Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1955 Incomplete Knight (1)

The era of Corneille happened to be during the Thirty Years' War, when Gustav II, the "Lion of the North", led Switzerland to intervene in the civil war of the Holy Roman Empire.

Many refugees, many of them young men, fled Switzerland and Germany to Brittany.

A wizard named "Jack" was active in Bavaria, Trier and the Principality of Austria at that time. Like Jack the Ripper, he was never caught, and he was named Jack Kohler, and many of his followers were young male beggars.

Generally speaking, the church will help them through alms, but they don't accept them, and ordinary residents don't accept them either.

The land of Rouen has been washed by blood, and the war will undoubtedly bring disaster to the world. The reason why she was unwilling to sign the contract was not only for her own reasons, but also because Napoleon Bonaparte, like those powerful people, brought war to the common people.

The Roman Legion led by Caesar was an eagle flag, and she felt that she was more realistic than an unrealistic dream.

It is not difficult for her to live a poor life, but it also depends on whether the man she lives with is worth it.

"What are you thinking?" He asked suddenly.

"I'm thinking about the Prince of Wales." She put down Corneille's investigation report and looked at him. "Did he try to give up the throne for Maria?"

"Why do you think so?"

Because Windsor once gave up the throne for Mrs. Simpson, even though Britain was facing war at the time.

"How will he live without the throne?" Georgiana asked.

"Fitzherbert is a rich widow."

Georgiana suddenly realized.

"Tell me what you're thinking?" He seemed to have discovered something interesting, and asked with a malicious smile.

Intuition told her it was best not to tell him what she was thinking.

"Are you thinking about earning money to support me in the future?" He put down the official document in his hand.

"No." She immediately denied it.

He laughed out loud.

She was a little annoyed, but still didn't interrupt him.

It was a big change, more than personal, and she wasn't sure she could take on such a responsibility.

Then he came over and sat on the arm of the sofa where she was sitting.

"What did you talk to the archbishop about today?"

"The problem of family stability and harmony." She stared into his eyes and said, "Only when the family is stable can the society be stable. However, the income of many families has decreased, which affects the stability and harmony."

"What do you want?" he asked.

"First, plant more cider. Second, open up pastures to produce meat and dairy products. Third, roads should not be repaired blindly. He mentioned to me the example of Spain. After the road was repaired, it not only brought tourists, but also Bring the bandits."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Pioneering?"

"If possible, try not to easily send prisoners abroad." She whispered, "Sea transportation can also send them to overseas colonies."

He didn't speak.

"England wants to keep the existing borders, don't forget how the Second Coalition was concluded," she reminded.

"Is this what you asked me to do before?"

she recalled.

"In the library, you said to me, 'Leon, can I make a request'."

He imitated her words vividly, and she was so angry that she wanted to scratch him.

"I thought you were thinking of sending some pictures to Rouen."

"If there is a war, the paintings in the art gallery will be taken away. Do you think I should share the precious paintings with them?"

He stopped talking again.

"Everywhere you go, you go to the highlands to check. What do you think Rouen's defense should be?" she asked again.

"Are you really interested or is it just an excuse?"

"I will not wear expensive jewelry without the power to bind chickens. Also too much treasure, if Rouen does not have the ability to protect himself, it will also bring them pain and disaster. Compared with those details ..."

"Which leg did you hide the dagger on?" he asked suddenly.

She glared at him.

"The Prince of Wales said that Mary's beauty is coquettish and soul-stirring." His hand began to touch her leg. "Where did you hide the dagger?"

"What do you think of me? I'm that flirtatious too?" she asked.

She felt that he didn't hear what she said at all, and he was obviously out of his mind.

"I don't support polygamy, Leon, if you were by the canal that day..."

"Is he nice to you?" he asked again.

"Most of the time, he sticks with me," she replied. "Only a few issues does he argue with me."

"Am I a minority problem?" he asked.

Given that the current First Consul, the future Emperor is a Muggle, she said "Yes."

"What does he think of me?"

"He didn't say anything." Georgiana replied, because for them in the 20th century, these people are ancient people in history.

"Then why are you arguing?" he asked again.

"It's about your kind, the non-magical kind," she said. "Do you remember medieval witch hunts?"

He withdrew his hand and stood up.

"The person who put the shackles on me is a purger. People like him are very dangerous. Don't think that he is loyal to you because he is working for you now."

"What are you trying to do with me?" He asked again.

She was dumbfounded.

"You want me to be a man, nothing else?" he went on.

"You may think I'm crazy, but I really think so." She said with a wry smile, "Some issues can be avoided until the big issues are resolved, but someone told me today that the Northern Court still uses customary law, Disregarding the clauses in the code will become a problem in the future."

"anything else?"

"I'm not snitching. Anyway, you can't forget women's opinions." She said in vain, thinking that no one would listen.

"You don't want to be free?" he asked.

"If everyone is free, everyone will be hurt. I think freedom should be limited." She said calmly, "We are all equal before God, because we have no difference before him. As long as there is difference, we will be equal." There will be discrimination, and then there will be inequalities."

He stared at her.

"Do you know why I give you so much freedom instead of controlling you like Josephine?" He said in a low voice, "That's why."

"Don't give me too much freedom, Severus also gave me freedom, but look at me." She looked at herself dressed luxuriously, "I have become a woman who climbs power."

"The Prince of Wales has tortured himself to such an extent that he hoped that Fitzherbert would stay, but she still insisted on leaving. I think if I were like the Prince of Wales, you wouldn't bother with me, would you?"

She didn't answer.

"A lot of people say you are Helen of Troy, they are complimenting your beauty, but I think you are really Helen, a city will be destroyed because of you." He sighed helplessly, "Don't say like Grassini just go."

"I won't……"

"This is not the first time for you. Last time you disappeared suddenly, and if it wasn't for Lucien, would you have left too?" He interrupted her again.

She couldn't argue this time.

"You women are really cruel, maybe only Nelson's Emma."

"Didn't Nelson abandon his original wife? And that horrible threesome." She stood up. "Emma and his wife live in the same house at the same time!"

He laughed. "Looks like we have a lot in common, 'Lucky Cook'."

Enraged, she didn't hit him, even though he deserved a slap.

"I told you that day, how did you treat me and how did I treat England? What do I look like, am I as handsome as him?"

"What?" she said in surprise.

"A dozen prime ministers." He laughed alone, laughing at jokes that no one understood.

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