Before leaving Paris, she heard that Dr. Bichat, the young doctor who had rescued General d'Estaing in Lyon, was dead. In her memory, he didn't look like a person who died young anyway. He looked healthy and had no bad habits, and he probably wouldn't participate in a duel.

But he still died, he was a surgeon, and his mentor Desso was a German, and he was also the pride of the surgical world, but Desso also died, and the cause of death for both of them was the same-tetanus.

Doctors are at their own risk when saving lives, even a small cut can be fatal. The claws of these golden-winged birds are sharp and highly poisonous. If they are injured by them, even a small cut would be fatal.

At this time, she would not be merciful. After the swan patron saint forced the strange birds back, she asked Figl to lead the Muggle soldiers to capture the woman.

"She's evil, and I'm your friend," the woman said to Figel. "I'm helping you."

"Catch her, and the birds won't attack as long as she doesn't command!" cried Georgiana.

Figel still chose to listen to Georgiana. These muggles may have limited power against magical animals, but the guns in their hands are still effective against wizards.

"Why did you do that? You're a witch too," Georgiana asked the woman.

"Don't confuse me with you." The woman said disgustedly, "My power comes from heaven, so I can command these angels."

"You call them angels?" Georgiana asked incredulously.

"And you are a witch, I know what you did with him in the carriage." The woman sneered and said, "Did you forget that you were still on the street at that time?"

"Are you an Animagus?" Georgiana asked.

The woman didn't answer, because Figel and the others had already surrounded her.

"Come with me." Figel said indifferently.

The woman blows a whistle.

The sound spread far away, and it is estimated that the nearby village could hear it, and the soldiers rushed forward, trying to capture her alive.

The woman drew an elder wand from under her cloak.

"Stand off," she warned them, wand raised.

Georgiana cast a disarming spell on her, trying to knock her wand off, but she seemed to know Georgiana's intentions and easily dodged the red light.

Georgiana put her hands on the trees.

They changed quickly and became "steel needles".

Even garudas with hard feathers can be injured when those branches are no longer soft, but they are excellent fliers and can still shuttle between the "iron needles".

Georgiana blew up the fallen leaves on the ground, so that they blocked the sight of the Garuda, but in doing so, the humus beneath the ground was exposed, and there was a stench in the air.

The woman tried to hit Georgiana while avoiding Figel's pursuit. The spell was white, so Georgiana tried to block it with the Iron Armor Charm.

But she didn't dare to hold her back and was ready to dodge at any time. Fortunately, the curse can be blocked with the Iron Armor Curse.

"You are a witch too, why deny that?" Georgiana said to her.

Like herself, she didn't deny the fact that she was a monster.

The woman spat at her.

At the same time, there was noise from the village, and torches could still be seen faintly.

"Withdraw," Georgiana said to Figel.

But Figel didn't listen to her. Figel was nimble, and the woman was wearing a robe, which made it difficult for her to move in the forest. Several times they almost caught her.

So Georgiana had to set up a wall of fire, which could at least stop the unmagic villagers.

Georgiana really wanted to get back her bag, which was full of seeds of magic plants. If there was a devil's net, she wouldn't have to be afraid of these garudas at all, even if they could fly.

At this time, it would be great if she could be like Gandalf, chanting spells and launching forbidden spells, handsome and powerful.

But what she can do is to ask her swan patron saint to rescue soldiers.

Who should she turn to? The British Ministry of Magic, or the pure-blood nobles of the French Ministry of Magic?

She still favors the British Aurors in her heart, but Napoleon will be unhappy if she goes to a British wizard to solve France's internal affairs. Does he have the right to replace the Minister of Magic, just like he replaced the Minister of Police Fouché?

Of course, she is not the Minister of Magic of France.

These "savages" attacked the hidden wizards with strange birds such as Garuda, but did not give any explanation to the Muggles. Those disguised wizards looked like ordinary people, and ordinary people thought it was wizards who attacked them, and someone Also sighted Garuda, saw it as a harpy, and started carving prints.

Corneille encountered this kind of situation, but with his "normal" logic, he would rather believe that it was illegal dissection by medical students.

Looking at the woman who fled in embarrassment under the siege of Figel and the others, Georgiana felt extremely uncomfortable. If the woman in the red robe was caught by Figel, she would end up miserable. If Georgiana was caught by the villagers, she would also suffer. The end was bleak.

"I don't even know who I am, so how do you know who I am." She said desolately, blowing up the flames, trying to drive away those Garudas who were eager to help.

They are not afraid of fire, however.

Georgiana summoned the swan patron saint, and the golden-winged birds were not afraid of it this time, and they flew towards Georgiana.

She thought of the lake not far away, and pumped the water from the lake to form a water ball, wrapping herself up.

They tried to attack twice, but they all failed. Then they gave up on Georgiana and went to attack Figer and the others.

She cast the Feather Arrow Charm and shot a garuda in the wing, which fell.

Taking advantage of their backs to her, she shot a few more arrows, and about six or seven birds fell down, and these birds flew up into the air again, not daring to come over.

"You will go to hell, witch." The woman in the red robe said heartbrokenly as she watched her "children" fall to the ground.

"Could it be that you think you can go to heaven?" she asked back.

"You go to the darkness, we fight for the light."

"How do you know what you're doing is God's work and not evil?" Georgiana asked.

"The evil you do is like the waves in the sea and the thorns on the thorns. Even though you look like a beautiful woman, you are actually a monster." Then she looked at Figel, "Why can't you see clearly?"

"Why are you like a prophet?" Georgiana sneered.

"Listen, she admitted it." The woman said to Figel.

"Real demons will not put themselves in danger to prevent more people from being harmed." Figel said with his back to Georgiana.

"You were deceived by her!"

"Come on, Maria, someone's coming!" said a man outside the circle of fire.

"Nobody loves you," the woman cursed at Georgiana.

Figel drew her sword.

"Monster!" Maria shouted at Georgiana, and then a Garuda suddenly descended, Maria rode on its back and flew away, and the other birds followed.

Georgiana gave no order to pursue.

She suddenly realized that she was still the one who couldn't kill, even though she had told Bonaparte that she could kill.

Not long after, the wall of the circle of fire came down, and she saw a man with a wand, and another monster.

I thought God would have mercy on me because he would distinguish what is due to the good and what is due to the wicked.

But obviously, no, I'm like Job, just a toy for his bet with the devil.

"I'm in pain," she said, looking into Leon's eyes.

What did i do wrong?

she said in her heart.

"Come here." He held out his hand to Georgiana. "We're going back."

She walked towards him slowly, and then fell into his arms, as if she had lifted all the burdens so easily.

"All I wanted was a simple relationship," she said sullenly, "but someone told me not to waste my talent."

"I thought that person wanted you to be happy." He said in her ear, "It's happiness to be able to give full play to your talents."

She smiled sarcastically, she felt that for this kind of "happiness", she suffered more.

"I love you, Georgiana," he added.

"Next time, look at the occasion. The carriage was parked on the street yesterday." She said coldly, "Don't be ashamed, there should be a bottom line."

He didn't care about her ruining the atmosphere, he still hugged her.

So she stopped talking, and quietly smelled the strong cologne smell on his body, because this smell can drive away the burnt and rotten smell, and people no longer feel that breathing is also a disgusting thing.

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