"What? They voluntarily withdrew from the Wizarding Union?"

Georgiana screamed.

"The whole continent was in turmoil at that time." Labastan seemed to understand the British, explaining for them.

Georgiana didn't make a sound, and wrapped the blue silk shawl on the sofa.

At this time, the hotel they lived in was near the port, not far from the city hall. It used to be a casino, but it was seized during the Great Revolution, and now it is a luxury hotel for wealthy businessmen.

She has lived in a real palace, and she doesn't think this hotel is so luxurious. Maybe when the weather is fine, you can see a good view from the window, but now it is windy and rainy outside, she just feels that the room is very cold, even if the fire is lit.

Artemisia Lufkin's former Minister of Magic happened to be Anxie Osbert, the legendary puppet controlled by the Malfoy family, and the real leader of the Ministry of Magic is Septimus Malfoy. Osbert's tenure happened to be from 1789 to 1798. In November 1799, Napoleon ran back from Egypt to France to launch a coup d'état.

Septimus, the word for seven in Latin, was a Hufflepuff who discovered the magic of the number seven.

Georgiana sighed, as if this was some kind of fate.

"Since they withdrew from the International Federation of Wizards, why are they still meddling in mainland affairs?" Georgiana asked.

"They questioned our ability to act, so they sent Aurors to help us maintain order in Brittany."

"How did you answer?"

"Waiting for your word," said Rabastan.

"You ignored them?" Georgiana asked.

Rabastan twisted his lips in a haughty manner.

"If Switzerland succeeds in independence, will they also intervene in the establishment of the Swiss Ministry of Magic?" Georgiana asked.

"I think the Swiss would prefer to leave it to you," Labastan said. "And Liechtenstein has no problem."

"Well-meaning Pierre doesn't protest that I have violated the power of the mountain giant?" Georgiana sarcastically.

Just then the door of her room opened and Bonaparte entered.

"What are you talking about?" He asked casually.

"About the Ministry of Magic summit," Labastan said.

"How long do you want to stay?"

"You don't have to wait for me." She said suddenly, "Why don't you call Josephine?"

Bonaparte, who was pouring wine, remained motionless as if petrified.

"Don't delay your schedule because I'm not good at socializing." Georgiana said indifferently.

"Go down first," said Bonaparte.

Then the pure-blood nobleman really left.

After Labastan closed the door, Bonaparte took two glasses of wine and handed her one.

"You actually left me alone, alone."

he complained.

"I hate that kind of occasion." Georgiana said irritably after taking the drink.

"This is life." He pulled her to the sofa, and then lay down on her lap.

In the silence, even the sound of burning firewood can be heard. Although the wind and rain outside are loud, it seems to be far away from him.

"Do you know why some Romans think that Troy is the mother country of Rome?" Leon said in a muffled voice.

"I know." She said calmly.


"No one wants to be a savage."

He turned his face and looked at her with one eye.

"I'll tell you a story." Georgiana said after singing, "A member of the Malfoy family fell in love with Queen Elizabeth."

"Is he a wizard?" asked Bonaparte.

"Yes, you may think I'm crazy, I'd rather stay with you than play with those people."

"Why do I think you're crazy?" he asked softly.

She didn't answer the question.

"Friends, to be a man, you must have courage in your heart. In the fierce battle, everyone must have a sense of shame. Those who are ashamed must be kept safe and not die. Those who run away will neither get honor nor be saved." He suddenly Said impassionedly, "My child, it is not your business to fight in the battlefield. You still manage your affairs, sweet marriages and marriages, and leave wars to other gods, to Athena and the rash Ares handles it."

She pinched his nose to express her displeasure.

But she does feel better, no wonder he is the commander in chief of so many people, good at boosting morale.

"This is why I like the Iliad more than the Odyssey." He took a sip of wine, and read again, "He hugged his faithful wife, and wept endlessly, like a drifter at sea who sees the land he longs for."

"What's wrong with that," complained Georgiana, who was reading from the Odyssey afterward.

"This is the port, the safe haven the sailors crave," said Bonaparte, "but I don't think you will like this place."

"You know why?"

"I have changed, and this time I did not send the envoy to England before departure," said Bonaparte.

"You have learned your lesson, others have not, although this is the mouth of the Seine, Le Havre is too far from Paris."

He sat up suddenly and turned over to press her down.

She suddenly remembered Hathor's warning, and stood up quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asked inexplicably.

"You said, a convenient sofa..."

"Come and sit down," he ordered.

Georgiana immediately sat down next to him.

He seemed really annoyed, picked up the glass and drank the rest of the wine.

"Tell me the real reason." He said patiently.

"I told you."

"You're lying," he sneered. "You're a terrible liar."

"Maybe you haven't seen me seriously lie." She said dissatisfied.

"I don't like people lying to me, so I scare them, and you better not be so stupid." He said fiercely, "What's the real reason?"

She thought about it.

"Because of certain rules, I cannot tell you the name of that god." She whispered. "Do you know the song of Colemachus?"

"You can sing?"

"Ten years have passed since Troy, and the rest of the Greek heroes either died on the battlefield or returned to their hometowns, only Odysseus did not return, and Poseidon, the sea god, imprisoned him on a remote island. The goddess Calypso, the goddess of the goddesses imprisoned in a deep cave, wants him to be her husband."

He laughed triumphantly, "Is there a goddess who wants to treat me like Odysseus?"

She really wanted to slap him and knock the smile off his face.

"What about you? Who are you?"

"I'm the bait to lure you into the bait." She deliberately said coldly, "She has been a goddess for too long, and she is not good at being a woman anymore."

He looked her up and down.

This time she patted his head directly.

"why did you hit me?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Gritting her teeth, she said, "Unfortunately, I'm not as plump as your Mariana."

He was even happier, and then he leaned back on the sofa and looked at the ceiling. "I would rather cultivate the land for others and be hired as a servant than rule over the souls of all the dead."

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat.

"You said there was a Memnon bird that appeared at Agamemnon's funeral. Do you know how Agamemnon died?" Bonaparte asked, and then answered himself "Because he planned to sacrifice himself The daughter of Odysseus, who was hated by his wife, found a lover when he went out to war, and the two conspired against him after he came back. When Odysseus went to the underworld, he met Agamemnon, so Agamemnon told Odysseus Decius, don't trust women easily, and the poem I read just now."

"He's right. Not only women, but also children should not be trusted." Georgiana quickly replied.

"Including you?" he asked.

"I knew a boy who really respected and believed in an old man who was his headmaster, but the headmaster tricked him into telling the boy to die at the right time, when he was just coming of age," thought Georgiana. After a while, he said, "You may think that I am too kind of a woman. I can't see this. Adulthood means death. I will do stupid things because of this kind of kindness. I saved a person before and he fell in the snow. , I saved him, he attacked me with black magic, I survived by chance, but my child is gone, I may not be able to have children in this life, this is my lesson."

"Then why are you still pleading for Santo Domingo?" he asked calmly.

"Because I am a woman." Georgiana said helplessly, "There is a reason why the Creator placed my soul in a woman's body instead of a boy's body."

He thought for a while, drank the wine she didn't drink, and then dragged her arm to the bedroom.

Her blue silk shawl fell on the sofa.

She thought... but after she was put on the bed, Bonaparte left.

"Where are you going?" She asked lying in the quilt.

Without looking back, he waved at her and left her suite.

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