Le Havre, which has not experienced war, looks like an Italian city at a glance, with red roofs like Lyon, but the difference is that the roads here are straight, not as winding as Lyon.

When the patrolling team entered the city, there were not only cheers, but also the ringing of bells from the port.

Napoleon rode at the front, waving to the cheering crowd.

The same situation happened in Rouen. Georgiana felt very excited at first, but now that she was holding the letter from the Ministry of Magic, she didn't feel that way at all.

Britain's first female Minister of Magic, Artemisia Lufkin, is a Hufflepuff. Is she an opponent when she meets a French pure-blood nobleman?

This dispute is still related to Georgiana. There are magical creatures and there are suspected scavengers. It is a problem for both the international law of secrecy and the stability of the wizarding society.

It is difficult to become a female politician. If she does not succeed, it is still a question of whether there will be female ministers in the UK in the future. Anyway, France probably will not have female ministers.

Georgiana was the main witness and the person involved, and she really needed to come forward, and she was not interested in the ball by comparison.

She glanced at Leila du Renard who had just boarded the carriage. At this moment, she was sitting in the corner of the carriage. Mrs. Barryon had already returned to her husband's carriage.

Napoleon cautiously avoided "Gaza" when he was in the restaurant. People who lack geographical knowledge may not be able to tell the difference. What happened in Jaffa is still a taboo, and there is no publicity in the newspapers.

Some things are too dirty for a pure girl to stain her soul, and she might as well worry about the ball.

"Is the list ready?" Georgiana held out her hand to Ferrier.

But it was Matilda who took out the list. She didn't ask carefully. Looking at the list, almost all the people at that table were on it. In addition, she saw an additional name, Father Dupuy. , he was the headmaster when Napoleon was studying in Bruena, and he is currently managing the library for Napoleon.

It was strange that he didn't sit at that table, probably because his position was only a librarian, and his title couldn't be compared with the Minister of the Interior and the President of the National Industrial Association.

She had met him, was a decent man, and then there was nothing more, after all, they hadn't spoken, they just knew each other.

"Raise his level by one." Georgiana scratched Father Dupuy's name with her fingernail, and handed the list to Matilda.

"Yes, ma'am," said Matilda.

"Can you get the list of people who are going to have the party tomorrow," Georgiana asked Leila.

"Isn't it tonight?" Leila asked.

"Today?" said Georgiana in surprise.

Leila nodded.

"Madame is already very tired, the party will be held tomorrow." Matilda said coldly.

Leila hesitated to speak.

Georgiana glanced at the sky outside, and it was already dark.

"It's almost six o'clock." Philier took out her pocket watch and said.

At this time, the carriage passed a dilapidated church.

The UK is weaponizing yarn. Those child laborers who are sent to factories are not in the name of workers, but in the name of apprentices. After all, if children are sent to work in factories, parents will be laughed at. However, parents’ wages are higher than child labor. The speed of the master's return to capital will be slow.

So someone came up with an ingenious way. The factory owner signed an apprenticeship contract with the manager of the parish orphanage, promising to provide board and lodging for the children. These recruited apprentices became one of the important sources of labor for the textile factory.

Compared with the orphanages of this era, Tom Riddle's orphanage is really good. She sincerely hopes that there will be no more Voldemort in this era.

It was not long before they turned a corner, and the harbor was now visible, and the quays were full of ships with their sails furled.

"Look, ma'am, it's the Pomona!" Alice said suddenly excitedly.

Georgiana also looked out, and it was indeed the ship that Bonaparte gave her.

"I give you a task." Georgiana said to Leila. "Postpone the welcome meeting until tomorrow."

"What?" Leila said in panic.

"If you need help, you can find Diloc. If you can't solve it, you will go back to Rouen tomorrow." Georgiana threatened.

Leila looked very confused, after all, she is only 16 years old.

But Georgiana did not compromise, when the carriage had stopped, and they came to the town hall of Le Havre.

It is probably the grandest building, with a blue roof and a geometric garden in front of which city officials line up.

"It's too late." Leila said with a sad face.

Georgiana ignored her. After the door was opened, she got out of the car, and the fishy sea breeze felt a little cold on her body.

Maybe there is a difference between people, and she couldn't enjoy this interview abroad like an outing.

She followed the other officials into the City Hall, and as soon as she entered, she heard thunderous applause. The hall was brightly lit, and well-dressed dignitaries greeted them with smiles.

Le Havre is equivalent to Liverpool in England. How many of these people were engaged in the slave trade?

She was so eager to get away that she glanced back at Leila, as if she hadn't figured out a way yet.

Georgiana breathed a sigh of relief and touched the wand hidden in her sleeve, while Bonaparte was greeting the officials.

There were men and women among these people, and not many were young and beautiful. It seemed that Josephine still had a sense of proportion.

In this situation, she has no intention of playing Quidditch. However, Artemisia's first task is to establish the International Magic Cooperation Department, establish trade standards, establish item specifications, and hold a Quidditch World Cup during her tenure. , and sent a British representative to the International Federation of Wizards.

This means that without her efforts, the UK would not be represented in the International Confederation of Wizards.

Why does she feel weird?

She didn't know why men were so keen on power, or whether Napoleon regretted it after taking power, anyway, she was extremely bored.

"It's over here." Colonel Roseton walked up to her and said, "We still have to leave for Belgium."

She looks at him.

"I asked my wife to stay with Josephine. I thought she could help me get a position as a diplomat in London." Colonel Loston shrugged helplessly. "You can see what kind of attitude General Andre has."

"Yes, I know." Georgiana sighed. "He hasn't decided whether it's war or peace?"

"Of course he hopes to be peaceful. You are not as good as Josephine in this regard. She can always make Napoleon happy." Roseton said, "But kings don't need comedy. Tragedy is the classroom of great men."

"I don't want it to be tragic either," Georgiana said.

"I thought so too, you know the Factory Act..."

"I know," Georgiana said.

"Then do you know that this law was proposed by old Robert Peel." said Loston. "Last year there was another plague outbreak in old Robert Peel's factory. Second time, this law was drafted by a doctor named Parcival, a social reformer, and it was passed on the first reading with the cooperation of the two of them."

"What about the second reading?"

"Old Robert Peel became the defense of the mill owners." Loston stared at her. "I think I know what an Englishman is like."

Georgiana smiled sarcastically.

At this time, surrounded by the crowd, Napoleon went up to the second floor, which was like a palace in Venice, very suitable for dancing. Looking out from a window on the second floor, you could just see the harbor not far away. The signal lights are all on, and the lights are reflected in the water, which looks like a sky full of stars.

"When do we have a meeting?" Rabastan Lestrange asked.

"I was tired today and blew out those lights."

Labastan glanced at her.

"Yes, ma'am," said Labastan, and turned away.

Not long after, a strong wind suddenly blew up on the sea, as if a storm was coming.

The signal lights on the ship had wind protection, but somehow they all went out, and then there was no light to watch for the lighting ceremony.

"Leyla!" Matilda yelled suddenly, and it turned out that the delicate girl fainted.

Georgiana suppressed a smile, beckoned to the people around to carry her away, asked where she was stationed tonight, and followed her.

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