The exchange of ambassadors between the two countries is a sign of friendship, while recalling each other's ambassadors is also a sign of bad relations.

Anyway, Georgiana didn't remember the existence of foreign embassies in the Wizarding World.

The French have set up magic items on their borders that can be used to catch strange birds, dragons and other animals, and the British can do the same. This is equivalent to setting up invisible barbed wire fences in both countries. Back and forth between the two countries is no longer possible.

Next is the portkey management. The Quidditch World Cup can be traveled from all over the world to the competition venue through the portkey, which means that illegal travel can be carried out through the portkey.

It is the job of the Ministry of Magic to collect illegally manufactured Portkeys and to register and manage legal Portkeys. Georgiana asked to bring the British Minister of Magic to the next meeting, but Septimus Malfoy told her about the Rappaport Law issued by Emily Rappaport, the chairwoman of the Magical Congress of America .

Because Dorcas Twelve Trees revealed all the ways the wizarding world hides itself to the descendants of a scavenger, causing a large-scale leak. This law prohibits No-Majs from marrying wizards, and also stipulates that wizards and wizards must meet You must be 17 to legally hold wands outside of school, and they will remain at school during the holidays.

In Europe, there has always been a certain degree of secret cooperation and liaison between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government, but in the United States, macusa operates completely independently of the No-Maj government. Wizards in Europe can make friends and marry No-Maj, that is, It is said that the UK does not plan to be as strict as the US regarding the possession of wands by underage wizards.

But regarding the marriage between Muggles and wizards, Septimus felt the need to reiterate, because he felt that women were more unable to control their mouths than children, revealing secrets that should not be known to Muggles go out.

The new magical world of France is hidden in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, which is still a forest. Georgiana promises that France will use as many hidden spells as Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron, but Septimus still doesn't let her go .

The scavengers are from the United States. This is the consensus of many wizards, and they appear almost wherever there is chaos.

After the French Revolution, both the United States and France became countries without a king, which made some people think that the relationship between the two countries was better than other countries with monarchs, but in 1797, 300 ships were taken by France with the acquiescence of France. Detained.

The Foreign Minister of the Directory at that time was Talleyrand, because Napoleon was sweeping Europe on the battlefield at that time, and the highest French authorities hardly took into account these weak Americans. They believed that in the great ideological struggle of 1776, the United States was trying to maintain "neutral".

Also in 1776, Benjamin Franklin came to France by ship, hoping that France would remain neutral in the War of Independence.

This time the United States purchased Louisiana. The original reason was that the Americans sent people to seek compensation from France for the losses caused by the arrest of the ship. They just wanted New Orleans, and later turned into buying the entire Louisiana.

No matter what the intermediate process is, if the acquisition is successful, the territory of the United States will be redrawn. At the same time, even if it is unsuccessful, the United States is currently redrawing districts.

According to ordinary people's understanding, the election of one person, one vote should be won by the majority voter, but the original US Constitution stipulated "one state-one vote", even if the electorate is located in the state where the voters are much less than the voters.

When North America became independent, there were 13 states, and as long as there were votes from 8 states, it could become president. However, in 1798, there were 16 states in the United States, and votes from 8 states could not win the president.

At that time, the Federal Party controlled 6 states, while the Democrats and Republicans controlled 8 states, and 2 states were vacillating, becoming the so-called "swing states." For the Democrats and Republicans, they are very clear that the key to resolving the deadlock is the right way to prevent the Federalist Party from continuing to play the constitutional game and listen to the voice of the people.

The Federalists accused the Democrats and Republicans in newspapers they controlled of repeatedly pointing out that the Democratic-Republicans were able to narrowly win the Giants because of the disgraceful compromise between the Constitution and slavery, and the Southerners won The increase in the Electoral College.

The state boundaries in the United States are straight, and natural mountains and rivers are not used as the boundaries of administrative regions. Slaves who fled to free states became free people.

There are escaped slaves, and there are people who ride horses to catch escaped slaves. Seb Timus asked Georgiana if she planned to bring that barbaric scene to Europe?

The serious exposure of Dorcas has to go through the trial process, and the arrest can cooperate. Who is in charge of the trial?

In short, the first meeting almost ended in such an unpleasant way. The only consensus reached was that the British Ministry of Magic would assist the French Ministry of Magic in searching a large number of forest areas in Brittany as a facilitator. In addition, get a Naga back from India.

Boxing does not end in one round. If someone is caught and the right to judge is in the hands of the UK, then the British Ministry of Magic will still intervene in French affairs.

Even if the French Ministry of Magic wins the right to judge, it is still a question of whether there are judges who can preside over the trial.

What's more, there are other purgers in France. They are not like those purgers hidden in the mountains, they can be hunted at will.

After leaving the cave, she did not immediately return to the hotel in Le Havre, but followed Rabastin to the headquarters of the arrest operation.

It might be a wood processing factory or something. Rabastan called out all the staff in the main castle. There were only about 10 people left in the base camp. The leader was a handsome young man who looked very handsome. Qingxiu, like a girl, has gray hair and a soft smile, Rabastan said.

"This is Thor from Rozier's family, and he is the commander of this arrest operation."

Georgiana looked at him. This man had a temperament similar to that of Bonaparte. He was like a virgin when he was quiet, but he didn't know if his name would be the same as his name when he made a move, causing thunderous thunder.

They prepared a pensieve, and Georgiana pointed her wand to her head, and put a little silver-white substance into the basin, and soon they had a portrait of Mary in red.

"Give this wanted portrait to Minister Lufkin." Georgiana said to the patriarchs of the two pure-blood families. "She and the Ministry of Magic she represents are the official channels for official communication."

"I would like to set the location of the next meeting in Calais." Rabastan said, "By the way, there will be a border agency established there, as well as the establishment of the national border."

Georgiana didn't say much. Rabastan is more interested in building a "border wall". In fact, the key prevention area is the Dover Strait, where most cross-border travelers on brooms pass.

Georgiana wanted to issue permits to those British Aurors who had already arrived in France and regulate their scope of activities. Brittany is a wild area after all, and the conflicts caused are still within the controllable range. If there are many people It will be troublesome to go to the place.

Most of the day passed quickly, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon that she remembered that there was still a welcome party.

She flew back to Le Havre on a broom again, and asked Labastan to buy some invisibility cloaks before she left, so she wouldn't fly so blatantly during the day.

When she got back to the hotel, even after using the Waterproof Charm, the cold still made her almost freeze.

She returned to her room clammy and cold, and fell directly on the sofa near the fireplace.

Minerva once fell in love with a Muggle when she was young, and she could actually marry him without obeying that law, because the Rappaport Law is an American law and has nothing to do with Europe, so she doesn't have to be so strict with herself.

Then she remembered Seb Timus' accusation that she had not only betrayed her husband, but had been sentenced to England for falling in love with a French Muggle.

She closed her eyes, imagining that she was kissing someone, so who is this kissing her?

She couldn't tell what he looked like, she just remembered that his heat drove away the chill from her body.

Maybe this is another characteristic of her, she is not independent enough, she doesn't have much motivation to survive if she is alone.

She needs someone with an "engine of fire" to help her get motivated.

"You're such a slut," she whispered, turning sideways, curling herself up like a curled-up hedgehog, or a pangolin or something that looked like it was going to be tough, but actually ended up She still chooses to follow "history" and is not creative at all, which is really useless.

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