As the strange birds descended slowly, everyone finally saw their appearance clearly.

They are not harpies with a human head and a bird body, but a large black bird with white feathers under their wings and a very long beak, which looks a bit like a seagull.

"Is this bird dangerous?" Figel asked.

"No." Georgiana relaxed her vigilance and let out a long sigh of relief, "Have you brought food?"

A cavalryman pulled a block of cheese from his bag.

"I only have this." He shrugged helplessly.

She took the cheese, crumbled it, and sprinkled it in the clearing.

The two birds quickly fell to the ground and began to peck at the cheese on the ground.

"What's this?" Figel asked.

"Do you know about Giant Wars?" Georgiana asked.

"What?" Figel asked inexplicably.

"You can understand that they are a kind of bird that guides the way, as long as you give them enough food." She said helplessly, "They originally lived in the forests of Central Europe. residence."

Figel probably thought she was speaking the language of another planet.

Georgiana did not elaborate.

Durmstrang is a famous black wizard magic school, but it is located in Scandinavia, not in Germany with the Black Forest. It can be said that there are no magic training institutions in Germany.

This is the reality of the wizarding world.

Some people think that Durmstrang migrated there during the Thirty Years' War. Although the "Westphalia" contract ended the war, the persecution of witchcraft continued and even brought it to Northern Europe.

If the electors did not have that power before the Thirty Years' War, with the signing of the "Westphalia" contract weakening the rule of the Habsburg family, the new generation of princes began to send troops to suppress any A witch hunt attempt.

With the signing of the "Contract of Luneville", a new court was born in Munich, which made Bavaria a pro-French faction in the Holy Roman Empire, forming a tripartite model with Vienna and Berlin.

This time, it was not the wizards that were unlucky, but the church. The nobles of the ancient families stopped serving in the church after the French Revolution. Only commoners would join the job. They lived a life that had nothing to do with the world, so they were particularly disgusted with the sale of church property.

Melee is an opportunity for speculators, but it is undoubtedly bad for those who want to live a stable life. For migratory people, they need a guiding direction. This kind of bird with glowing wings in the dark Will be at the front of the line like a guard.

In Grimm’s fairy tales, besides Little Red Riding Hood, there is also the story of bread crumbs. The brother and sister were abandoned by their parents. For the first time, the elder brother used a stone as a mark. The brothers and sisters returned home. Pecking, the brother and sister got lost in the forest, and then they came to the witch's hut.

Just like in the French fairy tale, they took the witch's treasure and returned home, and the family lived a happy life.

Little Red Riding Hood did not take the road, but went into the forest because she saw beautiful flowers blooming around her. She thought of visiting the sick, so she went to pick the flowers.

Every time she picked a flower, she always felt that there would be more beautiful flowers ahead, so she walked forward, and finally reached the depths of the forest.

Unexpectedly, she met the hunter there.

Thanks to the help of the hunter, Little Red Riding Hood was not eaten by the wolf.

"They're almost gone," said one of the horsemen.

"Let's keep up and make marks along the way." Georgiana said, and then with the help of Figel, they rode on the thoroughbred horse, and the group followed the two birds to the roumare forest further west.

It was a primeval forest in the true sense, similar to the Forbidden Forest, but wider, and the trees were not as thick as the Forbidden Forest.

No one knows what roumare means, but that's what everyone calls it anyway, and it's perfect if you want to hide something in it.

Without a carriage, it was indeed much easier to move forward on Qingqi. Somehow, she thought of Robin Hood.

"Watch out for an ambush," Georgiana said to Figel. "Look at your uniforms."

Figel and the others looked at their French uniforms.

"If I were a refugee hiding in the forest and saw you coming, I would think you were here to catch them," Georgiana said.

"Thank you for the reminder, ma'am," Figel said, and then reminded the people scattered around, and they moved on.

Soon they came to a small lake, and the rain had started to ripple on the surface of the lake. They hid under a big tree and waited for the rain to stop.

"You are so small," said one of the cavalrymen. "My daughters are taller than you."

Georgiana gave him a cold look, and found Corneille's investigation report.

The result of the investigation of the prints is that it was printed by an underground workshop, and the formal printing factory did not print these things anyway.

The text above is in German and French, and it probably means "God gives us the power to destroy these claw monsters".

