she had bad breath just now, although what he said was true to a certain extent, he has always been more polite to women.

Some Muggles, like Vernon, would deny the existence of witchcraft even when they saw the effects of magic.

Bonaparte said she was a charlatan, and he had clearly seen her use magic.

This may be because she once "translated" nonsense in the tower of Burgundy, when the spirit of Pepin's brother was summoned from Italy to demonstrate the process of coronation and anointing.

It was also from Pepin that the divine right of kings in the European Middle Ages began.

It may seem very simple to later generations, but contemporary people may not even think about it. Americans use deism, and it works. Anyway, most people have no concept of "natural god" and "natural law" .

Since Georgiana chooses to conquer ignorance, she cannot use obscurantism to get away with it. Napoleon just quoted Plato, and Plato's "Utopia" once used the philosopher king to rule.

She doesn't like Plato, and it was Justin who told her after she went to Cambridge to study. Besides, it is impossible to train all the people to be philosophers. Anyway, Georgiana has no confidence to let those aunts who sell vegetables understand what continental rationalism is. and British empiricism.

"I heard" that after being crowned the Iron Crown of Italy, he kept saying aloud the words "dio mi la died guai a chi la tocca".

This is Italian, which means that God has given me the right to be king, and I should do my best to live up to it.

Does he believe in God or not?

"Have you finished rinsing your mouth?"

asked Bonaparte while she was in a daze.

She looked at the glass in her hand, wondering if she should splash the wine in his face.

Disrespectful guy.

She frowned, swished the wine in her mouth, then imitated Lin Daiyu's appearance when she entered Jia's mansion, covered her mouth with her hand, and spit it out.

He brought his nose up and sniffed it, as if he was sure that the smell in her mouth was gone before he kissed her.

Some things, even wizards, cannot be prevented, such as cancer and death.

She touched his soft belly. Did he die of stomach cancer like his father, or was it caused by other reasons, such as poisoning?

She shed tears, and death is always invincible, even though the epitaphs of Lily and James Potter read "the last enemy to be conquered is death".

Seeing her crying so sadly, instead of comforting her, he took advantage of this opportunity to push her forward.

It may be because she is not independent enough that she can't become a real professional woman. She is soft all over and is not suitable for working hard in professional occasions that require steel and iron.

She used to work at the milk factory in Rambouillet, and even though everyone knew who she was, she didn't ask anyone to provide her with special services, although the mistress of the milk factory manager did.

Being humble is a virtue, why is it despised without background?

This may be the same as benevolence, which is the power only the winner has.

A dead mouse smells so bad, let alone tens of thousands of people on the battlefield.

It's an absolute disaster for people with a keen sense of smell, no wonder he says he often sees crows following him.

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