Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 200 Night Dance

The Malfoy family has been the school manager of Hogwarts for generations, and the school cannot survive without Jin Fei. In order to please them, I don't know which generation of headmaster moved the defensive magic of Hogwarts to Malfoy Manor.

As soon as school starts every year, the school's defensive magic will be activated. At that time, Hogwarts is the safest place in the world. However, this defensive magic is not activated all year round, and it needs to be rested for a while in summer.

The principle of the Malfoy family's defensive magic is the same as that of Hogwarts, but the intensity is completely different, and it is impossible to use it for half a year like Hogwarts' defensive magic. It takes time for a person's magic power to recover slowly, as does the magic power needed for the manor's defensive magic. Those Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban, which made many noble families who had a relationship with them nervous.

Azkaban used to be guarded by dementors. After Kingsley took office, he canceled the dementors as guards because of "humanity". As long as there are dementors as guards, even a sane person who is not dangerous can quickly become crazy and dangerous to be a prisoner there. It is a living tomb for people who die of despair.

In the seventeenth century, the Minister of Magic, Elrich Diggory, who created the Auror Recruitment Program, formed a committee to study alternative prisons to Azkaban. But the explanation of the experts is that if the dementors are not confined to this island, they will run to the mainland. However, Diggory has been forcing the committee to find a replacement, but it is a pity that Diggory replaced them with dragons before they made a decision. Pox died, and none of the ministers seriously considered closing Azkaban until Kingsley Shacklebolt took office, and they turned a blind eye to the inhumane conditions inside the fortress. Without the dementors, Kingsley took turns guarding with Aurors from the mainland, and no escapes have occurred since the implementation of this new system.

No one died, and new dark wizards kept going to prison. It was only a matter of time before the fortress of Azkaban was filled, not to mention that using dementors as guards would save the Ministry of Magic time, problems and expenses. Warden Luo has to pay them salaries. The Ministry of Magic does not collect taxes like the Muggle government. Their main income comes from subsidies. Fudge is very likable. He has received a lot of donations during his tenure, and his salary is also high. , its main purpose of existence is to maintain the balance between wizarding society and Muggle society, abide by the International Law of Secrecy, and protect all wizards from being discovered by Muggles, rather than "ruling" wizards. The way of peaceful coexistence with Muggles advocated by the White Wizard is actually no different from that of Grindelwald. They both want to expose the magical world, but Grindelwald wants wizards to rule Muggles. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic and White who abide by the Secrecy Act Wizards haven't been getting on well, and it can even be said that the White Wizard is constantly at odds with the Ministry of Magic, and the poor Slytherin Basilisk has been driven mad.

"Even if he's dead, he's still forcing me to do things I don't want to do. I hate that old fool!"

Severus's so-called entertainment for adults is drinking and complaining, Pomona is listening absent-mindedly while eating dessert, although the house casts the Fidelity Charm, others can't see it, but the laughter of the children outside comes in , which soothed her restless heart.

"Do you also want to be like old Gryffindor, against Kingsley?"

"Kingsley is not Fudge, he's not that stupid." He said as he poured himself a drink. "He cooperates with Muggles mainly in the government department. Now his headache is the number of Aurors and funds. After the war, he announced that anyone who participated Anyone who wants to fight against Voldemort can participate in Auror training to become an Auror, but many people have quit one after another. Didn’t your student Hannah Albert quit Auror and become a healer?”

"They act like soldiers in some ways." Pomona said listlessly. "There used to be Dumbledore's Army, and now there's Calvin's Army?"

"Exactly!" said the old bat, "Calvin has the ambition to overthrow Kingsley by force, and Kingsley should have sensed it. He wants to find someone to replace Calvin. Guess who that person is?"

"Harry Potter." Pomona said without thinking. Harry is easily manipulated and kind and simple. No one is more suitable as a "tool" than him.

"Compared to the Director of Law Enforcement, the Director of the Auror Office is more suitable for him. It is a department that only needs muscles but not brains. He only needs to follow orders, just like he used to listen to Dumbledore. He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally sorted out."

"You didn't Apparate in the auditorium that day, did you?" Pomona was thinking of something else.

"Did you notice it now?" He said with a triumphant smile, "In actual combat, Apparition is easy to be hit by the anti-apparition spell, and many venues are decorated with anti-apparition spells. I use black magic spells in the auditorium. The black magic that the Demon King taught me."

"Just like Obscurity?" Pomona asked. "It also moves very fast."

At this moment, her eyes suddenly blurred, and a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared behind her.

"The more you suppress, the greater the power you release. Using this spell is related to negative emotions. Pain can push people forward. This is black magic." He kissed along her neck "and the soul guard who needs happy memories Very different?"

