During the reign of Numa Pompilius, the second Roman king, some unowned land in front of the city gates was included in the measurement of cultivated land. At that time, a large number of Sabines immigrated to Rome, and the Roman kingdom was divided into Latin faction and Sabine faction. Numa was forty years old when the elders found him his successor, and though he lived among the Sabines, he kept the Roman customs.

40 years old was already considered a long life in that era, and it was not suitable to start a new life. However, Numa finally agreed and came to Rome with them, unable to withstand the persuasion time and time again of the elders.

However, when Numa entered the city, he did not wear a military uniform, and no guards followed him with clubs and axes, but wore robes like priests. And after obtaining the consent of the town assembly, Numa, who officially succeeded to the throne, did not implement theocracy.

In the land of Alba Longa, the people took great care in annexing the land, for they were like eagles on the cliffs of the high mountains, and they spread their wings to guard the vast lands of the plains.

In addition to the sea, there are some "buffer zones" between Britain and France. If Napoleon wants to achieve a continental blockade, not only all ports in these areas, but also some beaches suitable for docking smuggling ships must be fortified.

His vote bank is the peasants. It is much more reliable to develop agriculture in Brittany and let the peasants serve as his guards than those traders who think of the British. But isn't the Vendée the peasants involved?

For Parisians, Brittany belongs to the frontier and is a remote area. Even if it takes only a few days to travel from Brittany to Paris, it is enough for the milk to go bad.

Beer also needs to be drunk fresh. The higher the freshness, the better the taste. After a long time, it will become sour, and the soft bitterness will become as bitter as medicine, making it difficult to swallow.

Georgiana opened a reward order, like a reward for canning, offering a reward to someone who can extend the shelf life of milk and beer. She vaguely remembered that the person who invented the milk sterilization method was a person named Pasteur, and his name was on the milk carton advertisement. , but she didn't want to recall anymore, she asked Ferrier to write the reward order and left the hotel with the people from the French Ministry of Magic.

The scope of control of the Ministry of Magic is directly related to the borders of the Muggles. The Monroe Doctrine allowed some former colonies to become independent, and then these countries also wanted to establish the Ministry of Magic.

It is not surprising that the British Aurors crossed the border. When the British were still strong, they had colonies all over the world, and they were used to "traveling".

As for the French wizards, they listened to the king when the king was in the past, and it was enough to abide by the International Statute of Secrecy for a while. After the end of the Great Revolution, the Ministry of Magic has only now begun to be rebuilt.

It is their duty to protect the dignitaries. Although Georgiana is already there, there are still other wizards accompanying Bonaparte.

These people basically have no sense of secrecy, and dare to fly by on broomsticks in broad daylight.

But at this time, Brittany is basically covered by forests, and the rain in late autumn hits the face like ice slag.

It is said that when Numa came to power, he encountered a huge disaster. The weather turned bad, heavy rain caused disasters, and lightning pierced the sky like a fire snake.

Numa tried to prevent these cruel customs, but he was asked if he knew of other ways to prevent the disaster.

In the myth, Numa asked the cave goddess Eglia. At that time, it was rumored that the king had an affair with the goddess. One day the king was thinking about the solution and couldn't sleep, so he got up and walked into the dense forest in the mountains. In the forest, he met the goddess who was like a white mist rising slowly in the stream, which flowed from a cave. There was joy flowing out of it, and later it became the place where they had a tryst.

Maybe the king was too thoughtful, and even the goddess couldn't make him happy. He asked Eglia, "People fill the sacrificial jars with human blood. Is this really the wish of the gods?"

The Fairy told him "Jupiter and Mars are terrible."

The king was not satisfied with this answer. The fairy told him that there is a curse in the world that even Jupiter cannot escape, but only two people know it, one is the brave hunter Picus, and the other is his son Fau. Noth, if you want them to tell you the secret of restraining the disaster, you must set up an iron net when they are drunk, and they will never escape.

