Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1956 Incomplete Knight (2)

All the way from Paris to Brittany, Georgiana's biggest feeling is wildness.

In fact, going by water is much more convenient than by land, because Rouen is also by the Seine, but Bonaparte insisted on riding a horse.

Large tracts of primeval forests may be beautiful natural scenery to modern people, but they are not so wonderful to the people living in them.

The city wall has a certain defensive function, not only to defend against foreign enemies, but also to defend against wild animals. However, Cardinal Richelieu ordered the demolition of the city walls, which naturally included the walls of Rouen.

From 1764 to 1767, a giant wolf appeared in Gervaudan, France, and more than 100 people died under his claws. It is located in southeast France, near the Pyrenees, and it is also a densely forested and very wild place.

During this period of time, Rouen repaired a lot of ships and cut down a lot of trees, so that the first part of pioneering - felling trees has been completed, and these lands can be used for building houses and farming.

The soil in Brittany needs fertilizers to grow crops such as wheat, which means that pastures and wheat fields need to coexist. In contrast, apple trees do not need so much trouble.

There are many plants in the forest, not all of which have economic value, and not all of them are edible.

All in all, it is the task of the mayor and civil servants to liquidate the land that has been developed, as well as to assess the income, and if loans are to be made, whether certain industries need subsidies.

Agriculture is very labor-absorbing, not to mention those homeless people who really have nothing to find a job first.

Going to factories will increase production capacity and will make the already serious industrial problems worse.

Stability is the prerequisite for development. There is no shortage of skilled craftsmen in the Germanic region, and those engraved prints are exquisite, but Germany is now a backward region, and many people have left their hometowns.

Migration was no stranger to people in the Middle Ages. It could be due to wars, plagues, or religious issues such as pilgrimage and escape from persecution.

Brittany is heavily influenced by Celtic culture, and they are used to elves in the forest, but people in areas where witch hunting is most rampant do not think so.

The Celts were more priestly than attributable to wizards, a feature of many ancient civilizations, from Rome to Gaul.

Halloween itself has the meaning of praising autumn, offering sacrifices to the dead, and praying for peace. This is why it is necessary to prepare a Halloween feast. Victory is not necessary for a toast to celebrate.

Emma did have a bad past, and she has a lot of portraits, including Dionysus.

Dionysus has been misunderstood like Faun for a long time in the past, and Emma was often criticized by newspapers in Britain.

Nelson abandoned his wife, who shared the joys and sorrows with him, and was still with him during his injury, and changed to be with the young and beautiful Emma. This is not advisable in the eyes of many honest people and some sanctimonious people.

She shook her head and began to think about oil paintings. Many of the things in the Louvre were of improper origin. Rouen's folk customs are relatively simple, and she wanted to keep this pure and natural cleanliness.

It is rare to find people who will never leave when they are in danger. After Andre del Sarto, who painted the Madonna of Harpy, contracted the Black Death, his wife, the woman who served as the model of the Madonna in the painting, left him. , let him die alone.

Georgiana first rejected his work, although his paintings are indeed very good.

A biography is needed to publish a book in the UK, and she also feels that no matter how good a person's work is, it depends on his character.

A museum doesn’t need too many treasures, just one or two treasures are enough. Sometimes fame is really important. Raphael and Michelangelo had a good reputation, but those paintings were taken to France as spoils of war. of. Works of art arouse national sentiments more than jewellery.

She found a place in the corner of the study and began to write letters, asking Denon to check which paintings in the Louvre were originally in France, and these works could be distributed to other museums in the future.

"Sing a song for me." Bonaparte, who was reading the document, suddenly said, "Sing Hail Mary."

She looked around and found that she was the only one in the room, so she was the one who sang?

"I don't want to sing." She said bluntly.

"Why not?" he asked without raising his head.

"I don't want to praise a phantom," she said dryly, "and I'm not in the mood."

He laughed, "Another time I want to hear what you think, now I just want to listen to songs."

"Can I not sing the hymns?" she asked.

"Okay, it's fine." He said happily.

She originally wanted to sing the funeral march, but then she thought about it, if only she knew some musical instrument, she wouldn't have to sing it herself.

