Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 201 Secret Observation

Godric's Hollow is a place where half-wizards live, and there are many Muggle children playing in the street. When Pomona put on her winter clothes again and came outside, Severus was sitting on the doorstep, smoking a cigarette and looking at the children. child playing.

She inexplicably felt that he looked so innocent now.

"What are you doing?" he said angrily.

"I bet Filch cried a lot at your funeral." She walked to the steps next to him and sat down. "He'll keep it a secret for you. Would you like to go back and see him?"

"He's a Squib and I don't want him in trouble," he said in a nasty voice. "I'm not that old bastard."

Pomona remembered the hearing, when Harry was forced to use the Evoker Guard because he encountered a dementor, and it was Mundungus who was in charge of protecting Harry that day. Arabella Figg, who was in charge of Privet Drive's eyeliner, had no choice but to step forward to testify for Harry, and at the same time exposed her identity as a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

In addition to those people published in the newspapers, there are many hidden people in the Order of the Phoenix. The Ministry of Magic and the Muggle community are everywhere. Auror Tonks is a peripheral member. Lupine only started to participate in secret operations. Dumbledore is very good at it. Use the kindness of others to achieve your own goals, and make people feel that it is voluntary. For example, let Lupine and Hagrid go to the werewolves and giants as lobbyists. At that time, the dementors had been bought by Voldemort. Well, the Ministry of Magic didn't even believe they would leave Azkaban to attack Muggles.

Those "innocent" people feed the dementors with "guilty" people. They feed on the happy memories of human beings, leaving only despair for human beings. Sirius was once a vibrant, hopeful and dreamy person, but After twelve years in Azkaban, he became dangerous and paranoid, not to mention those Death Eaters who were already dangerous.

"Filch always wants to whip the students who break the school rules. Sometimes I think he is right. Some people need to be punished for making mistakes. His approach is much more open and aboveboard than Umbridge."

"But I never saw you whip a Hufflepuff student."

"Ernie McMillan was the only Hufflepuff who participated in the DA to summon the Patronus. This is not the result I want." Pomona pouted and said, "But the education order prohibits the use of corporal punishment on students, and now includes No one in the Ministry of Magic can afford decent armor, and happy education is setting us back."

"Every day is like Halloween." The old bat exhaled a smoke ring, and satirized bitterly, "The old fool gives out candy when he sees people."

"No wonder Dumbledore hates you so much." Pomona looked at the dark Slytherin, "Can you accumulate some virtue?"

"Isn't what I said true?" he said stubbornly.

"He's the principal, why can't you flatter him?"

"Are we going to start talking about this again, Pomona?" he said irritably.

In the first year of Harry Potter's freshman year, the old bat spent a year trying to deduct Gryffindor's points. As a result, the old Gryffindor added it back in one breath on the last day, and the Academy Cup was won by Gryffindor Walk.

An employee who fights against the boss will not end well. He is an idiot who knowingly commits a crime on purpose.

"Do you think those kids know we're wizards?" Pomona said, looking at the kids playing snowball fights.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to go dog sledding!"

"How old are you and still playing this?" He said with disgust on his face.

"Huskies are stupid dogs, although they look handsome." Pomona couldn't help laughing when she thought of those sled dogs. "It looks like a wolf in appearance."

"Why do you like that animal so much?" He asked inexplicably.

"It looks so cute."

He looked at her again with that freaky look.

"Let's go! Let's go sledding!" She stood up and took his arm.

"Where are you going to find a dog?"

Pomona took out her wand.

Transfiguration is the spell that changes one object into another. It can make inanimate objects lively, and it can also turn originally lively creatures into some kind of objects. Many people's yards are decorated with reindeer at Christmas. Before they can be removed, Pomona directly let them "Live" over.

They are not real life. Once the magic power is cut off, they will turn into their original appearance, and there is no such animal smell on their bodies. They are just "things" that have come to life.

"Didn't you say you want a dog sled?" Severus said with disgust, looking at the antlers.

"I've changed my mind." After fixing the sled and the reins, Pomona found the Muggle children by stepping on the thick snow.

"Hi!" She greeted them friendly.

They looked at her warily, and to be precise, it was Severus Snape who was following her. His appearance was not a good one.

"What do you want?" asked a tall, skinny Muggle kid.

"I saw reindeer and sleighs in the yard over there, do you want to play?" She pointed to the house where she had cast the transfiguration just now.

"That's Albert's home." A boy with a round face and a rosy face said, "When did his family buy reindeer?"

"Oh, what a coincidence." Pomona exclaimed. "I know Hannah, the daughter of that family. How about I ask her to come out and play with you?"

The Muggle kids looked at each other before eventually walking away with Pomona, Severus smirking at them like he was a bunch of idiots.

When they came to the yard full of reindeer, Pomona knocked on the door of the house, but it was not Hannah Albert who answered.

"Who are you?" The balding middle-aged man looked at her vigilantly.

"I'm looking for Hannah Albert, is this Albert's house?"

"His family lives next door." The Muggle man saw his yard over Pomona's shoulder, and his eyes widened.

Pomona immediately cast a forgetfulness on him, cleared the memory just now, and then pushed him back to the house.

"I thought you were going to use the Imperius Curse," Severus said coldly.

"It's not worth it for a Muggle." Pomona took out Da's fake gold Galleon, and used it to send Hannah Albert a message "see you at your door". Out.

"Professor!" Hannah shouted to Pomona overjoyed, and then she saw Snape in the dark again, and the smile on her face froze immediately.

"Reindeer sledding, Hannah!" said Pomona enthusiastically, taking her hand.

The Muggle kids were on good terms with the reindeer by now, so they climbed into another sleigh and started racing through the deserted streets of Godric's Hollow.

Both Muggles and wizards thought that the reindeer sleigh looked festive, and they all stopped to watch. Severus used invisibility on the way, and no one could see him.

They were running happily, but Pomona saw a familiar face when they passed by the door of a house. He looked a lot like James Potter, but his eyes were Lily's. He was wearing a thick woolen coat , waiting boredly by the mailbox in front of his house.

"Harry!" Hannah waved to him from the sleigh, and Harry Potter smiled overjoyed immediately.

"Don't you know that Harry Potter lives in Godric's Hollow?" Severus said coldly after casting the invisibility spell on himself.

"I thought he wasn't here," said Pomona despondently, not yet ready for a formal meeting with Harry.

"I'm going back." As the sled stopped and the warmth around her left, it wasn't long before Harry Potter walked towards them.

"Hannah, you made this?" Harry looked at the sled with interest.

"That's right." Pomona answered for Hannah, and offered her hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Harry Potter."

"Oh, hello." Harry shook her hand shyly.

"I'm Hannah's relative, Miranda." Pomona made up a name out of her own mind.

"Why are you standing at the door of the house?" Hannah asked after taking the conversation.

"I received your message, we will meet at the door." Harry took out his fake gold Galleon. "I didn't expect you still kept it."

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