The King did as the Fairy did, and soon after the sun rose he found the hunters and their son, who were having a quarrel over the wine, when a great net fell from the sky, No matter how much the two of them pulled the pedals, they couldn't tear the net apart.

Faunos yelled: The pure hand has spilled something devilish, it is a strong fabric, stronger than the power of the forest god.

Numa effortlessly compelled the captive to speak the spell, and he later lit the altar's divine fire himself, according to the designated branches and roots.

Georgiana descended at the mouth of a cave hidden in the deep mountains. Unlike the cold outside, the inside of the cave was very warm, probably because several bonfires were lit.

Labastan stood at the entrance of the cave, and there was another person beside him, about 30 years old, with a handsome face, wearing a dragon leather armor, and his golden hair combed back neatly, reminding Georgiana of Della, who had just entered school. division.

"Introduction, this is Mr. Septimus Malfoy." Labastan said in French.

"It's an honor to meet you, Georgiana," Septimus said with a smile in English.

The age of the Malfoy family is a mystery. Lucius is in his fifties and looks almost forty, so she can't guess the age of a platinum nobleman based on his appearance.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Malfoy." Georgiana said coldly, "Although I'd rather stay by a warm fire than ride a broom on such a cold day."

Lucius' ancestor smiled, showing his white teeth, "Then come in."

Georgiana walked around him and into the hole.

In the depths of the cave was a round table with three chairs beside it.

"Where's Lufkin's seat?" Georgiana asked.

"Probably doing Quidditch or something," Septimus said absently, and sat down on one of the chairs.

Labastan sat down in another chair.

"Who will move the chair for me?" she asked the two "gentlemen".

The two looked at each other, and finally Rabastan stood up and moved the chair for Georgiana.

"It seems that you did learn some things in France." Septimus stared at her and said, "For example, the rituals."

"I thought I was giving you a chance to show your civilized side." Georgiana crossed her legs and looked at the two. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"The Scavenger who summoned the birds, did she speak English or French?" Septimus asked.

"Does that matter? It is the responsibility of the French Ministry of Magic to arrest her." Georgiana said indifferently, "What will you do if you catch her?"

"Are you English or French?" asked Septimus.

"There is no country here, only the purgers and wizards. I think execution on the spot is better than sending them to Azkaban."

Septimus stared at her in surprise. "No need for a trial?"

"Is there a difference?" Georgiana thought of Sirius Black, who just walked around the court, and the judge was sent to Azkaban without asking any questions.

Septimus opened his mouth in disbelief.

"You won't let them go, and they won't let you go. Giving unrealistic orders in this endless situation will make it difficult for the agents on the scene. The key problem now is to search such a large area of ​​forest French magic. The Ministry is understaffed, and to catch those garudas, I'm going to set a trap and catch them with nets."

"What trap?" Rabastan asked.

Georgiana held up the fire opal in her hand, "This."

"What is this?" asked Septimus.

"Garuda's favorite, the bead on Naga's head, Garuda will become this bead after death, and Naga will eat it." Georgiana put her hand down, "Is there any way for you to get it back from India?" A naga?"

"Yes, can you do it?" Rabastan said.

"In addition, you are in charge of making the bird-catching net. After the bird is caught, it can be recycled and placed on the coastline. Last time, a Welsh dragon flew to France." Georgiana stared at Septimus and said "With it, you don't have to worry about strange things crossing the border illegally."

"Yes, ma'am," said Labastan, laughing.

"You not only betrayed your husband, but also Britain." Septimus smiled maliciously. "You actually fell in love with a Muggle?"

"Compared to guessing who I really love, there is another problem to be solved." Georgiana smiled and said, "Muggles will send ambassadors to each other and issue visas at the embassy. Should we be like them?"

"What?" the two men asked together.

She rolled her eyes.

"Entry permit for business or travel," she explained. "Arrest or deportation is what you say, Mr. Septimus."

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