Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1954 queen of airu0026darkness (6)

What Corneille hid in the alcove was not forbidden books. Although many literati in that era had them, what he collected were some prints. To be precise, they were some leaflets circulated in the Brittany area at that time. They were all prints. It is printed in the same way, but the content of the painting is not to promote humanities and popular science.

A veela is a sort of water nymph who dances in the moonlight on a midsummer night in tulle and transforms into a bird's head when angry, with a cluster of scaled wings growing from its shoulders.

The harpy has the face and breasts of a girl, and the rest are birds. They have lovely hair, bird feathers covering the non-human areas, human arms and legs, and sharp claws on the hands and feet. They are called swift marauders, thirsty hounds, and hunters of the sky. In Homer's epic of the eighth century BC, they are the ones who kidnap the daughters of Panterius and deliver them to the Nemesis.

They are the elves of the strong wind. When they are hungry, they will look haggard, and after a full meal, they will restore the delicate and delicate skin of a girl.

Compared with the colorful Venetian school, Florence is actually better at sketching.

Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts on dissecting cadavers are basically all sketches, and rarely seen in color, even red muscles.

The engravings of the horrific aftermath of the harpy attack were black and white, as was the Virgin of Harpy, which made Georgiana feel a little better, looking at them by candlelight.

If Mary holding the Son represents holy maternal love, then the harpies represent the other side of women, such as cruelty, jealousy, revenge and so on.

Mary with a harpy base can be understood as Mary suppressing the dark part of her nature with maternal love, or as the Church's victory over paganism.

There was another explanation, but she wouldn't say it, because it was a secret she kept in an alcove, even in a tomb.

Altars, like niches, are also recessed. Women shouldn't take Goddess worship seriously. What men worship is a phantom, which doesn't exist in reality.

It is impossible for a person not to eat, and it is impossible for a person to conceive without original sin like Mary.

She seems to understand how the world is going on.

This is by no means a paradise, because they are sinners who have committed the original sin, and still retain their appetite and love.

The author of Our Lady of Harpi, Andrea del Sarto, whose real name is Andrea Dagliolo, is an important representative of the Florentine school of painting.

In the Florentine school of painting, which is dominated by sketches, he is good at creating colors and atmospheres. After the three masters of the Renaissance left Florence, he became a leader compared with Raphael, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo. His representative altarpieces can be seen in magazines in many places.

Georgiana remembered the Madeleine Church near the Place de la Concorde in Paris, which was more like an ancient Greek temple than a church.

At first, Napoleon repaired it for military use, and later Louis XVIII converted it into a Catholic church. As one of the landmarks of Paris, it has been published in many travel magazines, including the sculptures on the shrine, with several angels circled at the feet of Mary with outstretched arms.

Angels also have wings like harpsichords, but angels don't hunt like harpsichords, and blow up the wind as they please, and of course they don't fall because of love, marry and have children with human men and women.

In addition to being a lawyer for the Admiralty in Rouen, Corneille was also a lawyer for the forest affairs of the royal family.

The poster tells that there are several harpies hiding in the Wangjia Mizusawa Forest, and they are the ones who caused the abnormal weather.

This book contains his investigative records. After Louis XIV issued an amnesty banning witchcraft trials, Corneille could no longer take it to Paris. Similarly, it cannot be placed outside the bookshelf. Corneille is not only a story writer, but also a lawyer who emphasizes evidence to decide cases. He cannot write the content of the story into the case file, otherwise the cases he has handled in the past twenty years All have to be re-examined.

He could choose to destroy it, but he hid it, waiting for someone to discover it one day.

The next door is a neighbor, how could the sound of flapping wings come through the wall.

After returning to the wizarding world from Harry Potter, Halloween is not peaceful every year. The first year is a troll, the second year is a basilisk and the blood on the wall, the third year is a dementor, and the fourth year everyone Busy with the Triwizard Tournament, and then Cedric died. Halloween in the fifth year was relatively peaceful, but Sirius died, in the sixth year it was Albus' turn, in the seventh year...

She felt itchy in her palm, raised her head and found that Leon was scratching her palm.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm bored, chat with me." He said arrogantly.

