The Death Eater's mark is like a black mark on white paper. No matter how good a person is, once he gets on it, he will never be able to wash it off for the rest of his life. Although Severus Snape washed it clean with his own blood, but If he hadn't met Harry Potter, a kind kid, he wouldn't be famous. As he himself said, his life was like a piece of toilet paper, which was thrown aside after being used.

The once prominent platinum aristocrat also became precarious because of this symbol. The patriarch and the heir each hold one, and their family is still passed down from generation to generation. The Greengrass family has not participated in so many wars, and their reputation is as clean as a blank sheet of paper. A clean Malfoy marriage. This blood curse directly affects a woman's fertility, which means that Astonia may not be able to bear children. This curse is passed on from female to male, because Astonia's character is much gentler than her sisters due to her weak body. , without Pansy's arrogance. My girlfriend who I have been with for seven years gave up on me when I was in crisis, and Master Malfoy has had enough of that kind of domineering woman, but the woman Draco likes cannot bear children for him, and the Malfoy family who has no children will follow him. Barty Crouch and the Prince family were all divided up.

Of course, Draco can also cheat like his father, but in this way, let alone the face of the Greengrass family, Pomona will break her godson's leg first, and the Greengrass family has a blood curse The old Malfoy didn't know about it, it was only after Severus sent someone to investigate, the Greengrass family, one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families, had a fertility curse that would ruin their good reputation Once, other families who were married to their family also kept their mouths shut. Anyway, after he left the bedroom, he received all bad news, and he was in a terrible mood at the moment.

In addition to Nott and Jr., this escape included August Rookwood, one of the Death Eaters identified by Karkaroff at the Wizengamot Trial along with Severus Snape. He was originally a staff member of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, and one of the important insiders that Voldemort placed in the Ministry of Magic. He leaked many secrets of the Ministry of Magic to Voldemort, and was sent to Azkaban Prison. One of the Death Eaters. Participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and was defeated by Kingsley. During the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, he caused an explosion that killed Fred Weasley, and was chased by Percy Weasley while chasing two students. Knocked out by Aberforth Dumbledore in the final battle.

Oh, stun, why stun, not kill! Pomona roared in her heart, keeping this kind of person would be a big trouble, he knew too many secrets, for example, he knew how to use the Time-Turner, but the good thing is that the Time-Turner in stock in the Ministry of Magic is in the Department of Mysteries. The station is smashed, and those damaged time-transfer devices can only exist in reverse time and space for 5 minutes. Now the only intact Time-Turner is in Hogwarts, which is the one used by Hermione. When Pomona told Neville to pay attention to the Time-Turner in her sleep, Minerva hid it. As for where it is hidden, only those who should know know it. All in all, Severus is in an extremely bad mood now. After lunch, he found a sofa in the restaurant and went to watch the Daily Prophet alone. Mood affects everyone. If it was normal, Pomona would have left him long ago and went to find some place to have fun, but now she dare not do that. The last time she did that, she went to the Muggle Zoo with Sirius, and he Very, very angry, it was after a few years, if she dared to leave him this time, the consequences would be very serious.

The date published in the newspaper was January 2, 2005, the beginning of a new year. Although her mind cleared up a lot after breathing in the fresh air, she missed the leisurely life of the past few days without thinking. Who can see that this gloomy and indifferent person is so tender.

1994 was a very special year. Both the Quidditch World Cup held every four years and the Triwizard Tournament every five years were held in England. During Pomona’s coma, the Triwizard Tournament was held in Durmstrang again. It was held and the next one will be held at Hogwarts in 2009.

This Quidditch World Cup final will be held in 2006, and the Quidditch World Cup will be held again in the second half of 2010. At present, the sports section of the Daily Prophet is reporting news related to the World Cup. The Bulgarian team lost Victor After that, it was no longer the favorite to win the championship and was replaced by the French team. Pomona is not interested in these, but it does not prevent her from sitting on the armrest of the sofa, leaning on his shoulder in a daze, unknowingly they have known each other for thirty-four years, many people came and many people left, and the last remaining Just the two of them. They have become familiar enough to sit together without talking and not feel awkward. In fact, they were both the kind of people who were not good at dealing with people, but Severus was more honest, facing the world directly with sarcasm and coldness, while she used a smirk.

"I hate doing housework, and I ignored Hermione when she was working on freeing the house-elves." She said in a muffled voice, the Malfoy house's defensive magic can also prevent human wizards from apparating, and now it's on, Dobby It was the one who was hit by Bella's dagger when I came to rescue them. "During the Battle of Hogwarts, I told them to fight to protect their important things. They didn't dare at first, saying that house elves can't use it against wizards." Magic, but did I get off to a bad start when I told them they could use cleavers and table knives?"

"Do you think you're doing the right thing?" he said, looking at the newspaper.

"Yes," she replied, feeling relieved to know that Hogwarts house-elves were at war. "Do you think I'm a belligerent person?"

"Manpower was needed at that time. Even Longbottom was fighting. The battlefield was chaotic. I hate chaos." He said, looking at the front page of the newspaper, which reported that Azkaban was overcrowded, prisoners said they were fleeing in disorder and Diagon Alley was destroyed. News of an attack by a mysterious force.

She also hated the feeling of being out of control, but at that time she wanted to give those Death Eaters a good look, so she didn't think about it so much, and mobilized the house elves after returning to the cellar.

"As long as he doesn't devote himself wholeheartedly to it, even if he loses Astonia one day, it won't be so painful. Don't let him only think about her." Thought what he said was indeed a good idea.

"Even if he doesn't inherit the family business, Draco still needs to have his own business." Pomona breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect it, as long as he doesn't devote himself wholeheartedly."

Just then, Draco appeared, well-groomed, dressed in gowns, and looked as if he was about to attend some important occasion.

"Your pick-me-up, godmother," he said gleefully, handing the tube to Pomona.

"Where are you going?" Pomona took it but didn't drink it, and Xiaolong was waiting to see her ears smoke like a steam train after drinking the refreshing potion.

"I made an appointment with Astonia to watch a play together."

"Didn't the show start at night?" Pomona remembered that formal performances usually start in the evening.

"We can go to other places to play, and it's not just like watching a play." He looked at the two with disdainful eyes and said, "We are not like the old people who sit on the sofa and read newspapers as entertainment."

Pomona laughed, and Draco ran into the fireplace before his godfather got angry, yelled Greengrass home, and disappeared with the green flames.

"You think I'm an old man too?" Severus put down the newspaper and said with a smile.

Pomona drank the refreshing potion in one gulp, "Look, do I look like the Hogwarts Express?"

She pointed to her steaming ear.

"Let's have some youthful fun." He stood up, took her by the hand and walked towards the fireplace. "Let's go, let's go back to our own home."

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