Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2008: The Thickness of the Crucible (3)

Cheesecloth is worn by the poor, and it's obvious at a glance. Fine cotton is worn by fashionable women in Paris. Before the Great Revolution, the nobles were extravagant, and they wore silk. Although fine cotton made huge profits, its finished product price was much cheaper than silk, not to mention that it was more expensive than coarse cloth. Good skin-friendliness, soft and comfortable to wear on the body, even men's clothes need fine cotton shirts.

The printing machine is also different from Georgiana’s imagination of being immersed in water with dye. It is made of many rollers. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, there are several rollers. Each roller has a color, similar to printing. For newspaper machines, after one color is printed, the next color needs to be aligned. It has high requirements on the roller, and it takes a long time to debug the equipment. However, it does not require much manual intervention to work. Once it is ready, as long as the pattern on the roller is not blurred due to wear, it can theoretically be used unlimitedly. Making millions of yards of fabric is no problem at all.

Dieppe can make beautiful ivory carvings, and there is no problem with finely carved cylinders, but as Chaputal discovered during his previous inspection in Ifto, the strands must be evenly dyed in order for the strands to be dyed evenly. The water absorption of cotton is much better than that of wool, and printing complex patterns is easy to ruin a piece of cloth due to uneven dyeing. Therefore, even though Dieppe has the advantage of plate making, it still cannot print and dye fabrics with very complex patterns.

The British patent law only protects patents for 14 years. When John Veron's patent expired, the parliament did not allow him to continue to extend the patent. Instead, the textile industry donated more than 10,000 pounds to him as compensation.

Samuel Crompton's mule machine could never have been patented because it was half Arkwright's water-powered spinning machine. He had only two choices, either to make it public or to destroy it. Crompton's approach was to make it public, and his colleagues also compensated him, a total of 67 pounds six shillings and six pence, part of which If he is still unwilling to pledge, he may get even less.

And this kind of spinning machine is highly confidential, the window of the factory is very small, if you want to peek, you have to climb up the ladder, and it is easy to be discovered.

But even if he could guard against outsiders, he could not guard against his own people. In 1791, a worker named Robert Peel wanted to partner with Crompton, but he refused. Later, Robert Peel opened a spinning company by himself. In just ten years, he became a member of the House of Commons, and his son also entered Oxford to study.

Crompton's father was a farmer, and Arkwright was a country pastor. According to the regulations of the medieval guild, they had to be apprentices for two or three years to be promoted to helpers, and then they could become craftsmen after two or three years before they could start their own businesses. . At the later stage of the guild, it became more and more difficult to obtain craftsmen to open their own businesses. A "masterpiece" had to be created in front of the president to restrict helpers from becoming craftsmen.

Moreover, the guild does not allow the use of tools beyond the usual practice. In order to prevent vicious competition among members, the quantity, quality, and price of each member's products are strictly controlled to prevent price-cutting competition. Even if there is technological innovation, the technical jurisdiction is also within the guild. in your hands, not in your own hands.

In Italy and other early developed wool textile industry centers, guilds have been implemented for a much longer time than in England. At the same time, when the guild system in Britain has basically disappeared, there are still remnants of the guild system in mainland China.

As Schaptal said, without that kind of freedom, technological progress is impossible. As long as we continue to stick to tradition, Marseille soap will still have the same formula as Louis XIV's after two hundred years.

The wool textile industry guilds monitor each other, while the cotton textile industry prevents each other from peeking and stealing lessons. Although they have many similarities, they take different paths.

Gram weight is an important indicator of woolen woolen woolen fabrics. Usually, the higher the weight, the better the quality and the more expensive the price. On the contrary, the fabrics with lower weight are cheaper and the quality will be worse.

Just like the cloth that Georgiana held in her hand before, they are of equal weight, but the area is different. Divide the weight by the area, and the weight per square meter will be different. Maybe a piece of cloth looks bigger than b piece of cloth , but the density of a is lower than that of b, and the number of latitude and longitude threads used in a is also less.

The other is the count. If one pound of cotton yarn can spin 8,400 yards of cotton thread, this is 10 counts of yarn, and 16,800 yards is 20 counts. The yarn is much thinner, and generally more than 40 counts can be called High-count yarn, which requires high-quality raw materials and high-end equipment to be spun. In the case of equal weight, the density of high-count yarn is much denser than that of low-count yarn.

As for the width, take curtains as an example. Some windows are slender and fall from the ceiling to the ground. Such windows require very long curtains, that is, narrow fabrics. If the windows are very wide, use several pieces of narrow fabrics. Made of cloth. If the window is very long and not high, use broadcloth, a whole piece is enough, no splicing is required.

In short, the "water" in this industry may be deeper than the sea. If she tells the admirers of Napoleon Bonaparte in the 21st century that she discusses the issue of curtains with their idols, she will probably be laughed to death.

But she felt that this was a lifeline for "peace". Muslin is very light, but neither Britain nor France has formed a standard now.

Crompton, who invented the mule machine, later opened a small factory. The factory owners who made a fortune with the machine he invented were afraid that he would compete with him. After Crompton invented the new carding machine, Crompton put it Smashed it. He lived in poverty and the parliament did not allow him to go abroad. The commercial spies sent by Napoleon found him, and the factory owners donated 500 pounds to him at this time.

As for the steam engine assembly engineer who invented the gas lamp, it is impossible to poach him. After the Amiens peace treaty was signed, Bolton, his sons, and the Watt brothers published announcements in the Birmingham Gazette and London newspapers. It was shown, and the assembly engineer turned down all the high-paying invitations because of his loyalty to Soho.

They visited for about two hours, and they didn't leave until the workers of this shift were about to finish get off work. After dinner, they were taken by local officials to a house that looked pretty good.

It's baroque, with cool and opulent marble floors, thick velvet beds and tapestries, and was formerly a nobleman's holiday home.

The only problem is that it may not have been used for many years, all the chimneys are not ventilated, Napoleon has to light a fire everywhere, if Constance lit the fireplace, she estimated that everyone in the house would be choked by the smoke die.

So he lost his temper.

Last time he got angry and smashed the office, this time he was more like sulking, as if leaving him alone, he would be able to adjust his emotions after a while.

Not to mention Bonaparte as a man, Georgiana also felt upset, but fortunately, this messy situation finally found a thread.

"Aha!" Georgiana had a flash of inspiration.

"What's wrong?" He asked listlessly.

Georgiana came to his side, covered his ears with her hands, and told him the secret alone.

"Imagine you're taming a fiery horse, Leon, it's not that easy to get it to behave."

He held her in his arms, like treating her like a humanoid heating stove.

"Boom boom"

There was a knock at the door.

"Ma'am, a gentleman from England is looking for you," Figel said.

"Let him wait," said Bonaparte loudly, and then there was silence at the door.

"Why are you busier than me." He complained.

She kissed his hair. His hair was very soft. She didn't know what kind of quality it was in the eyes of the groomers.

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