"I'm very busy now." She lowered her head and wanted to continue reading the information.

"I'm also very busy during the day, you make me not concentrate."

"So you want me to distract you now?" she asked in disbelief.

He breathed a sigh of relief and put his arms behind the chair.

"Did you know that the Prince of Wales almost killed himself because of Fitzherbert?"

"What!" she said in surprise.

"The English Channel is so narrow, how can it stop his love? His love letters followed Maria to Europe, and when he wasn't writing letters, he would roll around in the palace, scratching his hair. It's been like this for a whole year , he made up his mind to make a break, he wrote a 43-page love letter to Maria, you are my soul, my life, my everything, I will not be 'your husband' until I die would give up, without you, how can my soul get a moment of peace, think, my life is in your hands, think that you should not hesitate for a moment, go home, go back to England, let me become To be the happiest man in the world, if you hesitate, then I will know that you are extremely cold-blooded, completely disregarding the suffering I have suffered and the humiliation I have suffered among my friends."

"Did he write it or did you say it?" asked Georgiana.

"That's what he wrote, not what I wrote."

"Then don't talk about it." She said cautiously.

"Your sleeping appearance is quite ugly. When you turn over, the quilt will fall to the ground, and your legs are exposed from the loose nightgown, just like the legs of those plaster statues, but the difference is that you are alive and soft. "

"When did this happen?"

"On the day I picked you up from Luxembourg, you wiped your saliva after getting up."

She was a little annoyed, but she was still patient, "I thought you were sitting in a chair and reading documents."

"I can't concentrate, princess. Actually, Marie Antoinette also has a bedroom in St. Luke's, but I chose the king's suite instead."

She didn't answer, it was a dangerous subject.

"When the morning light shines on you, I think it's a godsend. You won't wake up so soon. I lay next to you. I feel like I'm in heaven. Then you wake up and say nothing. Ken was wearing tights, and when you got into the carriage you asked me what I was thinking at the time, I didn’t think about anything, I just thought that you didn’t wear anything underneath.”

"do not talk."

"You are indeed not as plump as them."

She covered her ears.

"Get up quickly, little slob, look at the rose, covered with crystal clear morning dew, and see the magic power cast by the goddess of dawn, layer upon layer, full of new light."

She looked at him suspiciously, but he kept looking at her.

"Put your hands down."

"You are not allowed to say obscene words like you did just now."

He shook his head.

"You made me a filth, what do you think I can say about decent things?"

"You're not like that." She said tearfully, "I messed up everything."

"Let me tell you that the Prince of Wales almost committed suicide. He would do anything to get Maria. At that time, the dagger was stabbed in the chest, and it was only a fingernail that pierced the heart. As long as Maria does not look at it during the recovery period Him, he tore off the gauze, and the blood continued to flow out, which is said to be terrifying." He smiled and said, "Has your husband ever done something similar?"

She didn't answer.

"Yes, right?"

"He did lose a lot of blood."

But not for me.

She added in her heart.

"The snow-white sheets were covered with the blood of the Hanoverian family. The prince is a comedian, but he is not good at acting tragedies. Anyway, Maria was not moved by that scene, and planned to leave instead. The prince grabbed a ring and put it on On her finger, she didn't take it off right away, probably because she was afraid that the Prince of Wales would make a bigger incident, and then she left the UK along Dover overnight, and the prince's love letter came after him." He said. He sneered and said, "You also told me that you are leaving Paris. I think it would be wise for you to go at that time, but I told you that you are not allowed to go anywhere. Today I said it again, it is too close to England. Now, if I want to chase you, I can only fight across the strait."

"Why don't you try love letters like the Prince of Wales?"

"I tried, did you call me back?"

"You told me, my response distracted you."

"If I wrote it, would you come back like Maria?"

She looked at him incredulously.

"Next year in Portugal, if he doesn't come to pick you up, you will completely forget about him." He put a piece of paper on the table, "Sign it before then."

She unfolded the paper that looked like it had been crumpled many times.

On it is her handwriting.

Would you still love me if I wasn't young and beautiful?

Would you still love me if I had nothing?

This is what she wrote at will.

"How did you have this?"

