In the Eucharist, the wine represents the blood of the Son, and the bread represents his body, taken from the Last Supper.

After consecration, only the shape of the bread and wine remained, and the plastid had changed. This was also one of the sources of inspiration for Georgiana to use cinchona-laced wine as medicine instead of wine.

You think it is bread and it is bread, you think it is the flesh and blood of the Son, you think it is perfume or toilet water with alcohol, you think it is medicine and it is medicine, even though it tastes like wine.

It's actually pretty simple, even though she's a witch and doesn't believe in God. She just listened too much to Caprara's ramblings, and it was probably the same when Francis preached to those birds, and she didn't want to remember it after listening to it too much.

Similarly, she also plans to print some biblical content on the label of the "medicine" bottle, similar to "smoking is harmful to health". What about those alcoholics who don't drink?

The "Methuen Treaty" not only did not allow Portugal to gain trade benefits in the hegemony between Britain and France, but also hindered the development of Portugal's industry. At the same time, because of this treaty, Britain's wool and woolen textiles gained benefits, and the country's wine brewing and wine planting declined. , although English grapes are not tasty.

Instead, beer, whiskey and other grain-based wines were used. When mentioning Germany, beer was the first thing she thought of. She remembered that Belgians seemed to like beer. If peace was maintained, ships from Rouen could transport grain to Belgium. Although Virginia did not have slavery, and tobacco cultivation was also done by workers rather than slaves, Virginia did not have a big city like New York.

If you don't go through a big city, you can't increase the tax of the home country. Rouen can reprocess the goods like a free port, and the cost of concentrating large transactions will be much lower than that of individuals. England can do the beer business there.

The Portuguese love cod very much, but cod fishing also relies on British fishing boats. They even allowed British fishermen to send cod directly from the North American colonies to Brazil for sale.

This is what the broker who sold the threshing machine to George Washington told Georgiana that there is a peninsula in Massachusetts that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was named Cape Cod by the early cod merchants. It is said that people can step on their backs in the sea during the fish season. walk up.

In addition to tea, cod also played an important role in the War of Independence. It not only fed the Europeans, but also brought high profits. Dried cod was a very important commodity at that time, even on the early coins issued by the United States. Has a cod pattern.

However, the "Navigation Act" stipulates that all British colonies must sell their goods to the United Kingdom. Fish and chips are very important food for the British, while North Americans are used to selling dried cod to Portugal and Africa in exchange for slaves, and then send them to Africa. The sugar cane is sent to the factory to make rum.

In the absence of hard currency, goods can also be exchanged. France and the United Kingdom are currently exchanging silk for candy. Otherwise, children on Halloween would not have so much candy to eat.

The Portuguese got a charter for the slave trade from the Spaniards, and they were not allowed to trade in South America like the British. The Sugar Act not only suppressed the brewing industry, but also suppressed the cod industry in North America, which aggravated the anger of the North American people. Anger, it is said that in the Boston Tea Party, in addition to tea, there was a large amount of dried cod. Not long after that, the War of Independence broke out.

The last time I ate at the Grand Trianon, the British only gave up the offshore fishing rights to the French. The cod trade is a very important source of income. The Portuguese cannot do without cod every day, and there is a way to do cod every day.

If you want to prevent the French from selling Louisiana to fill the treasury, you have to give up some other benefits.

But she remembered the last time she met Monroe, who came to visit the Louisiana acquisition case. He seemed to ignore her at all, or he had other purposes, and told her directly that the United States didn't need to do anything. The chaotic situation in Europe will find a way out for them.

While Georgiana was thinking, the two cavalry scouts returned.

"There is a village inside, with 100 people." A soldier said.

She doesn't find it strange that many people who share the same belief will hide from the world. First, they avoid the king's taxes, and second, they take care of each other. In short, they live a self-sufficient closed life.

"I look like a smuggler," said another soldier. "I don't feel very good there."

"What's wrong?" asked Georgiana.

The soldier shook his head. "I don't know what to say. It's just bad."

"Let's go back, it's getting dark," Figel said.

Georgiana glanced at the ring on her hand. If the "gargoyle" came for it, then she didn't seem to have to worry about being targeted.

But she was still thinking about the young man feeding the garuda, why did he do that?

She now understands the soldier's mood very well, because she also has a very bad feeling. However, if there is really danger, going back now is tantamount to bringing the danger back to Rouen.

Although Rouen will not light a bonfire to celebrate today, and there is no need to worry about a harpies taking advantage of the wind, there are still Garudas.

They are poisonous, and they will cause death and injury if they are not harmed, but can only be caught alive. Killing them will inevitably cause a fire, and Rouen will still fall into the flames.

This is a threat, but is she capable of eradicating it with the power she currently has?

She hesitated, she couldn't just leave like this, but what should she do next?

At this moment, there was a soft humming sound in the forest, which sounded very ethereal.

She felt like pulling out her wand.

Figel knew what it was and was also on guard with a gun.

The song was still singing, and Georgiana felt her heart pounding, not fear, but a sign of the transformation.

Other humans didn't respond much to the song, but she felt like she was losing control.

She was very hungry and wanted to eat something delicious, not the kind of cooked food, but fresh, similar to freshly killed fresh cod, the white fish was full of water, not as hard to chew as dried cod.

She holds her head.

She wants to eat red meat. After the grilled steak is cut, red myoglobin will flow out, which looks tender and juicy.

Ron Weasley, who always had a good appetite, ate chicken drumsticks one in each hand.

He didn't have to do this, he could eat one after another, and now she wanted to be like him, holding the food in her hands and tearing them apart.

"You know what mother birds do when other creatures attack their chicks?"

She heard someone say.

"It will drive the intruder away."

"I'm not a bird," she said to the man.

"I know." The man said softly, "You are the beautiful Swan Princess."

As if there was a burst of cold air, she "cooled" down, thinking of the ballet "Swan Lake".

The princess picking flowers by the lake was turned into a swan by the devil's curse, and she can only change back to human form at night.

Under the quiet and bright moonlight, she flapped her wings and hovered on the lake on tiptoe, while the band played a beautiful melody.

The prince stood by the lake and looked at her. Did he see a swan or a man?

A white substance spewed from the end of the wand, and soon a swan Patronus was formed. How could it be the Garuda's opponent?

But she has no way to maintain the call god guard after the transformation of the Animagus.

Ridiculous perhaps, but she chose to be human, just as Remus refused to eat human flesh even after transforming.

She wants to be like a human being, not a monster, even if that wears her out.

She looked up at the birds above her head that looked like phoenixes. They looked like crows on the battlefield at the moment, swooping down at the right moment.

The ethereal singing stopped, and a woman in red appeared in front of her eyes. She looked like the girl in red cloak that Georgiana saw in the cemetery had grown up.

"I know your name." The woman said fiercely, "God gave me the power to destroy you."

"You know my name?" Georgiana asked sarcastically, "Then who am I?"

"Witch!" the woman looked at the soldiers around her. "She is evil and serves the devil."

"Then who are you?" Figel asked.

"We are the ones to help you." The woman said in a soft tone, "Come and join us."

"You still haven't made it clear," Figel said.

"Are these related to you?" Georgiana took out the engravings.

"You want to avenge your kind?" The woman replied sarcastically.

Georgiana was shocked.

"Are all the victims wizards?" she asked.

"We are wild men." The woman replied "Die!"

As soon as she finished speaking, those golden-winged birds swooped down and stretched out their sharp claws towards her.

I know this chapter is kind of messy

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