"Have you ever heard of Bach?" she asked.

"I've heard his name."

"I want to hear his music."

He sighed, "It's up to you."

So she went out, Napoleon's adjutant was on duty at the door, and she asked him to find the orchestra, and specifically asked someone who could play Bach, and then went back to the study.

Then she found Bonaparte reading a letter she had written.

She calmly waited for him to get angry.

"I don't think the Milanese will be offended that you send their paintings to Rouen." He put the letter back on the table.

"I want to import Dutch cows, the ones with black and white patterns." She said carelessly.

He didn't answer, just looked down at the file, as if when she was air.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair, are you going to Scarborough Fair,

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,

Remember me to one who lives there,

he once was a true love of mine,

She started singing Scarborough Fair, in English, and this time he looked up.

She sang very dryly, but fortunately, the piece itself was very nice, which made up for her poor singing skills.

"Scottish ballad," she explained when she had finished. "I can sing that if you want."

"Come here." He reached out to her.

So she walked to the table and sat on his lap naturally.

"Do you know who Ossian is?" he asked.

"Are you talking about poets or characters in mythology?"

"Tell me what you know, Cecilia." He stroked her hair.

"He was the son of a Fenian warrior, and his mother was a deer." She looked into his eyes and said, "Then he married the princess of the kingdom of youth, and they went to her kingdom together, and never came back. .”

"Have you ever read Ossian's poems?"

"No." She said dizzily. "You'd think I was reading it to please you."

"You don't study to please people?"

She tried to stand up, as she had just done in the library.

Of course she couldn't escape.

During the kiss, Bach's music came from the next door, and she inexplicably felt a sense of guilt, and the kiss turned sour.

"What happened?"

Clutching her heart, she thought of the house in South Kensington, and those idle afternoons.

"Him?" he said patiently.

she began to cry.

No one coaxed her, on the contrary, his face was still ugly, as if he was the one who needed to be coaxed.

After crying hysterically, she calmed down.

"We've been together for thirty years."

"Do you think it has something to do with the length of time?" He asked impatiently.

She thought of the history of his fortune, it really has nothing to do with the length of time, ordinary people don't experience as much in their lifetime as he does.

"I want to split it in half," she said foolishly.

As the ballad says, even if it is a beautiful monster, I wish there were more of them.

"It's not complete in two," he said gloomily. "Remember the Garner wedding?"

Of course she remembered that she was still laughing at the Frenchman who claimed to be Attila of Venice, and she didn't even know that Attila had never been to Venice.

"I want a full wedding," he said with a pun.

"Others will suspect you of treason." She said indifferently, "I am an English woman."

He was very indifferent.

"That's it, Leon, look at the Prince of Wales, he married a princess he doesn't love." She actually laughed when she said this.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked.

"I was thinking how drunk the prince was on his wedding night." She laughed more and more exaggeratedly.

Think about it, a man who pokes a knife in his heart to win the sympathy of his lover in order to self-mutilate wants to marry a woman he doesn't love.

"You like the Prince of Wales?" he asked.

"I really didn't expect him to be like this." She said incredulously, "If he can maintain his youthful figure, he might be very attractive."

"I remember, you just said that I gained weight, and you asked me to tighten my stomach." He deliberately squeezed her waist, "Let me see your waistline."

She wanted to scream, but the music next door stopped her.

What people would say about them behind their backs if they were overheard, it's a band next door, not a gramophone.

In fact, thanks to the crown prince's continuous romantic affairs, Emma did not reject her and Nelson for a period of time. After all, Emma was very beautiful, and she had nothing but beauty, and Nelson's military exploits protected her.

It wasn't until Nelson's wife appeared and the three lived together that public opinion almost tore her apart, and she became the heroine of the caricature.

Maybe someday Georgiana would be her too, but she wanted to have a little fun until that day came.

A lord's war and a maiden's love were poetry to the Gaelic, but she couldn't quite agree.

She believed in monsters, and felt that strength was needed to defeat monsters, but it was wrong for a lord to bully his subjects by force.

God, she lived like an ancient.

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