"Look down." He commanded sternly.

She saw the position of the signature, which had already signed Napoleon Bonaparte's name, using the font he signed on official documents, and the "N" was very gorgeous and eye-catching.

"I can not……"

"You are a free woman, you can sign a contract for yourself." He said indifferently, "Or do you want to wait for him to come back and let him decide for you?"

"Don't be so unreasonable." She shook her head.

"The peace treaty between countries can be torn up, what are you afraid of?" he sarcastically.

She glared at him.

"You are perfunctory. I asked you if you were jealous before."

"I don't."

"I can feel it! Are you lying to me too?" He slapped the table with a loud bang.

She lifted the hem of her skirt and stuck the dagger hidden on the outside of her thigh on the table.

"When I said I was going to kill those women, I didn't feel anything." She said calmly, "Whether it's guilt, fear or something else, I think this is the mood of a person who can really kill someone. It's not like that, many people say I'm a sympathetic person. If you want to feel that overwhelming jealousy, I don't think you can get it from me. I'm that kind of person, Severus said However, I will always keep a little sense, so he will announce the divorce when we are about to go on an adventure, he is punishing me in that way, but he regretted it halfway through."

"Did he think it was a child's play and regret it?"

"I will not sign this kind of contract casually, because if I sign it, I will abide by it. You have to give me time to think about it."

He stood up, pacing around Corneille's study in a fit of rage.

"It's the same when you're with the Pope."

"What are you mentioning him for now?"

"You have to control your emotions!" She also stood up, "Don't be so impetuous, have you forgotten how you suffered a loss last time?"

"You have set a trap for me!" he yelled angrily.

She calmed down and thought about how to deal with this guy.

But before she could figure out the result, he rushed over, held her face and kissed her.

It reminded her of the first kiss in a carriage with two policemen inside who ignored him, one of them being Fouché, who killed many people in Lyon during the Reign of Terror.

"Are you afraid?" she asked.

"I should have taken Josephine," he whispered. "I love her."

She didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"She is more real than you, and you are illusory." He added, "Tell me what exactly you want?"

Jewelry, a house, nice clothes?

She didn't need it, even Severus got her the cherished olfactory weed, as well as his acceptance letter.

In a way, she really is like a monster.

"I want a bracelet where I can hide my wand," she said softly. "I can't wear gloves all the time."

"Just these?"

"So far." She twisted his nose. "I want to see how the Urk Canal is being repaired when I go back."

He obediently agreed.

Now she suddenly understands why so many women regard love as a sharp weapon, while he is so guarded against women.

"I think you will become a man who understands righteousness." She pinched his collar and said, "You can ignore those red tapes and noble etiquette, understand?"

"They told me that they have prepared two venues. If Josephine comes with me, the reception will be held at the Opera House." He said indifferently, "When you come, it will be held at the Art Museum."

"Where it's held I don't care."

"Don't you think the Rouen Museum of Art has very little collection? How about some from the Louvre?"

She didn't speak.

"Rouen was the center of opera in Corneille's time, but he still went to Paris." He turned around and sat on the table. "Do you want to redecorate this place?"

"Block that wall." She pointed to the alcove where the secret was discovered. "Use wooden boards."

"And what else?" he continued.

"Why should I decorate the museum?" She asked inexplicably.

"Why did you board it?" he asked.

"It's a secret." After she finished speaking, she explained, "It's not that I won't tell you, but..."

"This is Corneille's secret." He said quickly.

"Yes, that's what it means," she replied.

"There is also a secret passage in an exhibition room in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, in a corner of the Hall of the Five Hundred, formerly the studio of Francesco I de' Medici." He suddenly introduced like a tour guide, "The door of the secret passage is hidden behind a mural. It was carved out of the stone wall in the Middle Ages. It exits a small door on the side of the old palace. This narrow secret passage can The Grand Duke and his family can flee when the enemy invades."

"Why are you mentioning this?" She asked inexplicably.

"Secret." He jumped off the table with a smile, "Let's go."

"Wait." She said in a panic, collecting all the information on the table.

Bonaparte did not wait for her at all, and left whistling.

Like an Italian hooligan.

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