Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 198 Starry Night

"Accio dagger!"

In the garden of Malfoy's house, Pomona summoned the throwing dagger back with the Flying Curse, but it was intercepted before she could get it.

"Be careful, dear." Severus was wearing a pair of dark brown leather gloves, holding the dagger in his hands and playing with it. "This dagger has black magic applied, and it's no fun to get hurt."

The weather cleared up after the heavy snow, and the outside was not as cold as expected. Pomona was wearing a trouser suit that was easy to move around, and she looked like a girl, while Severus was still wearing a black robe, looking like a mature man.

"He gave you his gloves?" said Pomona enviously, of course she recognized the gloves, which Dumbledore used when he was young.

"You can't even bring it to you, your hands are too small." He checked the dagger as he said it, and he didn't know what he found, and suddenly smiled strangely.

"It's Bellatrix's dagger." He didn't use a question, but an affirmative, obviously recognizing it.

"Give it back to me!" She reached out to grab it, but he dodged it.

"Where did you get it?"

"In Dobby's grave." She said deadpan, she thought he stole the dagger from Dobby's grave.

"This kind of weapon made by goblins was not uncommon in ancient times. Besides Knockturn Alley, there are other black markets, especially in Romania." Severus held the tip of the dagger and handed it back to her. "You know this Is there anything special about a dagger?"

She shook her head.

"A thousand years ago when we fought house elves, they were still wearing armor. The magic power attached to this dagger is to penetrate. Even if it passes through the space pipe, it will still hit. It has never missed, but it is very troublesome to recover. Bella used to use it. It's a whip, and you'll hurt yourself with the Flying Curse."

Pomona took over the dagger, which was as good at killing as its master.

"I've found the news about Hermione Granger's parents that you asked me to find." He handed over a note, "Although Christmas has passed, it's still in time for New Year's."

Pomona took the paper, but didn't rush to open it, and now he looked very nervous.

"What do you want to say?"

"The reason I gave you that ring is to let you know that whenever you want to see me, I will be there for you. It's not the same as when the Dark Lord summoned me. When the Dark Lord summoned me, I just felt scared." , I was very happy when you summoned me, you can be willful, you don't have to think so much about me."

"I want you to be safe. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't absolutely necessary. It would distract you. You know how deadly distraction can be at critical moments."

"Then you take this." He took out a beautiful crystal bottle from the shape-changing lizard skin pocket, "It's similar to a double-sided mirror. If you want to talk to me, you can read my name, as long as it's not in a special place without any restrictions."

Pomona took it over, and she found that it was not so much a crystal bottle as an irregularly shaped crystal ball with a circle of gold wire wrapped around it, which could be hung around the neck as an ornament.

"Severus!" she tried immediately, a light came from his jacket pocket, and he took out a crystal bottle that was almost the same, and his appearance in the crystal ball was like a vision seen from the crystal ball , although it is not as real as Sirius' double-sided mirror, it can still distinguish the appearance.

"How do you like it?"

"I like it very much, but I accepted it, what should I do if others want to contact you in the future?"

"This kind of prop is man-made, not as good as the goblin's. Although it is not as common as the ones sold in the Weizeac magic goods store, it is still relatively rare."

Pomona accepted it without hesitation.

"Do you know the Education Department of the International Federation of Wizards?" He asked after a long silence.

"I know." Pomona replied, it was a department under the International Federation of Wizards, responsible for supervising the eleven most famous magic schools around the world.

"I received news that they will come to the UK next school year to inspect the reconstruction of Hogwarts. Other schools have accepted students for us for several years. If they fail to pass the inspection, they will cancel Hogwarts' accreditation, Professor .”

"So we're going to get busy after the holidays are over?" she asked nervously.

"Yes." He had no energy to say, "Even if you don't have me, you can still have a good time."

"You are not allowed to be ambiguous with other women!" She said immediately full of jealousy.

