Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2009: The Thickness of the Crucible (4)

When the celestial longitude angle of the sun is 225 degrees, it represents the arrival of the Lidong solar term. At this time, everything goes dormant and the weather becomes cold.

Taking a walk by the beach in such a cold day is purely a crime for myself, but the fresh air is indeed much more comfortable than staying in the house, not to mention there is a crescent moon in the sky, and the moonlight shines on the sea and turns into fine light point, and the sky is full of stars.

"What is that constellation?" said Bonaparte, pointing to a patch of sky.

Georgiana recognized it.

"Are you really testing me?" she said in disbelief.

"And do you know which constellation it is?" asked Bonaparte.

"That's Orion." Georgiana said disgustedly, "who doesn't recognize such a conspicuous constellation."

"It's you who will test me." Bonaparte lifted his chin with a confident look.

"Where is the Northern Corona?" she asked.

He froze for a moment and looked up at the sky.

"That." He pointed to the sky and said, "Beside Hercules."

She looked in the direction he pointed, and didn't say whether he was right or wrong, and they were not teaching outdoors now.

Dieppe has a beautiful beach, and the sea looks very cold.

"I think we live in a much better place than there." Georgiana looked at the castle on a high hill overlooking the entire beach. It looked out of reach, or it might be haunted.

"We live near there." Bonaparte followed her gaze.

"I think that's a castle for vampires," said Georgiana in disgust.

"In fact they intend to house us there," said Bonaparte.

"Why don't you let us live?" she asked.

"Didn't you just say that that's where vampires live?" He said humorously.

"Crab!" She noticed the figure running fast in the dark, but it crawled too fast or she found it too late, and it had already returned to the embrace of the sea.

Bonaparte also looked at the crab, and then at her.


"Why do you always want to eat?"

"Hahaha." Georgiana laughed dryly.

He didn't get entangled in this topic, and looked at the sea with his hands behind his back.

Georgiana found rocks and tried to float on the sea.

He ignored her childish behavior, as if he was thinking deeply about some serious question.

He was younger than her, but he acted very mature. Georgiana simply grabbed a handful of sand and threw it on him.

As if "rejuvenated" all of a sudden, Bonaparte chased her and ran along the beach.

She screamed from time to time, but she managed to dodge it, and the guards followed at a distance. When they were too tired to run, they just found a place to sit on the beach.

"There is nothing in the world like the harmony of a family, which is abominable to the malicious." Said Bonaparte.

She looks at him.

"Do you know what I just said?" asked Bonaparte.

"Don't you like the Iliad?"

"That doesn't mean I don't read the Odyssey." He put his arms around her. "You want me to retire that much?"

"I just want to find a place to live in seclusion." She looked at the sea and said, "When I was a child, I used to live by the sea for a while."

"Your eyes grew up looking at the sea." He held her cheek and said, "No wonder it's so beautiful."

After he finished speaking, he kissed her. This kiss carried a scorching temperature, full of the heat of a young man.

Suddenly she began to understand why Hathor wanted his soul.

"Sing a song for me, dear," said Bonaparte after the kiss was over.

"I want to tell you a story." She moved closer to him, leaning on his body to keep warm "You..."

Before she could speak, there was thunder in the sky, accompanied by lightning, as if a storm was coming.

Bonaparte, however, stood up.

"Bring me my binoculars," he said to the adjutant.

The adjutant immediately took his binoculars out of his backpack and handed them to him.

"What's that?" she asked listlessly.

"The warships," said Bonaparte, "they are firing."

Georgiana stood up immediately.

"Which country's warship is British?"

Bonaparte continued to observe with a telescope.

"It's your business." Bonaparte handed the telescope to Georgiana after a while.

She took the binoculars and was shocked by what she saw.

A "sea monster" was attacking the wooden sailing ship, and there were huge strange birds hovering around the deck. They had gorgeous feathers and looked like Garuda.

"Should we enforce the law?" Georgiana asked.

"That's your business," said Bonaparte irresponsibly.

Georgiana threw the telescope back to him, then whistled, and the wizard who was hiding to protect Bonaparte removed the illusion spell.

"Have you brought your broom?" Georgiana asked.

"Yes, ma'am." The young man produced a broomstick from an ornate purse.

She looked at the money bag very familiarly, but said nothing, took the broomstick and flew over.

She didn't dare to get too close, one was afraid of those Garudas, the other was afraid of shells, but she understood the general situation, it wasn't a sea monster attacking the warship, but the long-horned water snake was relying on it. Warships fend off Garuda.

There are many long-horned water snakes in North America at present, but there are traces of them in the ancient books of Western Europe. Like the Naga, they have a gemstone on their heads.

Just as she was about to drive these magical animals away, she suddenly felt a wave of magic power and looked in that direction. It turned out that a group of people in pink clothes were flying over on broomsticks.

Their movements were extremely quick, flying past her eyes almost instantly, and then they rushed into the battle group.

The leader Georgiana knew was Thor of the Rozier family, who hovered in mid-air while the others were fighting.

"Lightning storm!"

He pointed his wand at the sky, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky, and then the clouds in the sky began to gather quickly, and then the lightning and thunder really began.

Immediately afterwards, Rozier pointed his wand at the garudas, and the lightning from the sky chased them, and the birds continued to howl and fall.

Flying among all the cables, strange birds, and lightning is difficult, but those in pink uniforms knocked several garudas into the sea, and the long-horned water snake, which had only the power to parry in the sea, will now fall into the water The chicken-winged birds slapped into the water, one after another ebbed and flowed, and soon the golden-winged birds that appeared in groups saw that the situation was not good, and flew away waving their wings.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, but Georgiana did not land on the deck of the warship. She used the floating spell to bring the long-horned water snake back to the shore, but it was still scratched by the Garuda.

Even poisonous snakes can be poisoned. Georgiana was moved for a moment when she saw the dying long-horned water snake and the gems on its head that were said to have the ability to hide and fly, but she still asked Rozier to take the white moss and the compound The antidote comes out.

"What did you save it for?" Rozier asked in confusion.

"Just give it to me," she ordered.

Although Rozier was unwilling, he still gave her the potion she asked for.

She first used white moss to heal the wound on the long-horned water snake, and then gave it a whole pot of antidote, but the water snake still had no energy after drinking it.

It had her shadow reflected in its retinas, but Georgiana didn't come near it.

It was always a dangerous magical animal, and she didn't save it out of love, but because she wanted to.

She wouldn't watch it die, and while saving a snake might seem silly to some, she wouldn't hold a poisonous snake in her arms like a farmer.

Maybe the snake itself has the ability to resurrect, or maybe the potion worked, and the horned water snake swam back into the sea.

"Notify the people at the British Ministry of Magic that there are some Muggles who need their memory wiped." Georgiana said to Rozier.

"Aren't you curious who they are?" Rozier spread out his hands, motioning her to pay attention to the boys standing beside him, "They are the ever-winning team in the French Quidditch League, the Quiberon Quafflers, you Aren't you going to plan a Quidditch national team?"

Rozier looked at the players behind him and said, "Here they come."

Georgiana looked at the Quidditch players, and they looked at her.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

She heard from Minerva that the team's performance was exaggerated, but is it necessary to be as exaggerated as before?

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