Intense and happy memories can make people forget themselves. It is not easy to concentrate and understand where they are and what kind of situation they are in. Similarly, pain can also make people lose their minds, but this kind of power inspired by pain is more violent than happiness. His power is also extremely destructive, and only those who are obsessed with power will be like him, making their homes and offices look like prisons.

"You're crazy, Severus." She closed her eyes, enjoying another form of dessert.

"The Dark Lord doesn't say that. He says I'm a wise man."

Pain makes people grow up, and it also makes people mature. She suddenly understood why she was older than him, but he was sometimes more mature than her.

"Would you like to see me in that outfit?"

The former Death Eater froze.

"Wait for me for a while." She kissed his lips, and was held back by him as soon as she stood up.

"Just change it here." He licked his lips, staring at her with black eyes, and there was still some cream on the corner of his mouth.

"I want some performance." She blushed and said, "Please, Your Excellency."

He let her go, turned and walked to the sofa to sit down, she took this opportunity to go back to the bedroom, and changed into the clothes bought in the Muggle underwear shop, it was green, and the style was not provocative at all, just very naughty , a simple dress made of leaves like the ones leprechauns make.

If she doesn't have evil thoughts, she actually looks cute in this dress, like the protagonist in a Muggle fairy tale, but it's different in the eyes of people with ulterior motives.

She mustered up her courage, and slowly opened the bedroom door. The man on the sofa had a very hot gaze, sweeping across her body like lava, and she subconsciously covered herself with her hands.

"It's different from last time." He squinted his eyes and curled up a smile at the corner of his mouth. "I don't know which one looks better."

"Maybe you like it very much." She stood awkwardly in front of him. He couldn't wait to pounce on her last time when she was dressed like this, but now he is sitting on the sofa, looking at ease, but she doesn't know What should I do.

"Don't you know how to dance? I remember flamenco." After a stalemate for a while, he said slowly.

"This kind of clothing is not suitable for flamenco."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Take your wand, Severus." She bowed her head as nervously as Neville said. "You can jinx me and make me dance a tarantella."

"Why would I do this?"

"Punishment," she said carefully. "I shouldn't be hanging out with Sirius."

"You think I'll just let it go?" He said with hatred.

"Then what do you say? Fudge made him lose his reputation and he was very upset. I just wanted to cheer him up, nothing else." She dared not say that she and Sirius were friends now, which would make The volcano erupted in front of me.

The dance spell is used to remind people of an improper use of magic. In 79 AD, a wizard Zacaria Innocenti conjured up a "dance" in Mount Vesuvius, which caused the volcano to erupt and eventually led to Pompeii. and the ancient city of Herculaneum were destroyed, and at least 1,500 people were killed.

This spell is the content of the spell test in the first grade. Every freshman is required to make a pineapple jump over the desk with a tarantella dance. The magic power of an eleven-year-old child is just like this. The same spell, as long as you use If the creator is magical enough and purposeful enough, he can make the volcano "dance", and the scene he creates will be like the end of the world.

Dancing is supposed to be a way of celebrating, but dancing with a veela kills a man, that man dies of exhaustion.

She stared at the human wizard in front of her with water-blue eyes. He is gnashing his teeth like a wild beast. Although he doesn't have a wand in his hand, he has already reached the level of casting spells without a wand. A first-year freshman can The spell is not difficult for him, what is difficult is to cross that limit and break free from the last shackles.

Tom stepped over, he became Voldemort, and destroyed Hogwarts' defensive magic with the Elder Wand, and his magic power was the most outstanding in the millennium, even Grindelwald was inferior to him.

What he pursued was absolute power, and it was this obsession that blinded his eyes and wasted too much energy on a little boy.

Dumbledore really understood him, and enemies are often more confidantes than friends.

She walked over slowly and pushed him onto the back of the sofa, the ferocity on his face was replaced by surprise.

"Have you ever seen a lap dance, Professor."

"Where did you learn this?"

It's even more surprising that the Potions nerd knows what it is than that Pomona knows it!

"Have you ever been to a nightclub!?" she yelled like a teapot with her hips thrust up.

"I didn't." He denied it.

"Then how do you know what a lap dance is?"

"You are a student of the White Wizard, where did you learn it!?" He immediately asked back.

"When I passed by a Muggle's house, I watched the video." She said sternly, "What about you?"

"Did you forget where my family lives? One of my neighbors used to dance that kind of dance." He summoned her coat with a flying spell and put it on her. "Put on the clothes, let's go out, Damn Muggles, they've taught you so badly that you won't be allowed to dance like that!"

"What else? Are you going to put me in confinement?" She said arrogantly.

He watched her shake her head, pulled on her robe, opened the door and went out.

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