"Why do you doubt my problem?" He complained as if he thought she was unreasonable.

"You have a criminal record!"

He stared at her for a long time, and at this moment a gust of cold wind blew by, and Pomona couldn't help but sneezed.

"How long have you been out there!" he yelled petulantly.

"Just for a while." She touched her neck, which was red from the cold wind, and felt that she was about to become a snot-nosed man.

"Give me a refreshing drink." He took her hand and walked into the house.

"I won't drink that thing!" She replied immediately. The refreshing potion can be used as a potion to treat the common cold, but it has certain side effects, which will make the drinker's ears emit steam for several hours afterwards, like that How silly it looks, and she's not a steam locomotive.

"Bella's curse is hard to get rid of, she will attack the weak one." Severus said with a gloomy face, "It's like a blood curse."

Pomona thought of the Nagini that Neville had killed, whether the snake happened to be called Nagini or she was the blood-cursed orc Nagini.

"Astoria also has a blood curse, but her sister Daphne doesn't. The reason why the Greengrass family agreed to marry the Malfoy family is because the two girls have family curses."

Pomona stiffened.

"Don't tell Lucius and Sissy." He said coldly, "The Malfoy family is not completely out of crisis yet, and needs the support of the Greengrass family."

"I think Draco seems to like Astonia very much." She whispered. "I saw it at St. Mungo's the other day, and he only had eyes for her."

"When you fell into a deep coma, I gave you a stimulating potion. It can wake up people who have fallen into a magical sleep. As a result, you almost died. Your curse cannot be cured by potions, just like Dumbledore. The potion given to him after the curse can only delay the time. St. Mungo’s Cursebreaker treated you for half a day, but the improvement is not as effective as Draco’s ten minutes of treatment. If he is still as weak as before, then we There will be big trouble, worry about yourself before worrying about others."

She broke free from his hand and raised her fist to beat him fiercely.

"Why do you make such an unbreakable oath!"

"I told you, I didn't have a choice. Now I'm taking my second oath to protect him. You know we had a chance to stop those prisoners from escaping, but I didn't continue with the dementors attacking the medical team. Chase, Draco is dead and Narcissa will kill you, our two families are bound together, otherwise why do you think she would tell you the secret of the Malfoy family." He controlled her with his gloved hand , they look like a pair of animal claws.

"He knows that as long as you are at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, I will not reveal the location of the headquarters to the Death Eaters. It is absolutely safe for the Savior to stay there. He thinks I love you. I can't let him continue to use you like that. , so I lied to him, I conjured up the same Patronus as Lily, I made him think that I have always loved Lily, he made a mistake, otherwise I don’t know what he would let you do?” He looked Looking at her, showing a painful expression, "I promised him that he would do anything to protect Lily, but he failed. Both James Potter and Lily died, and he even made excuses for himself, saying that James and the others believed it wrong. Damn, if he hadn't agreed to let Sirius Black and James Potter fight again, and the Loyalty Curse would automatically be transferred to everyone who knew the location of the house when the Secret Keeper died, how could James have agreed to let Wormtail be the Secret Keeper? Man, Dumbledore is very warlike, Pomona, if it hadn't been for the Battle of the Ministry of Magic that made him realize that he was old, his reaction speed was slower than before, and he still thought of himself as a battle mage, I couldn't put all my bets on It's all on him like last time."

"I... I don't understand what you're talking about?" She felt her mind buzzing.

"Which part?"

"How could Dumbledore be warlike..."

"He and Grindelwald were friends, and he gained fame and status by overcoming his friends. The happiest time of my life was when we lived in seclusion, and when we traveled to Ireland, as long as we could stay away from these people. , you can go wherever you want."

She didn't persuade him to be strong this time, but hugged him tightly.

She also wants to stay away from these annoying things and live with magical animals, because the human heart is really too complicated. She wants to live a simple life, but if people live too simple, they will be bullied. Fools of Puff.

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