Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2010: The Thickness of the Crucible (5)

Quiberon Island is located in Brittany, not far from Haute-Normandy. Surprisingly, Thor Rozier and these Quidditch players got along very well.

Perhaps it is because they have won the French UEFA Cup consecutively. He feels that a local team is enough to represent the overall level of France.

In fact, sometimes all of them are excellent star players, but their cooperation is not effective. Of course, it is also possible that Rozier is making up the numbers. After all, both the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament have been suspended for ten years.

The Triwizard Tournament held in 1792 was canceled due to a large number of casualties, and the next one will not be held until 2004, which is the one that Harry Potter participated in.

As for the Quidditch World Cup, the World Cup, which was originally planned to be held in 1793, was canceled because French wizards were involved in the Reign of Terror, which caused panic different from the Salem incident.

At the same time, the International Federation of Wizards suggested that the venue for the competition be set up in an area far away from Muggles, such as Siberia. In the Tatar language, it means sleeping place. It is also called Luo wilderness. In other words, it is no man's land. You can't meet a person in half a month. There is no need to send guards if the prison is set up there. The prisoner himself will go back.

Georgiana remembers the Killer Forest attack at the World Cup in West Siberia in 1809. During the final match between Romania and New Spain, a group of dark wizards cast a jinx on an entire forest on the plain, causing them all to turn into The "tree men," whose roots pulled out of the soil, trampled down everything that stood in their way, causing multiple injuries and deaths. The former Quidditch pitch turned into a battle between humans and trees. The wizards finally won after seven hours of fierce fighting, and the culprit of all this, Nico Nenad of the Romanian team, was killed by a violent tree. Spruce killed and escaped prosecution.

In other words, if Artemisia Lufkin wanted to organize a Quidditch World Cup during her tenure, it could only be the one in 1805, and she had less than two years to go.

She wants to complete the United Kingdom and return to the International Federation of Wizards, and she will also try to get wizards from other countries to hold competitions in the UK, and she will also compete with Malfoy for the actual domination of the Ministry of Magic...

All in all, the French still want to play Quidditch. They originally wanted to see Georgiana. The next stop on the tour was Le Teborel, after which they had to turn inland, and pass through Bovet to the former thoroughfare to Lille, for the further they passed a bay of fine sand. , that is basically the same as the tidal zone under Mont Saint-Michel, the horse-drawn carriage cannot get through, and a detour is also required. Instead of doing this, it is better to turn around at Le Teporel. They didn't expect to become disaster relief workers temporarily.

Regarding how to reward them, Georgiana did not intend to intervene. Napoleon gave millions of francs to the generals who were loyal to him. Even if she didn't think it was right, what could an English woman do?

She handed it over to the French government to deal with the next affairs, and then went to see the "Mr. from England" led by Figel.

Below that medieval castle is a Catholic church whose patron saint is Saint-Remy, Archbishop of Reims during the Clovis period.

In 496 AD, Clovis fought fiercely with the Alemanni who settled in eastern Gaul and once expanded northward. This time, Clovis suffered heavy losses repeatedly, almost to the point of annihilation.

When a person is alone and helpless, as long as someone can help him, he will be grateful to anyone.

Clovis looked at the sky when he was most desperate and said: It is said that you will help those who are in trouble, and you will give victory to those who have hope. I pray to you with a sincere heart, please help me, if you will give me victory over these enemies, so that I can prove by my own experience what those who have dedicated themselves to you claim to have proved, then I must I also believe in you and go to be baptized in your name. I have also prayed to my gods, but now it turns out that they do nothing, and since they do not come to the rescue of those who serve them, I think they have no power. I now sincerely beseech you, and I will serve you, if only I can be freed from my enemies.

Just as he said this, the Alemanni actually retreated. It turned out that their king was killed, just like Charles the Hammer shot the Arab general Abu with a stray arrow when he resisted the Arab invasion in the Pyrenees. Drachman.

Caprara was still useful to her, even if she didn't know many stories about Catholic saints, she knew now.

After Clovis won the victory, he found his wife, and her wife called St. Remy, Archbishop of Reims, to explain to him what he had encountered on the battlefield. Under his guidance, Clovis led All Franks converted to Christianity.

The English gentleman is waiting for her at the church of Saint-Rémy, an old Norman church in the middle ages, neither baroque ornate nor Gothic slender, but very solid, but it also has Stained glass windows.

People in that era could not make completely transparent glass, and the transparent glass that Venice could make sold so well. In order to keep this secret firmly, the Venetians placed glass craftsmen and workshops on an island, and killed anyone who dared to reveal the secret.

Originally, the church should have been closed at this time, but at this moment the door was open, and there was only one person on the pew for believers. Georgiana sat down on the chair in the same row as him, but far away from him.

"You won't kneel?" said the English gentleman.

"What church is your father buried in, Senator?" Georgiana asked. "Is it the same as this one?"

William Pitt Jr. did not answer her question.

"Is it your idea to lower the tariff?" Georgiana asked.

"Why is that ship called the Pomona?" Pete asked.

"That's the name of the fruit-tree goddess," said Georgiana.

"Linda Smith isn't your real name either, is it?" Pete then asked "Pomona."

She looked at his handsome face, his eyes were actually shining in the dark.

"You took the risk just to tell me that?"

"I'm not the Prime Minister now. Our country has never been short of nosy people and bad ideas. Peel is actually not willing to do what he is doing now, but he would rather stand on the pulpit than join the anti-cotton yarn export movement. Overturn the new law that he himself proposed."

"Addington thought it up?"

He didn't seem to be listening to what she had to say.

"I thought you had no interest in women, Senator," said Georgiana dryly.

"They thought you must be a peerless beauty." Pete said with a smile, "Europe's Cleopatra fascinated the modern Caesar."

"I thought I was Cleopatra of England." Georgiana sneered, "How did it become Europe?"

"Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my idea?" Pete asked.

She stared at him.

"All the trade writers think that the cotton industry is the main source of national wealth, and some even think that without the cotton industry, Britain could not support such a protracted and expensive conflict. In fact, they pay less tax than imagined. Much, in 1784 I was going to increase the excise tax on cotton, but they formed a committee to protest the tax, and they even organized riots in Lancashire, Manchester and Glasgow, and sent representatives to the opposition to lobby, Fox and Shea Riden supports those factory owners, I can't be too against the public opinion, can I?" Pete gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Later, His Majesty the King issued a decree that the value of each white cotton cloth and muslin cloth is less than 2 shillings per yard If you have to pay 1 penny per yard for bleaching, dyeing or printing, and 2 pennies if it is more than 2 shillings, then within two years, your majesty went crazy. When I was defeated by them, those When the delegates returned to Manchester, they were greeted by a guard of 2,000 people, like a triumphant return, you have experienced that feeling, how do you feel?"

Georgiana looked at the former prime minister who had been attacked by the public and remained silent.

"May commerce always prosper, liberty be restored, and unhindered industry, do you think this is really a question of liberty?" Pete asked.

"What are your plans?" Georgiana asked.

"That's my question," Pete said. "What do you mean by the play you put on at the market during the day?"

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