Those harpies all had beautiful faces, but their bodies were painted as eagles, and they had smiles on their faces when they ate people, with blood on the corners of their mouths.

Benjamin Franklin had been to London, and had worked as a printer when he first came to England, much as he used to work in his brother's printing shop when he was young.

At that time, most of the workers were drunk, so they called him "the American who drank water". One of the workers who worked with him had to drink every day, but he was not as strong as him, although they thought they were drinking " Health Beer".

This is written in Franklin's autobiography, although the purpose of her reading his autobiography at first was to see if she really flew a kite to attract lightning.

Now this story gave her inspiration, why not export wine mixed with cinchona as a health product or medicine, so as to escape the restrictions of the Methuen Treaty.

The Methuen Treaty stipulates that whether it is war or peace, the tariffs on Portuguese wine are lower than those on French wine.

The purpose is to export cinchona medicine to treat and prevent malaria, but the taste of that medicine is too bitter, and some wine can be added to improve the taste.

There is also alcohol in perfume, but no one will regard perfume as wine. Its purpose is to create fragrance.

In 1793, a plague broke out in Philadelphia, and many people bought cinchona wine to treat the disease. However, quinine can only treat malaria, and has little effect on other infectious diseases.

Those who drink should abstain from alcohol, at least beer won't really be a tonic.

Franklin has many friends, and he only advocates self-government, not in favor of independence from Britain, and he does not approve of the bald eagle becoming the national bird, because that bird is indeed a bit too fierce.

When hunting, the bald eagle will hover over the sea or lake, while searching for fish swimming on the water with sharp eyes, and swoop down to catch it once it finds the target.

If the fish is small, they will lift it up with sharp claws, if the fish is too big, then it will be pulled into the water and drowned, so the bald eagles have to fight hard when they catch their prey, which is an American Spirit, however, the bald eagle is too greedy and always wants to catch big fish, if not for human intervention, it would almost become extinct.

Seabirds such as gulls swim, which allows them to stay afloat after a failed hunt.

Bald eagles are very capable of flying and often make calls similar to those of seagulls.

She thought of Hyde Park, Rose and Jack on the Titanic, why didn't Severus come to her?

"Ma'am, look." Figel tugged on her sleeve.

She came to her senses and found a big bird hovering and slowly falling down.

But instead of catching fish like the bald eagle, it landed on a rock.

After a while a man came out of the woods, and he brought a bucket of fish to feed the bird.

This bird is also a bird with a human head and a bird body, but its beak is that of an eagle, and what it feeds is a very slender fish like an eel or a snake. Its whole body is golden, and the ends of its wings are red, which looks very bright. .

This kind of bird is called Garuda, which is only found in India. Why did it come to Brittany?

The young man who fed the bird said something to it, and the garuda flew up, but instead of flying away, it danced on the lake.

At a glance, she thought she saw a phoenix, but as far as she knew, garudas would not die. When they died, their surroundings would turn into a sea of ​​flames, and they would leave behind an orb, which would be eaten by Naga and the Garuda would eat the Naga, the orb on its crown shining brightly.

Georgiana looked at the not-so-bright orb on the crown of the Golden Peng bird's head, and then at the fire opal ring on her hand. She seemed to understand what was going on.

But who is the human who raised it?

The bird flew away, and the man departed, without Georgiana telling the two horsemen to follow.

"We're lucky," Georgiana said with a smile.

"Indeed." Figel also said with a smile.

"You know what I mean by luck?" Georgiana retorted.

"Not because we found..."

"We were not struck by lightning." Georgiana interrupted Figel, "and Leon, too, used to hide from the rain under a tree when he was studying in Brienne. Fortunately, the lightning did not strike him at that time, and it is not necessary to hide from the rain in the wild." Hide under a tree."

Figel was stunned.

"Are we going to change places?" A cavalryman said looking at the big tree behind him.

"This is a forest, where can I hide if I don't hide under a tree?" Georgiana asked back.

Now everyone is stunned.

Georgiana laughed.

Only then did the others realize that they had been teased, but instead of being angry, they also smiled.

"Is Leon the First Consul's nickname?" asked the cavalryman with the daughter.

Georgiana fell silent.

"Tsk tsk." The man's teeth were sour. "It's really unimaginable."

She gave him a sideways look, and didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

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